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Deteriorating Flags and Various Items

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  • #16
    Re: Deteriorating Flags and Various Items

    Another fine restoration project to mention. Our flags were returned to the state after the war. These flags were housed in the capital building for a number of years. The flags were eventually stored in the basement of the Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Monument. The flags were packed away around the turn of the century, stored in boxes, yes! cardboard boxes, folded up and sit aside to rot away. :confused_ Public awareness lead to the interest in these flags, something that really began when the restoration work on the monument started. The monument was decaying allowing water to enter into the basement where the flags had sit untouched, out of public view for decades.
    The Indiana State Historical Society began a project called "Save our Flags", this project raised enough money to restore, photograph, and catalog the flags. I am happy to say the battle flags are now located in a storage room in the Indiana War Memorial. Additionally, they are in special drawers, and in a controlled environment. Unfortunatley some flags were beyond repair, literally turning to dust when the box was opened.
    Its unfortunate to know the general public was generally unaware of the existence of the flags. The restoration project, as Katie said, did not come without a hefty price tag. I cannot quote exact figures but, just to get a good start required in access of $250,000. The project brought attention to the people of Indiana and money flowed like sap in the springtime.
    The flag commision printed donation and information pamphlets, went to reenactments setting up a booth, held drawings, etc. to raise $$ If I am correct, this project took upwards of 10 years to achieve the goal of giving our flags a new home. In the end I believe the State of Indiana matched all donations received.

    You might contact the Indiana War Memorial in Indianapolis, Indiana. Ask about some steps that were taken to get the ball rolling.

    I hope this helps.
    [SIZE=2][B]Mark Mason[/B][/SIZE] :cool:
    [SIZE=2][I]Tar Water Mess[/I][/SIZE]


    • #17
      Re: Deteriorating Flags and Various Items


      When you get a chance, could you move to Michigan? I've got a few projects I could use your help on! :wink_smil
      Matt Adair


      • #18
        Re: Deteriorating Flags and Various Items

        Karin et al,

        The Museum of the Confederacy has a flag conservation program that helps to protect flags in their collection from all states in the Confederacy.

        Does this cover Virginia???:wink_smil
        Mike "Dusty" Chapman

        Member: CWT, CVBT, NTHP, MOC, KBA, Stonewall Jackson House, Mosby Heritage Foundation

        "I would have posted this on the preservation folder, but nobody reads that!" - Christopher Daley

        The AC was not started with the beginner in mind. - Jim Kindred


        • #19
          Re: Deteriorating Flags and Various Items

          Dear Matt:

          As a Wolverine native daughter (born in Henry Ford Hosptial), don't think it hasn't crossed my mind on more than one occassion! At the present time, however, I'm pretty well ensconced in New York. If that should change, I'll keep you posted -- and send me an email if there are projects that I can advise on, long-distance.


          Are there any Civil War flags that are owned by any other entity in Virginia besides the MOC? Are there flags in the Capital, for instance, that haven't been restored? It might be, because of the unique resource that is the MOC that all of Virginia's flags are "owned" by it, and just on extended loan different places? What about flags that are in the collections of other museums -- surely the MOC isn't responsible for their restoration as well? Or is there some sort of reciprocal arrangement where MOC funds from the flag restoration project can restore flags in other state institutions?

          Curiouser and curiouser,
          Karin Timour
          "The Stories Behind the Socks" Women and the Civil War Conference, Richmond, VA, June 2004
          Period Knitting -- Socks, Hats, Balaclavas
          Atlantic Guard Soldiers' Aid Society


          • #20
            Re: Deteriorating Flags and Various Items


            I think the flag conservation project is only for flags owned by the MOC. They own many. Not sure where other flags are in the state. But I'm sure they would......
            Mike "Dusty" Chapman

            Member: CWT, CVBT, NTHP, MOC, KBA, Stonewall Jackson House, Mosby Heritage Foundation

            "I would have posted this on the preservation folder, but nobody reads that!" - Christopher Daley

            The AC was not started with the beginner in mind. - Jim Kindred

