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Unanswerable Questions!

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  • Unanswerable Questions!


    Yesterday, I linked to an old thread about tucking your trousers into your socks in the field. Now, for the veterans here, I was well-aware that this ground had been trodden before, but what the heck, some who haven't campaigned before might want to know, right?

    Well, this post generated quite a bit of off-line controversy that has frankly amused me and I think I know why. It's because we are so tuned in here to finding the definitive answer to something and then moving on that the known unanswerable questions get people fired up. We had a similar reaction to the toilet paper thread a couple of months ago. Thank you Bill Rodman for capping off that thread!

    Now, there are going to be the threads here that have been talked about again and again and again that fire up the veterans of the site. Yeah, I know, I know, use the search function. But, then there are those gray areas that can't really be proven or unproven based on documentation. Some other examples would be "Blued Enfield vs. Bright Enfield", "Blousing Trousers", etc.

    So, for a little fun, I will ask an unanswerable question. What is an example of a question that has been discussed ad naseum, but doesn't really have a definitive answer? Or better stated, what question is it that riles you up more than any other?

    Fire away!
    Former AC Owner

  • #2
    Re: Unanswerable Questions!

    I believe there was a thread on here but didn't get too much discussion...anyway...I had a lady at a living history ask me "how were tables set in the 1860's." There are paintings but you can't tell for sure and liberties could have been taken..not many pictures...and the ones that exist don't show table detail. Interesting search though.
    Luke Gilly
    Breckinridge Greys
    Lodge 661 F&AM

    "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


    • #3
      Re: Unanswerable Questions!

      The king of all unanswerable/debated ad naseum questions of all: What caused the Civil War?
      Kenny Pavia
      24th Missouri Infantry


      • #4
        Re: Unanswerable Questions!

        Kenny. Yes! ... and how big was the role slavery played vs States Rights... etc. etc. Exactly.
        Former AC Owner


        • #5
          Re: Unanswerable Questions!

          Most topics Civil War Enfield related but specifically the gem, "who makes the best reproduction Enfield?" It isn't really able to be answered satisfactorily because so much defarb work has to be done and you really can't answer it superficially in less than about 10,000 words. One classic example on here, the so-called "Monster Enfield Defarb Thread," runs 54 pages.

          As far as revisiting the same old topics versus the use of the search function, I agree to a point. However, there is some value in revisiting some older topics to allow for more recent research or at least newer perspectives. In the "blousing of socks" thread you mention, the link was to a previous thread from back in 2004, ten years ago. Finally, I check this site periodically for items of interest and PMs, and usually there are no more than ten to fifteen new posts...sometimes less. Maybe revisiting a topic that gets a discussion going, even if previously covered is not a bad thing. You can't say it's clogging up the system.
          Last edited by Craig L Barry; 03-28-2014, 05:40 PM.
          Craig L Barry
          Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
          Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
          Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
          Member, Company of Military Historians


          • #6
            Re: Unanswerable Questions!

            Sigh....oh well....
            [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
            Past President Potomac Legion
            Long time member Columbia Rifles
            Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


            • #7
              Re: Unanswerable Questions!

              Originally posted by KPavia View Post
              The king of all unanswerable/debated ad naseum questions of all: What caused the Civil War?
              *#%^ing politicians caused the Civil War.
              Eugene Yeo
              “I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues.” - Dr. Seuss, "The Lorax"


              • #8
                Re: Unanswerable Questions!

                Another one is if it was appropriate to have your sleeves rolled uo in public.
                Hunter Greene
                ''Before us in proud humiliation stood the embodiment of manhood: men whom neither toils and sufferings, nor the fact of death, nor disaster, nor hopelessness could bend from their resolve; standing before us now, thin, worn, and famished, but erect, and with eyes looking level into ours, waking memories that bound us together as no other bond;— was] not such manhood to be welcomed back into a Union so tested and assured''


                • #9
                  Re: Unanswerable Questions!

                  How to make Hard Tack / Salt
                  Your Humble Servant,
                  Sean R. Otis
                  124th NYSV Co. A "Orange Blossoms"
                  MIDDLESEX LODGE F. & A.M.

                  In Memorium: Harvey Otis, Jr. — 156th NYSV Co. A .
                  Killed in action, September 19, 1864,
                  at Winchester, VA. Aged 26 years.

                  Member of the "Hard Sauce" Mess


                  • #10
                    Re: Unanswerable Questions!

                    We had a guy in our Confederate 1st Arkansas Volunteer unit for several years. While at an event he was talking with a female spectator when he suddenly turned to me and asked " Gettysburg, we won that one didn't we"??

                    I had repeatedly told 4th grade students over and over during a school talk that I was a re-enactor that portrayed a Civil War soldier from the war 150 years ago. When I asked if anyone had any questions a precious little girl raised her hand and asked me if I had to cut anybody's throat in the war? Out of mouth of babes.
                    Steve Davis


                    • #11
                      Re: Unanswerable Questions!

                      Vest only acceptable in public or must one have on a coat of some sort...

                      For that matter, were showing your suspenders (braces) in public rude?

                      Never could find the first person docs for those... maybe I am just not looking in the right places... -JLLO
                      Johnny Lloyd
                      John "Johnny" Lloyd
                      Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
                      Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

                      "Without history, there can be no research standards.
                      Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
                      Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
                      Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

                      Proud descendant of...


                      • #12
                        Re: Unanswerable Questions!

                        Okay here goes.
                        To defarb or not defarb. Meaning the bluing on the gun. My argument has always been this. If you take the bluing off the gun will rust more. Now if you are going to carry the thing for four years why take the bluing off. I have had a lot of new reenactors ask me that one. Plus my old Enfield of well over 20 yrs gets more rust on it after the bling was removed.
                        Jim "Doc" Bruce
                        War means fightn and fightn means killn.
                        L 'audace, l 'audace, Toujours l 'audace.
                        Every man must know his limitations.


                        • #13
                          Re: Unanswerable Questions!

                          I always thought it was 1860's equivalent of the Ford vs Chevy question "Do you hear that Johnny (or Billy?) It is the sound of an Enfield (or Springfield) rusting."
                          Dave Hull

