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Pending Forum Closure

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  • #46
    Re: Pending Forum Closure

    Originally posted by Jeff Nichols View Post
    Doesn't seem unreasonable for folks who are being asked to make financial contributions to ask to see the statements showing where the monies are being allocated...that's just common courtesy, not to mention basic common sense.

    To expect donations in the absence of such pertinent information is a bit ridiculous, to tell you the truth.

    Where's the "Like" button?
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
    Past President Potomac Legion
    Long time member Columbia Rifles
    Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


    • #47
      Re: Pending Forum Closure

      Originally posted by Jeff Nichols View Post
      Doesn't seem unreasonable for folks who are being asked to make financial contributions to ask to see the statements showing where the monies are being allocated...that's just common courtesy, not to mention basic common sense.

      To expect donations in the absence of such pertinent information is a bit ridiculous, to tell you the truth.

      Where's the "Like" button?:wink_smil
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
      Past President Potomac Legion
      Long time member Columbia Rifles
      Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


      • #48
        Re: Pending Forum Closure

        I was just wondering why the for sale folder has disappeared?

        I'm just curious.
        Andrew Schultz

        Possum Skinners Mess

        Buzzards Mess


        • #49
          Re: Pending Forum Closure

          The "FOR SALE" section has been modified to be viewable/avaliable to paid members only from what I've read above.

          Don't see what the big deal is about paying $12 or $15 a year to have access to the forum's information. Lots of good stuff here. Don't give a dang about any freakin' financial statements from the folks that run this forum. All your doing is giving another reason to have it shut down because it will turn into a pain in the pooper for them.
          Last edited by teufelhund; 12-09-2013, 02:30 PM.
          ~Marc Shaffer~


          • #50
            Re: Pending Forum Closure

            I just checked and Szabo has the exact same issue - and doesn't seem to be providing a full account either. Interesting to note - he pays almost to the dollar for his server what we do for ours:

            Nobody is hiding anything - if Jim Kindred wants to provide a full accounting going forward he's welcome to. It's his call.
            Paul Calloway
            Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
            Proud Member of the GHTI
            Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
            Wayne #25, F&AM


            • #51
              Re: Pending Forum Closure

              Agree with Mark 100%. $15 is a bargain for all the great information on the AC, however aptly named. If some of you have an ox to gore with the hosts, moderators, or the site itself, please don't ruin it for the rest of us who appreciate what's been done. Your attempts at over-governance are specious.
              Bob Williams
              26th North Carolina Troops

              As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


              • #52
                Re: Pending Forum Closure

                Originally posted by paulcalloway View Post
                I just checked and Szabo has the exact same issue - and doesn't seem to be providing a full account either. Interesting to note - he pays almost to the dollar for his server what we do for ours:

                Nobody is hiding anything - if Jim Kindred wants to provide a full accounting going forward he's welcome to. It's his call.
                Actually Paul, I disagree.

                If CWR is as good as the AC then what they do might be material to this discussion. Are you saying CWR reaches the same audience and should be held to the same level of scrutiny?

                Since contributions have been solicited on here, there has always been lip service to money going to "preservation". Where is the accounting for that? What organizations or sites have received those funds? How much has been donated? If none has been donated, then it is disingenuous to solicit contributions with that promise if that portion of funds doesn't go to preservation. I hate two classes of people... Liars and Thieves... and if there is a promise to send funds to preservation and it has not been done, everyone involved in the decisions is in one of those two classes as far as I'm concerned.
                Your Obedient Servant,

                Peter M. Berezuk


                • #53
                  Re: Pending Forum Closure

                  Peter -
                  I said a long time ago we weren't continuing to give money to preservation because we didn't have the money to. If you're calling me a liar and a thief, which it really reads like you are, I'll solve this really quickly by just closing this whole thing down right now.
                  Paul Calloway
                  Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                  Proud Member of the GHTI
                  Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                  Wayne #25, F&AM


                  • #54
                    Re: Pending Forum Closure

                    Originally posted by roundshot View Post
                    Agree with Mark 100%. $15 is a bargain for all the great information on the AC, however aptly named. If some of you have an ox to gore with the hosts, moderators, or the site itself, please don't ruin it for the rest of us who appreciate what's been done. Your attempts at over-governance are specious.
                    If you wish to make a charge, please do so. Otherwise, I will assume you did not fully understand the tone of your words and leave the comment about "attempts at over-governance are specious" as carelessness.

                    I am not trying to "ruin" anything. I do think if anyone solicits for funds they should be honest and forthright about its purpose. If the AC's purpose is to be a place for information like then drop the pretense there is interest in those who actually try to go out and live history, or that even a portion of the money raised is going to preservation if all it is doing is keeping open the place internet blaggards can tell other people how important they are. THAT is specious, veiling an aura of historical research around shameless self-promotion and possibly personal financial gain at the expense of fulfilling a promise to support the campaigner movement and provide funds to preservation.

                    With that, I will stop "ruining" the keyboard kampaigners experience. Please spend my money as you see fit.
                    Your Obedient Servant,

                    Peter M. Berezuk


                    • #55
                      Re: Pending Forum Closure

                      Well put, Peter
                      Jeff Nichols
                      Valley Light Horse


                      • #56
                        Re: Pending Forum Closure

                        Originally posted by roundshot View Post
                        Agree with Mark 100%. $15 is a bargain for all the great information on the AC, however aptly named. If some of you have an ox to gore with the hosts, moderators, or the site itself, please don't ruin it for the rest of us who appreciate what's been done. Your attempts at over-governance are specious.
                        I respectfully disagree. When other forums run a little short they send out a message telling people that the site doesn't run itself and they could use some cash. Somebody steps up and it gets taken care of. But this announcement comes under the dramatic heading of "Pending Forum Closure." This implies immediate crisis despite steps taken in the past to raise money, including offering paid subscriptions and charging vendors.

                        In that context -- crisis despite past funding efforts -- it seems natural to ask how much is needed above what already comes in. Personally I don't need, want, or request an audit. But a little info like "we need five hundred bucks above what we get from vendors (x) and subscribers (x) to keep us in business" would make a huge difference.

                        A scare title like "Pending Forum Closure" also seems naturally to lead to a discussion of what the service is worth. Some of the people now raising questions have contributed to this site and have followed it for a long time. If they now have doubts I would think that the hosts, moderators, and the rest of us have some interest in hearing them out and resolving their concerns.

                        If quality events are now getting announced on Facebook instead of here, folks running this site might want to ask those event organizers why. It's sure not because Facebook serves the end better.

                        If old-timers seem a little huffy, folks running this site might want to understand that, too. A couple of pages ago I saw a former contributor made fun of because he kvetched about money although his two-year membership ran out more than a year ago. Heck, at least he paid for a two-year membership. How many people do that? Does it make any sense to razz one of the small percentage of members who have EVER paid for the privilege? While we're talking about all the benefits the AC provides, let's not overlook some of the attitudinal costs.

                        I confess that with the exception of a fifty dollar check sent in about a decade ago, I've contributed nothing but a little content. I'm on the fence about more; a lot depends on what direction this thread takes. I don't think that's unreasonable.
                        Michael A. Schaffner


                        • #57
                          Re: Pending Forum Closure

                          Point of Order. We didn't reactivate the $25 Charter Membership subscription level until yesterday - although you were apparently seeing a notice about subscribing a Charter Member and $5 going to Preservation, you couldn't actually subscribe at that level for the last two years.

                          We have gotten a handful of charter memberships since reactivating that yesterday and we will honor that commitment and make that donation on their behalf.
                          Paul Calloway
                          Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                          Proud Member of the GHTI
                          Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                          Wayne #25, F&AM


                          • #58
                            Re: Pending Forum Closure

                            Originally posted by Pvt_Sullivan View Post
                            If you wish to make a charge, please do so. Otherwise, I will assume you did not fully understand the tone of your words and leave the comment about "attempts at over-governance are specious" as carelessness.

                            I am not trying to "ruin" anything. I do think if anyone solicits for funds they should be honest and forthright about its purpose. If the AC's purpose is to be a place for information like then drop the pretense there is interest in those who actually try to go out and live history, or that even a portion of the money raised is going to preservation if all it is doing is keeping open the place internet blaggards can tell other people how important they are. THAT is specious, veiling an aura of historical research around shameless self-promotion and possibly personal financial gain at the expense of fulfilling a promise to support the campaigner movement and provide funds to preservation.

                            With that, I will stop "ruining" the keyboard kampaigners experience. Please spend my money as you see fit.
                            Your subscription has been refunded.
                            Last edited by Silas; 12-09-2013, 04:33 PM.
                            Paul Calloway
                            Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                            Proud Member of the GHTI
                            Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                            Wayne #25, F&AM


                            • #59
                              Re: Pending Forum Closure

                              Probably a poor choice of words on my part when I started this thread but we were within 30 days of shutting the site down when I posted that. Prior to someone's suggestion of asking for contributions I was all for shutting the site down if it could not support itself.

                              Originally posted by Pvt Schnapps View Post
                              When other forums run a little short they send out a message telling people that the site doesn't run itself and they could use some cash. Somebody steps up and it gets taken care of. But this announcement comes under the dramatic heading of "Pending Forum Closure." This implies immediate crisis despite steps taken in the past to raise money, including offering paid subscriptions and charging vendors.
                              Last edited by JimKindred; 12-09-2013, 04:42 PM.
                              Jim Kindred


                              • #60
                                Re: Pending Forum Closure

                                I would hate to see this site go down. Do we roughly know how much money we are down for the month? I'll be re-upping shortly. Jim/Paul/Admins, thanks for all you do and have done.
                                Tristan Galloway

