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Seeking "Hood's Texas Brigade: A Compendium"

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  • Seeking "Hood's Texas Brigade: A Compendium"

    Ladies and gents,

    The going rate for Harold Simpson's "Hood's Texas Brigade: A Compendium" in whole or part is about $185 a volume; a little steep for me. The closest library that has it to me is West Point, but theirs is currently on someone else's research cart. At the moment, I am only really looking for the parts of it pertaining to the brigade's involvement at Gettysburg. If anyone has it or knows of a "less expensive, possibly freer" version and/or has access to it, any assistance you could provide me would be of great assistance to my research and my current project.

    Ryan McIntyre
    124th New York State Volunteers
    Founder of the Squatting Bullfrog Mess & the "Leave your politics at home" Mess

    "the Doctor says that I have got the Knapsack complaint that is I cant carry a knapsack that is a disease of my own getting up for I can lift as much as eney[sic] of the boys"
    Joseph H. Johnston
    March 16th 1863
    Camp Convalescent

    "It takes twelve men and a corporal up there [brigade headquarters] to take care of a few trees and salute the officers as they pass these are all the orders we have, but it is military I suppose..."
    Henry M Howell
    March 8 1863
    In camp Near Falmouth

  • #2
    Re: Seeking "Hood's Texas Brigade: A Compendium"

    We have a copy of it in our park library. Not sure when I'll be at Chimborazo next, but PM me and I'll see what I can do.

    And what regiment are you looking at specifically? Because we have a lot of hard to find memoirs from the 1st, 4th, and 5th too. I used several for my article on the brigade's charge at Gaines' Mill.

    Last edited by Shockoe Hill Cats; 02-10-2013, 08:05 PM.
    Jason C. Spellman
    Skillygalee Mess

    "Those fine fellows in Virginia are pouring out their heart's blood like water. Virginia will be heroic dust--the army of glorious youth that has been buried there."--Mary Chesnut

