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A well deserved thank you.

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  • A well deserved thank you.

    I've lurked around the forums here for quite some time now without posting. I started reenacting about 8 years ago, and after about 3 years, I kinda lost interest. I was (and am currently) with a mainstream unit. They are really good fellows, and while not 100% authentic, they are not a farb fest either. I think I lost interest because i felt like we as a group weren't growing. I am of the opinion that in this particular hobby, growing is more than more muskets in the ranks. I believe that growing, also includes, working towards the most authentic representation you can present. Anyway, after about 3 years I slowly began to sale off my gear and withdraw from the hobby. It's been 5 years now and I'm think I'm ready to take the field again, and try to honor the memory of those men who donned the blue and the gray, and I have the Authentic Campaigner to thank. Because of my lurking and reading the articles and topics here, I realized that even in a fantasy land of too many cheifs (bad officer impressions) and not enough indians (bad impressions all around) that I can make a difference. My willingness and effort to be more progressive, can influence and motivate my mess mates. When I fall in wearing proper brogans and uniforms, or carrying the proper leathers and period personal items and the guys around me start asking questions and oohing and ahhing over the quality, that is my oportunity to influence and point them in the right direction. If my efforts only influence 1 or 2 guys, then I've done proper justice for the men of the actual period...especially if those 1 or 2 guys take what they've learned and each of them influence a couple more people themselves. I know that it's a slow and trying process, but i don't think it's impossible. I know that we'll never reach 100%, but that should always be our goal.

    Again, i just wanted to say thank you to the Authentic Campaigner community. You ladies and gentlemen, are difference makers, and your work and research is not wasted. I recommend the site to everone I know that is interested in the period, whether they are part of the hobby or not. There is much to be gleaned from the pages here, even if it's just for general interest and knowledge.

    With the highest respect,
    Chris Graves

  • #2
    Re: A well deserved thank you.

    Thanks Chris. Your post was a little ray of sunshine for me.
    Michael Comer
    one of the moderator guys


    • #3
      Re: A well deserved thank you.

      Welcome to the darkside Chris. Now that you are here and lifted the veil, I think you see that we are more in line with what one expects of the hobby than what you hear from the detractors.
      Robert Collett
      8th FL / 13th IN
      Armory Guards


      • #4
        Re: A well deserved thank you.

        Thanks for the post. I’ve been around this hobby for 15 years now, 10 of those years being an active participant (chump change to some of these folks). I’ve been through periods where I lived and breathed this stuff, and other times where real aspects of life became more important. It’s easy to become complacent, I think, when you’ve done this for a while. I’ve honestly been thinking about how much easier it would be for me to sell off all of my gear and not try to juggle the hobby anymore. But, I can’t bring myself to do it. I think that I would miss it too much, even though I have come to dread so much about it these days. Between vacation time, travel costs, what events to attend and with who, the several thousand dollars in uniforms and equipment that I have (some of which hasn’t seen the field in years!), and that excited feeling I get before an event only to come home miserable feeling like I’ve done that same event 20 times, really makes me question why I continue to hold on to the hobby.

        Your post, however, really was a breath of fresh air. I’m glad that, after all this time, you were able to find your passion for the hobby again. Your words were simple, genuine, and inspiring. It appears that you will enjoy your hobby the way you want to and on your own terms, all-the-while making it better for yourself and your friends. At least, that’s the way I interpreted it. It really got me thinking about all of the simple aspects that I used to love about the hobby: wearing the funny wool clothes, traveling to beautiful areas of the country, hanging out with my friends around the campfire, and getting just a little taste of what those fellows did.

        It’s nice to hear that someone actually comes to this site still to learn and to get involved with the hobby rather than be cynical and disgruntled like myself.

        Thanks, Chris.
        Jim Conley

        Member, Civil War Trust

        "The 'right' events still leave much to be desired." - Patrick Lewis


        • #5
          Re: A well deserved thank you.

          I am in the same boat as Chris, and had the same experiences. I can honestly say in the past several weeks I have learned things I never knew (and I thought I knew it all) from this forum and have read these posts religiously. I too would like to say thanks to all here. What you guys and gals do truly makes a difference.

          Evan Ellis
          [I][B]Evan McConnell Ellis[/B][/I]

          [I]Proud descendent of:
          Captain Moses Beck, Beck's Missouri Defenders (KIA Ashley, Mo. 1862)
          1LT Alanson Dawdy, Co. I, 18 Texas Cavalry
          Captain John M. Uhls, Co. C., 24th Tennessee Infantry (MW Shiloh, Tn. 1862)[/I]


          • #6
            Re: A well deserved thank you.

            Thank you so much for your post! A ray of sunshine, indeed!
            John Wickett
            Former Carpetbagger
            Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)

