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New Pedersoli Civil War arms line

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  • #46
    Re: New Pedersoli Civil War arms line

    Say you have someone interested in doing "Civil War reenacting" and joins a mainstream group like most of us here did. They see high-priced gear and say 'gee, why buy that when a cheaper frock is available at skinner sutler X and I can still do this hobby'. Economic times are rough, people don't have as much disposable income as in years past, so why not? That is why most people that are interested in the hobby still stick with the cheaper alternative. Mind you, they are also doing this hobby and dealing with what issues you talk about above. To be authentic, you have to want to be 'in for a penny or pound' and know why you are doing it over settling for a lesser impression. That is why economics of doing the authentic-side of the hobby control how many people do this end of the hobby.
    Yes, I see what you are saying and you are probably right. In other words, if my choice is playing golf using a Walmart set of clubs or a custom set of Muzuno clubs many people will opt to still play and use the Walmart clubs.

    Steve Sheldon


    • #47
      Re: New Pedersoli Civil War arms line

      Originally posted by john duffer View Post
      What can anyone can do about it beyond loaner gear and the normal laws of supply and demand?
      They can just do what I've done and acquire an authentic kit one piece slowly at a time. I've been Civil War reenacting since I was 16. I am now 26 and I just barely acquired an authentic Federal great coat. Yes, it has taken me 10 years to reach this point and I'm not even done yet; I still need a Federal frock coat. Sure, I could've taken a shortcut but I value the authentically reproduced and accurate gear and uniforms and I don't want to do it any other way so I don't compromise my values (as far as CW reenacting is concerned) and take a shortcut. I exercise patience and save up the money so I can buy each item. I have never broken my bank to get any of these things because I've been patient and saved up the money to do it. This is 100% possible for others to do, in my opinion, but it is hard to overcome the desire to buy everything at the same moment rather than go without until you can afford it.
      Kenny Pavia
      24th Missouri Infantry


      • #48
        Re: New Pedersoli Civil War arms line

        Somehow, we all seem to scope the participation of our hobbies to the available discreationary income and time. And somewhere we make the commitment to the level we wish to take them and how we are going to get there. We make an acceptance of time.
        I've bought the mainstreamer stuff as it allowed me to be quickly outfitted, provided me some autonomy and allowed me to see how serious I was going to get. That gear is now in the loaner sack to help uniform the fish while they recieve encouragement to get the good stuff the first time.
        I've purchased the drill manuals but found that thats just the start for the mental side which is just as important as getting the right gear. There is also care and feeding of yourself and your equipment, the history of various battles, history of commanders and politicians, history of the common man in the ranks before and during the conflict, cause and effect of this conflict. I try to practice this and pass it.
        As Ken has mentioned above, its a journey. This community, a subset of a larger one, has higher level commitment to get it right.
        Mike Stein
        Remuddeled Kitchen Mess

