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Louisiana Cartridge Box

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  • Louisiana Cartridge Box

    Looking for information on Cartridge boxes which have a complete circle of stitching fixing the latch tab to the front of the box flap. There is one in the Confederate Museum in New Orleans which states it was worn by the Continental Guard, another in the museum at Camp Moore and a third is currently up for sale on the Horse Soldier website.

    Any information on manufacturer etc would be most useful, also dimensions etc as I am in UK and responses from the Confederate Museum have been nil so far.

    Anyone know the location of any other similar boxes?
    Alan Thrower
    Member of The Company of Miltary Historians

  • #2
    Re: Louisiana Cartridge Box

    Alan, That box has all the makings and looks of an English cartridge box minus the buckles on the bottom, it may be a calvarly box.I'm sure some others here on the forum can chime in and give an I.D. of the box and helpful info.
    Chad Phillips

    Chad Phillips


    • #3
      Re: Louisiana Cartridge Box

      Ask Mike Brase, a member of this forum. He makes a lot of leather goods. I was at his shop today viewing some of the original boxes he's got stashed in drawers which he wants to reproduce. He knows his stuff.
      Silas Tackitt,
      one of the moderators.

      Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.


      • #4
        Re: Louisiana Cartridge Box

        To me, that looks like (what I have seen described as) a French Model 1845 Light Infantry cartridge box.

        See;pic=28 , which shares the circular tab stitch and the single wide belt loop on the back.

        That might explain the New Orleans connection. I can't recall where I saw the image, but somewhere, I have seen a picture made of a complete set of French accoutrements, including shoes and knapsack, that were sent to either the United States or to the Confederacy for inspection, and I believe this model of cartridge box was included in that set.

        Last edited by GenuineInformation; 11-06-2013, 10:04 AM.
        Joe Knight

        Armory Guards
        Yocona Rip Raps
        "Semper Tyrannis."


        • #5
          Re: Louisiana Cartridge Box


          The photo that Joseph is referring to might be the same as American Civil War Knapsacks has on one of their pages ( It's labled as "The original inventory lot that the French sent to America as a sample of their goods." I couldn't tell if it had the circular tab stitch, but it clearly shows the single wide belt loop.

          Michael Thomas

          11th PA Reserves, 40th PVI, Co F

          1st USSS, Co H


          • #6
            Re: Louisiana Cartridge Box

            That is it, Calum. Thanks!! I had been looking for that for a long time--couldn't remember where I saw it. On my screen, I can make out what looks to be a circular tab stitch. Isn't real clear, but it looks like it is there.

            The French Connection, pardon the pun, makes sense with the New Orleans provenance.

            Joe Knight

            Armory Guards
            Yocona Rip Raps
            "Semper Tyrannis."


            • #7
              Re: Louisiana Cartridge Box

              It has come to my attention that there are some details of the Horse Soldier piece that don't match up with the M1845 French box. Maybe the person with much more experience in this area than me will share his research here!

              Sorry for the confusion.

              Joe Knight

              Armory Guards
              Yocona Rip Raps
              "Semper Tyrannis."


              • #8
                Re: Louisiana Cartridge Box

                If I may chime in. I'm working on the French 1845 pattern Chasseur a Pied cartridge box as well as the Carabinier box for a customer. I have been doing a lot of conversing with other folks across the Pond on this subject. This box although hard to tell as I could see no dimensions listed would appear to be much smaller than the Carabinier or Mounted Rifles box or the Chasseur a Pied box for that matter. It seems as though this would be about the right size for a Carbine or rifle box. I have yet to delve into the French Cavalry equipments so alas. Without any firm proof, I would say if this is not a French box and I have no reason to believe it is. It would make more sense it being imported into New Orleans during the 15 years since its adoption by the French Army. The Number of Military outfitters that were in New Orleans at that time was not a small number. Many with ties directly to France. That would be my best estimation rather than it being apart of the 10,000 sets of French Chasseur a Pied Sets bought by the Federal Govt. and issued to units From Mass. and Pa. that were never at the Battle of Shiloh. I attached sets of Line Drawings that shows the a Pied box and the other with Carabinier box. Also note that as early as 1845 the French were using the scallop on the Knapsack straps. That is a whole other topic. So in closing I would say French with around a 90% probability that other 10% I will leave it up to interpretation.

                One of THEM in the Great Nor'west
                Attached Files
                Mike Brase
                M.B. Young and Co.
                One of THEM!
                Member Company of Military Historians

