I am currently working on trying to get some civil war period hand finished, stamped, and dyed handkerchiefs done up so as to offer a more correct/unique item that was quite common.
Right now we are looking into possible designs for pricing from the source, if anyone knows of any good printed original handkerchiefs out there or has images and measurements of some and are willing to share them for the possibility of seeing it reproduced, please let me know. Good image(s) of the overall printed pattern/design and overall measurement of the handkerchief is what is currently needed.
Thanks in advance for your help and hopefully soon we can see some good handkerchief options out there.
I am currently working on trying to get some civil war period hand finished, stamped, and dyed handkerchiefs done up so as to offer a more correct/unique item that was quite common.
Right now we are looking into possible designs for pricing from the source, if anyone knows of any good printed original handkerchiefs out there or has images and measurements of some and are willing to share them for the possibility of seeing it reproduced, please let me know. Good image(s) of the overall printed pattern/design and overall measurement of the handkerchief is what is currently needed.
Thanks in advance for your help and hopefully soon we can see some good handkerchief options out there.