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Mold on leathers keeps returning... any recommended ways to kill it?

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  • Mold on leathers keeps returning... any recommended ways to kill it?

    So... I have done the cardinal sin over the years of keeping my leathers in a big rubbermaid box. I "always" plan to immediately clean and oil them after and event and then hang them in an inconspicuous place that is not dark or with stagnant cool moist air.

    Then months go by and I realize... CRAP!

    The set that seems to have recurrent mold is a set from the late 1990's Serio made, and hey, testament to the health of the leather that it appears to be fertile ground for the damn spores. But I just can't kill it. I have used vinegar mixed with water, and that seemed to work for a while. Then strait vinegar. Last spring on a hot eastern Carolina day when the sun was beating down I let them sit all day in it after a vinegar soak. Heavy doses of Lysol and Lysol wipes (I am sure that's good for the leather). I have reoiled them. But I walk away from them and two months later... a fine greenish dusting appears...

    Before it spreads to anything else (which is probably too late) are there any heavy duty mold killers that folks have used that work, proven commercial products I can buy at Lowes or homemade concoctions that work?


    Ben Grant

    Founder and sole member of the Funnel Cake Mess

  • #2
    Re: Mold on leathers keeps returning... any recommended ways to kill it?

    A thorough brushing (with a nylon scrub/dish brush) and a light application of vinegar and some sunlight will take care of it...

    If it's a heavier case you can still use the vinegar...just follow it up with baking soda solution to neutralize the acidic property of the vinegar
    Jeff Nichols
    Valley Light Horse


    • #3
      Re: Mold on leathers keeps returning... any recommended ways to kill it?

      Once thoroughly cleaned, dried, and sunshined, as you described....

      Would you recommend saddle soap (followed, of course, by more thorough drying and maybe more sunshine)?
      John Wickett
      Former Carpetbagger
      Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


      • #4
        Re: Mold on leathers keeps returning... any recommended ways to kill it?

        To get rid of the mold you must also clean the containers and porous items nearby that have been infected. The other issue is the storage needs to be in a humidity below 70% but closer to 50% is even better, but when the humidity goes above 70% you get mold growth. Vinegar is the best killer I have found and occasionally shoes will come in for repair and they are moldy and it will spread through the shop in the damp weather.

        Saddle soap is the best cleaner, do not use other products such as bleach or ammonia. Please read this article for more information on leather care.

        “If it's a heavier case you can still use the vinegar...just follow it up with baking soda solution to neutralize the acidic property of the vinegar”
        Vegetable tanned leather is naturally in the 4.5 to 5.5 PH so there is no need to adjust the PH and by do so you can de-tan the leather.
        If you mix the baking soda in water above 90 degrees you can the form of baking soda to washing soda and up the PH by 2.

        David Jarnagin


        • #5
          Re: Mold on leathers keeps returning... any recommended ways to kill it?

          Many thanks all for the info!
          Ben Grant

          Founder and sole member of the Funnel Cake Mess


          • #6
            Re: Mold on leathers keeps returning... any recommended ways to kill it?

            Kinda hard to ignore advice about leather care when David Jarnagin steps into the conversation.
            Silas Tackitt,
            one of the moderators.

            Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.

