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Letter from former slave to former master.

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  • Letter from former slave to former master.

    Letter from former slave to former master. Didn't see this elsewhere, so thought I'd post it.

    A former slave writes to his old owner and tells him to get stuffed
    Jim Page

    "Boys, Follow Me!"--Colonel William Bowen Campbell
    1st Regiment of Tennesse Volunteers (1846-1847)

    "Weeping in solitude for the fallen brave is better than the presence of men too timid to strike for their country"--Motto embroidered on the flag of the 1st Regiment of Tennessee Volunteers and presented by the Nashville Female Academy (June, 1846).

  • #2
    Re: Letter from former slave to former master.

    My first question was how did the colonel know where Jourdan was in order to write him a letter? It would be pretty tough to keep track of an ex-slave who had moved to Ohio after the war.
    Michael Comer
    one of the moderator guys


    • #3
      Re: Letter from former slave to former master.

      It does seem a bit contrived. But if the turn of events did occur it would have been a great response. It at least made for good reading.
      David Parent

      The Cracker Mess
      MLK Mess
      Black Hat Boys

      Veterans would tell of Sherman's ordering a flanking movement and instructing a subordinate how to report his progress: "See here Cox, burn a few barns occasionally, as you go along. I can't understand those signal flags, but I know what smoke means"

