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Just a friendly piece of advice

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  • #16
    Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

    I was just asking old man Wicket about you! I thank you for your loyal patronage and friendship. Do you still take the field every so often?
    Joseph Hofmann


    • #17
      Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

      I got out about 10 or so years ago and like a fool sold everything off to fund my newly aquired tournament bass fishing habit. Just getting back in now and there are a few things I regret selling. I had a beautiful CS frock, all hand done, fit perfectly. I can't for the life of me remember who made it, but I sold it.....wish I never had.

      The only good think is now that I am 10 years older and much more mature with a good job I can at least afford better gear than before, and I know I can purchase once instead of buying something from sutlers row and having to replace it. If I can just figure a way to convince my wife that I never sold my gear I wont get in trouble :)
      Scott Sheets
      Joliet, IL

      36th Illinois
      Dirty Shirts


      • #18
        Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

        Yea, the old "battle axe" does have a way of mucking up the works, don't she? Some foolishness about new living room furniture instead of new kit. She just does not go along with the old song..."Make your hubby happy, Make your hobby hubby, When he's a little chubby, He's a happy pappy........oh well.

        Still married Skillet
        Joseph Hofmann


        • #19
          Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

          That blouse was the first "big purchase" for me heading into the authentic realm! So a belated thanks for that! Me and my pards kinda hung around you most of Pennypacker as I recall haha The good ol days! That coat has been through the ringer over hte years, suppose it falls into that realm of a "collectors item repro" chatted about not long ago!

          [SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Matt Mickletz[/FONT][/SIZE]

          [SIZE=4][SIZE=3][/SIZE][FONT=Garamond][COLOR="#800000"][/COLOR][I]Liberty Rifles[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]


          • #20
            Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

            That coat is one of the very 1st "Bully Buys" ever way back when. It was called "The Sack Coat Project". I remember one guy who is deathly allergic to cats, opened his box and went into a drooling seizure from the supposed cat hair on the coat...quite a broo haha. The 1st ever Bully Buy if I recall correctly were Mickey Black socks.

            I remember you young scamps playing "grab ass" hardcore all weekend. The battle began and one guy said something like "maybe we should join in", the rest of you gave him a look like "W/T/F are you kidding?" You were first rate second rate coffee boilers in those days!
            Joseph Hofmann


            • #21
              Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

              I recall doing that on a few occasions, that is, selling something off my back to one who needed it when I was sold out an event. I sold my trousers and elastic suspenders once and walked down to the Lomas boys tent in my skivvies and borrowed a pair o' pants for the rest of the weekend.
              Joseph Hofmann


              • #22
                Re: Just a friendly piece of advice


                My PO still remembers me as 'the lady who sent big boxes to somebody up north named Skillet'.

                I walked a good piece of land today and sited camps and water and such. It's land you know. Get you up some overalls and lets go.
                Terre Hood Biederman
                Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                • #23
                  Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

                  When I get called "Honey" I come a-runnin'! If'n there is some biscuits and red eye gravy to go along with that "Honey" why then, I'll move all the faster!

                  Where you at? Maryland event?

                  Joseph Hofmann


                  • #24
                    Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

                    Good advice indeed. I have gear that I bought in 1969 that I'm still using, though mostly for North-South Skirmishing.
                    Gil Davis Tercenio

                    "A man with a rifle is a citizen; a man without one is merely a subject." - the late Mark Horton, Captain of Co G, 28th Ala Inf CSA, a real hero


                    • #25
                      Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

                      Originally posted by JerseySkilletLicker View Post
                      When I get called "Honey" I come a-runnin'! If'n there is some biscuits and red eye gravy to go along with that "Honey" why then, I'll move all the faster!

                      Where you at? Maryland event?


                      Nawsir. This is above the Mason-Dixon. It's taken me awhile to get home, as my Driving License isn't good up there.
                      Terre Hood Biederman
                      Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                      Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                      ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                      • #26
                        Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

                        Agreed, I took a break from the hobby for about ten years but never got rid of my traps. I am very glad of than now, what did need replacing is better and makes for a better impression.

                        Greg Henderson


                        • #27
                          Re: Just a friendly piece of advice

                          Hi Folks,

                          I see that I am potentially resurrecting an old thread, but I read these today and found them very relevant. Suffice it to say that for the third time now in my life I am re-entering the hobby after a brief semi-retirement. Like many people, I got into all of this years ago when I joined the local artillery unit in Northern Arizona in the mid-90s and then fell out of it during the college years. Then, in my mid-late 20s I joined one of the best units in the West, the 1st Texas Inf and got back into the hobby with moderate attendance through 2011. Earlier this year, I made the difficult decision to sell off most (but not all) of my gear and take a time out to attend to some family business and work assignments. Some of this also came as the result of a slow-down of the unit I was in, and the pards heading off to other units and messes. Recently, I started to pick things back up again, and started buying some new and used gear. Obviously, there are some lessons learned here, both good and bad.

                          The Bad:

                          1) If you think you're leaving the hobby, sell your musket last (assuming you only have one). If you're in the infantry, this is the most particular and expensive item you have and will as such be the hardest to replace. Like many folks, I found having to replace a musket with today's prices very difficult. Luckily I found a good fellow who made me a great deal on a well used by serviceable replacement. But, my advice is, if you still love this hobby and the history, sell or part with this item last.

                          2) Yes, everything else is more expensive too! Have you see the price of a new canteen or cartridge box? Sure, it's worth it (most of the time), but I promise you that right now (late 2013 prices) its a lot more than you paid back in the day, or got in return for selling it off.

                          3) You will miss your pards. There's nothing I miss about the hobby more than my old chums. If you're really good buddies you'll keep in touch anyway, but trust me you will have sellers remorse pretty soon after parting with your kit and traps.

                          The Good:

                          Now, as I slowly ease back into the hobby, I have found that I have different outlooks and approaches than I did say ten years ago. By having to start over, I profit from experience. Other than my weapon, the first thing I secured was a good pair of shoes. In my own opinion, there is nothing more important that this detail for the infantryman. A good pair of shoes, that fit you well and you break in properly are a priority. I didn't know this in the days of Battery B, 3rd US Artillery or in my entrance to the 1st Tex, but I know it now.

                          Generally speaking, this time around I have a pretty good sense of what is priority and what isn't, whether it be shoes, weapon, clothes, etc., and this is especially important on the budget of a working husband and father. Obviously, when life intervenes, that's the most important priority, but if you don't have to sell off, then don't. You'll be sorry. But you might also come back just a little bit stronger.

                          -Sam Dolan
                          Samuel K. Dolan
                          1st Texas Infantry

