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"Could you Survive the 1860s" MSN news feature

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  • #31
    Re: "Could you Survive the 1860s" MSN news feature

    I think they bungled the first one:

    "Could you survive without free delivery of this item? If you lived before 1863, you'd have to."

    Their answer is "mail." What? Correct me if I'm wrong, but my whole life has been lived after 1863 (except for certain rare moments at reenactments), and I sure haven't noticed free delivery of any mail I've ever sent or received. Seems to me there's the little matter of a stamp involved, or some other sort of postage--which all costs money. Nothing free about that!
    [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Pat Hutchins[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman]Co. H, 4th U.S. Inf.
    "Sykes' Regulars"[/FONT]

    "The Fates might be against him, but he would show them that he still had a will of his own, by God!"--[I]Commodore Hornblower[/I]


    • #32
      Re: "Could you Survive the 1860s" MSN news feature

      Yes I do agrre it was poorly written. There where questions that more than one responce could be given. The one that mail was the correct respone, one could have said pizza and still be correct since it was not developed in untill 1889 and not imported to this country till the end of the 1800's early 1900's. It does make it hard to get someting for free that has not been invented. Most of the questions where that way.
      Charles Felthousen
      A CO 7th NY CAVALRY
      DEPT OF VA


      • #33
        Re: "Could you Survive the 1860s" MSN news feature

        As one of 11 children, and the daughter of an Alabama "Sharecropper" growing up in Alabama in the sixties, I did survive without a lot of the things that were mentioned, I learned to cook on a wood stove, washed clothes on an old sometimes unreliabe wringer type washing machine, worked cotton fields 12 hours a day, churned butter, milked cows, went hungry a lot of time, helped mama make lye soap, milked cows before school, I think I could survive better than whoever made up this little quiz, maybe they should try living in the real world.
        1st MS Partisan Rangers


        • #34
          Re: "Could you Survive the 1860s" MSN news feature

          I have but one thing to say about this quiz. WHAT!!!! Was anybody else as confused as I was? I took the quiz out of pure curiousity and the answers were just a bit out of this universe, along with the questions themselves. Heck, I only got 3 right. I guess I would have died in the 1860s. I hope this was meant as a cruel joke for someone. :confused_

          Phillip Lasseter
          32 Miss Infantry


          • #35
            Re: "Could you Survive the 1860s" MSN news feature

            I may be late for this but I just took it...and Am disapointed.

            What that to see if I could have survived the 1860's or can modernly twist my brain around those questions and their bad wording?

            Someone else mentioned it but Mail is not free, and it is 141 years after 1863....
            Pizza, well didnt become what it is today untill Ellis Island period upuntill the 1950's.

            I completely didnt get the Milk one....

            I scored a 2 out of 8

            Andrew Stebbins


            • #36
              Re: "Could you Survive the 1860s" MSN news feature

              According to them I would not live long drinking milk straight from the cow and running to the Kitchen four times a day to use the bathroom. :o
              Doug Harding
              <table width="100%"><td width="230">[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]</td><td align="left" valign="top">Beir bua agus beannacht
              Douglas A. Harding
              Park Ranger
              Jefferson National Expansion Memorial

              "Secure the shadow, ere the substance fade."
              "Let nature copy that, which nature made."

              Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam
              [I]A country without a language, a county without a soul. [/I]
              Céad míle fáilte
              [I]A hundred thousand welcomes![/I]

              [URL=""][B]Star of the West Society[/B][/URL]
              [URL=""][B]Doug Harding's Living History Friends[/B][/URL]
              [URL=""][B]The Old Confederate Guard[/B] [/URL]</td></table>


              • #37
                Re: "Could you Survive the 1860s" MSN news feature

                I got half of them right :p

                Hampton Cokeley

                Private for life

                The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina



                • #38
                  Re: "Could you Survive the 1860s" MSN news feature

                  Originally posted by Clark Badgett
                  I find some of their "facts" in error.
                  So did I ... Especially #3 -- I was thinking like a country mouse with a milk cow on the place and not a town mouse dependent upon milk delivery. Of course without pasteurization or refrigeration milk would hardly survive much of a delivery trip ... But in the 1860s more people lived in the country and owned their own cows.
                  "the regulars always do well, and seldom get any credit, not belonging to any crowd of voters"

                  Darrell Cochran
                  Third U.S. Regular Infantry

