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De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

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  • De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?


    Now we had this discussion on the old AC BB, and unfortunately I failed to save to file, that info. I did some searches on this BB, but my word terms didn't work too well.

    With Pickett's Mill, Mansfield, and other Campaigner type events coming up, I (and others) will need some good advice on how to protect ourselves from Chiggers, get the picture!

    Just don't want to see myself or ANYONE incapacitated due to harmful insects.

    Please post, it's a bugs delight, and a Campaigners nightmare out there in the woods!

    Kevin Dally
    Kevin Dally

  • #2
    Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

    Hallo Kameraden!

    I am going to leave this up for a good discussion as long as it stays "documented of the Period" (DP).

    Aside from the "just deal with it" nature" of period soldiering, how CW soldiers "dealt" or did not "deal" with such realities is of interest and value.

    Modernisms are best left for other fora. Please do not post modernisms and reenactorisms such as:

    Deep Woods Off
    Avon Skin-So-Soft

    Thank you.

    Curt-Heinrich Schmidt
    Curt Schmidt
    In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

    -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
    -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
    -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
    -Vastly Ignorant
    -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


    • #3
      Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

      If you want Lime Disease, than by all means, be authentic. I myself, being a victim of my own stupidity, and now a lime disease patient, will always strongly advocate the use of modern repellents. Put them on before you go into camp, by all means, but, PUT THEM ON!!! I understand the need for authenticity, but I still think your personal health and welfare come first. Trust me, it isn't worth the cost. Lime disease has serious complications, which can be LIFE THREATENING! No one should get ill or die for a hobby.


      • #4
        Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

        In keeping with the request to keep the subject on period methods as opposed to modern - one of the easiest ways to keep ticks off is to make sure the bottoms of your drawers are kept well tied. This will serve to deter them from getting up underneath and digging in.

        Skeeters - I don't think there's much you can do there. They were a plaque to the average soldier in the 1860's and still are today. Keeping near the smoke of a campfire will provide some relief and covering up completely at night will help keep them off of you but it sure can get hot during those summer evenings.

        Chiggers - nasty little devils. Don't know why the Lord made 'em. Once again, well tied drawers will help deter them and trying to stay out of their type of habitat - prevention is worth a pound of cure. Unfortunately, it is often times impossible at many authentic events.

        Witch Hazel can be used to relieve the itching of any bites of these fellows. Although I am not sure when it began being used it has been around for a long time and I would think was available during the 1860's. Someone here may have more info on that.

        Don't know if any of that is much help but there probably wasn't a whole lot available to the original fellows in way of warding off pestiferous creatures hence the large amounts of malaria, yellow fever, and who knows what else.
        Michael Comer
        one of the moderator guys


        • #5
          Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

          Originally posted by 2RIVB
          If you want Lime Disease, than by all means, be authentic. I myself, being a victim of my own stupidity, and now a lime disease patient, will always strongly advocate the use of modern repellents.
          It would seem to me there's a difference between telling people not to discuss something, and telling them not to do something. Why waste space here answering a question with modern information that can be found wherever people discuss modern camping?

          Back on topic, here's a link to a research paper on "the influence of insects on soldiering during the Civil War" that has some good info.

          Hank Trent

          Hank Trent


          • #6
            Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

            Hallo Kameraden!

            Chiggers can run only 1/150th of an inch, and be next to, if not to most folks, invisible to the unaided human eye. So, most can pass through the weave of clothing- but they are lazy and look for easier ways "in" such as at the trouser cuffs, waistbands, and shirt collars and cuffs. (They are fast for their size, and can "run" from ankle to neck in about 15 minutes...)

            Some lads feel it is better to take their "bites" (not really a bite) at the ankles, than forcing them up to the waistband (and to the Naughty Bits).

            Curt-Heinrich Schmidt
            Curt Schmidt
            In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

            -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
            -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
            -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
            -Vastly Ignorant
            -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


            • #7
              Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

              That's all well and good...but what to do about TIC's?

              Sorry Curt, couldn't resist! :wink_smil



              • #8
                Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

                Hallo Kamerad!

                I solved the TIC problem by wearing a quartz wrist watch.

                Curt-Heinrich Schmidt
                Curt Schmidt
                In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                -Vastly Ignorant
                -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                • #9
                  Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

                  Hallo Herr Josh!

                  You posted" "Curt, If you want Lime Disease, than by all means, be authentic. I myself, being a victim of my own stupidity, and now a lime disease patient, will always strongly advocate the use of modern repellents."

                  Herr Josh. If you persist in crossing the line here, you may be strongly advocating the use of modern repellents on a forum other than the AC Forum.

                  I am not coming down hard on you for what appears to be Flame Bait and the Mantra of Militant Farbism because I believe, at this point, in the intent of your post and the positive and constructive spirit of wanting to educate people as to modern preventative methods.

                  As Herr Hank had shared:

                  "It would seem to me there's a difference between telling people not to discuss something, and telling them not to do something. Why waste space here answering a question with modern information that can be found wherever people discuss modern camping?"

                  Indeed. As with insulin injections for diabetics, anti-seizure medications for epileptics, heart medication for heart patients, etc., etc., there is a fine line between precaution and life-threatening foolishness in the name of a "recreational pastime" and/or hobby." This has been frequently discussed on various fora.
                  I am not telling anyone what they should or should not do when it comes to their own medical condition and subsequent needs. I also am not telling anyone that they should substitute my judgement for their own in these highly personal matters.

                  However, I am saying that this Forum may not be the appropriate place for such modern camping discussions, legitimate or not. There are OTHER fora, as well as WebMD, etc., where that is better served for those interested or needing to know.
                  However, I am saying that it can sometimes be a slippery slope between
                  concerned caution and disease prevention- and the the excuses used by some in the so-called F/M/C Community to avoid "authenticity" at every turn, at all costs, and often to the insult of those striving for it.
                  We all know them, and they are trite and cliche ridden comments about eating rancid salt pork, contaminated water from questionable sources, pissing on buttons, knocking out teeth, getting dysentary, really getting shot, etc., etc.

                  I am sorry for your Lime Disease. No one should have to go through life green.
                  If you meant Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis), I am truly sorry. (I am well aware of the life-seriousness and life-changing impact of the bacterial disease).

                  But folks can learn about modern risks and modern prevention efforts on other than the AC Forum.

                  Curt-Heinrich Schmidt
                  Curt Schmidt
                  In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                  -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                  -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                  -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                  -Vastly Ignorant
                  -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                  • #10
                    Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

                    There is an excellent natural mosquito repellent, but I'm not sure how PEC it would be. Certainly not modern, but I don't know how accessible it was to The Originals, so I only offer it as a suggestion. Garlic. The stuff really works well. A friend of mine worked for a summer with a program in our church conference, building houses in one of the parishes in Louisiana. She couldn't understand the ridiculous abundance of garlic bread in the meals provided by the program until one of the supervisors explained that the garlic comes out in your perspiration and skeeters don't like it. She said it worked really well, so I tried it when I was a camp counselor here in Indiana (what is it with skeeters and pine woods?!) because DEET makes me break out in some kind of Star-Trek-disease-lookin' rash. Started eating a little garlic--the real stuff, not Garlique tablets or stuff like that--a couple of days before I went and had a little with each meal while I was there. Worked like a charm. Offered FWIW. Far as chiggers, my Grandpa said that he and his brothers always rubbed turpentine around the tops of their shoes when they were cutting hay or building fence in the woods. Swore by it. Again, offered FWIW--never tried it myself.
                    Micah Hawkins

                    Popskull Mess


                    • #11
                      Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

                      It seems kind of silly to even bring this up- you go out certain times of the year, and there are certain critters that you have to share the woods with. I've been eaten up by mosquitoes plenty of times, and spent plenty of time picking off ticks. Ads for chiggers, they're pretty tiny, don't know how you avoid them, you just deal with it- it's not that bad once you get used to it. Just remember why you're there doing what you're doing, and stop over stressing over & over-emphasising your 21st century comforts. You'll make it out alive!

                      Dan Hadley


                      • #12
                        Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

                        [LITTLE ROCK] ARKANSAS TRUE DEMOCRAT, September 1, 1860, p. 1, c. 8
                        To Keep Off Musketoes.—Camphor is the most powerful agent to drive away musketoes. A camphor bag hung up in an open casement will prove an effectual barrier to their entrance. Camphorated spirit applied as perfume to the face and hands will act as an effectual preventative; but when bitten by them aromatic vinegar is the best antidote.
                        For ticks & chiggers, I would suggest using turpentine, camphor, or dusted sulphur on the lower legs. Garlic is also an effective repellent, and may be more easily available to you on the march.


                        • #13
                          Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

                          Sorry for the misunderstanding of what you intended by your previous posting. I am just very defensive about this topic. Also, sorry about the misspelling, I was angry, and grammar and spelling were the least of my concerns at the time. Also, just to clear the air, my post was not in any way intended as flame bait.


                          • #14
                            Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

                            Hallo Kamerad!

                            Thank you, I did not think it was your intent, or the post would have pulled instantly if not sooner by any Moderator.

                            Due to the nature of electronic forms of communication, I urge everyone to please take few minutes when posting in an angry or vexed emotional state to let things simmer down.

                            Unlike a quickly spoken comment, postings do not go away, they can live in Cyberspace long after the emotion of th emoment has passed.
                            They can, and will, come back to haunt one. (The Tyranny of Urgency)

                            Indians ofen greased themselves to avoid such pests. However, it was never quite clear in history whether biting pests did not like getting sticky feet- or the grease clogged up their mouth parts... ;-)

                            Curt-Heinrich Schmidt
                            Curt Schmidt
                            In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                            -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                            -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                            -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                            -Vastly Ignorant
                            -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                            • #15
                              Re: De-bugging yourself...bug repellents?

                              Someone sent me an email this winter about skeeters and bananers. It said that if you eat the bananers the skeeters won't try to eat you. I've yet to try it, but if it works, you might want to try this instead of garlic. Unless of coarse your girlfriend or wife likes you to have stinky breath.

