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How hot were you at an event?

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  • How hot were you at an event?

    Now that we have discussed how cold we have been, what event was so hot that you have a fond memory of it ;) I should disqualify Manassas, as that was quite unreal.
    Frank Perkin

  • #2
    Re: How hot were you at an event?

    I would have to say a local event in IL. In about 2006, it was about 100 degrees. I remember that one gentleman got heatstroke in the battle and had to . I was rather warm at that time .
    Philip D. Brening
    Austin's Battalion of sharpshooters Co.A

    "Somebody put water in my boots" Pvt. John D. Timmermanm
    3rd New York Cavalry


    • #3
      Re: How hot were you at an event?

      Well if you rule out Manassas then I really can't say. And I live in Florida
      Last edited by toptimlrd; 02-28-2012, 11:12 PM.
      Robert Collett
      8th FL / 13th IN
      Armory Guards


      • #4
        Re: How hot were you at an event?

        Manassas decisively took the title from Corinth, 2005. However this pic says it all:

        Yours truly is mopping his brow in the foreground.
        Bob Muehleisen
        Furious Five
        Cin, O.


        • #5
          Re: How hot were you at an event?

          Well Manassas but besides that the only other that comes to mind would be Cramptons Gap in 2010. Well until the rainstorm which then I shivered from being wet at night with no blanket.

          Jeremy Bevard
          Civil War Digital Digest
          Sally Port Mess


          • #6
            Re: How hot were you at an event?

            Manassas 1986 watched a guy die.
            Perryville 1984 I about died.
            Vicksburg 2007 the rat died.
            Manassas 2011 glad nobody died.

            All 100 degrees plus.
            Last edited by Matt Woodburn; 02-28-2012, 09:54 PM.
            Matt Woodburn
            Retired Big Bug
            Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
            "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


            • #7
              Re: How hot were you at an event?

              Manassas is first. While not really an event, the filming of the Wilson's Creek movie by Wide Awake during a good old Missouri August followed by the Vicksburg one in 2007.
              Michael Comer
              one of the moderator guys


              • #8
                Re: How hot were you at an event?

                Probably the WIG Chickamauga LH back in '06 or '07.Part of it was my fault for not hydrating before the event (remember kids,always drink plenty of water before an event).Sat night I was feeling so horrible from the heat,I laid down and passed out.I was later told I was so out of it,I looked dead.Glad I didn't.

                Also Richmond,KY 04.My mess had been chosen to act as forward skirmishers.We were ordered to lay down as someone gave a pre-battle history talk to the public.Even though the talk lasted 30 minutes,to me it seemed like 5 minutes (what happened to the other 25 minutes?).One of my friends said he could see the sweat fall from his brow and hit his rifle in slow motion,and another was so sweaty after the battle when he ringed the sweat out of his shirt,it looked as though he had dunked into a bucket of water.Another guy had to go to the hospital for dehydration.
                Cullen Smith
                South Union Guard

                "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake"~W.C. Fields

                "When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water."~Michaleen Flynn [I]The Quiet Man[/I]


                • #9
                  Re: How hot were you at an event?

                  Which Manassas are you disqualifying? I was at the 125th and it cured me of doing another. Many people down and out.
                  Jim Mayo
                  Portsmouth Rifles, Company G, 9th Va. Inf.

                  CW Show and Tell Site


                  • #10
                    Re: How hot were you at an event?

                    Athens, Missourah 2002. Portal of Hades man, Portal of Hades. It was less hot in the open, than under the tree canopy.

                    2011's ManBullNassas and 2007's Landrum-RatsBurg are up there too.
                    Herb Coats
                    Armory Guards &


                    • #11
                      Re: How hot were you at an event?

                      Aside from Manassas '11?
                      Manassas '01... I was more miserable in '01 than in '11.
                      Vicksburg '07... but it was the chiggers that made it bad, not the heat. Ever have a chigger bite in the place between unmentionable places? I have. Great event, though.

                      Was surprised to see a Perryville event listed! That '84 event was probably close to the conditions during the battle. I've been frozen and half-drowned at Perryville, but never roasted.

                      As Eric Fair would say...
                      Who wouldn't be a soldier!
                      John Wickett
                      Former Carpetbagger
                      Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                      • #12
                        Re: How hot were you at an event?

                        The Port Gibson Death March.
                        John Duffer
                        Independence Mess
                        "There lies $1000 and a cow."


                        • #13
                          Re: How hot were you at an event?

                          140th Anniversary of Taps at Harrison's Landing. 100's plus humidity. Candles melted. Geese pooped. And, it was hot 24/7. Sunset just meant someone turned the oven light off.
                          [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
                          Past President Potomac Legion
                          Long time member Columbia Rifles
                          Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


                          • #14
                            Re: How hot were you at an event?

                            [QUOTE=Coatsy;219219]Athens, Missourah 2002. Portal of Hades man, Portal of Hades. It was less hot in the open, than under the tree canopy.

                            Portal of Hell I think tops it all, followed by last July in Va.
                            Wm Green :D
                            Illegitimi non carborundum
                            (Don’t let the bastards grind you down!)

                            Dreaming of the following and other events

                            Picket Post

                            The like to do a winter camp.....hint hint...


                            • #15
                              Re: How hot were you at an event?

                              The last Merrillville a few years ago. Spent most of the weekend soaking in the lake. Didn't matter to the visitors much, since there weren't any. A huge thunderstorm closed it down Sunday afternoon - thank God!
                              [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4][FONT=Verdana]Bob Dispenza[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
                              [COLOR=Navy]US Naval Landing Party ([url][/url][/COLOR]
                              [COLOR=SeaGreen]Navy and Marine Living History Association ([url][/url][/COLOR]

                              "The publick give credit for feat of arms, but the courage which is required for them, cannot compare with that which is needed to bear patiently, not only the thousand annoyances but the total absence of everything that makes life pleasant and even worth living." - Lt. Percival Drayton, on naval blockade duty.

                              "We have drawn the Spencer Repeating Rifle. It is a 7 shooter, & a beautiful little gun. They are charged to us at $30.00. 15 of which we have to pay."
                              William Clark Allen, Company K, 72nd Indiana Volunteers, May 17, 1863

