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Rock Island Rebels 1863

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  • Rock Island Rebels 1863

    Gents, Thought I would share a pic from the collection of the Kentucky Historical Society.The description stated they were at Rock Island in Illinois, I did not observe any Kepis or Forage caps in the photo.
    Lots or Slouch Hats, and one of the fellows appears to be in an RD2 OR 3 can't seem to focus in to tell, anyway enjoy.

    Chad Phillips
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Cotton Trash; 12-02-2013, 12:20 PM. Reason: misspelled word

    Chad Phillips

  • #2
    Re: Rock Island Rebels 1863

    Thanks for sharing this picture. Always good to see any Rock Island pictures as their is nothing left of the camp except the cemetery.

    The guy on the far left of the picture must have lost his hat guessing by the handkerchief or fabric he has tied around his head.
    Louis Zenti

    Pvt. Albert R. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-W.I.A. February 15, 1862)
    Pvt. William H. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-K.I.A. February 15, 1862 Ft. Donelson)
    Pvt. Simon Sams (Co. C, 18th Iowa Inf.-K.I.A. January 8, 1863 Springfield, MO)
    Pvt. Elisha Cox (Co. C, 26th North Carolina Inf.-W.I.A. July 3, 1863 Gettysburg)

    " the hottest of the fight, some of the rebs yelled out...them must be Iowa boys". Charles O. Musser 29th Iowa Infantry


    • #3
      Re: Rock Island Rebels 1863

      You might contact the Rock Island Arsenal Museum to see if they can authenticate that image. I'm more familiar with the morning roll images, as well as the oath of allegiance images taken at the end of the war. Those images show much more civilian clothing being worn.

      As a side note, tomorrow marks the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first prisoners to Rock Island Barracks. A small group of locals will be gathering there this weekend to mark the arrival.
      Bob Welch

      The Eagle and The Journal
      My blog, following one Illinois community from Lincoln's election through the end of the Civil War through the articles originally printed in its two newspapers.

