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Problem with First Band of Armisport 1842 Springfield

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  • Problem with First Band of Armisport 1842 Springfield

    I couldn't find anything through the search function, so I am throwing up a question in hopes of some answers. I have a new Armisport 1842 Springfield, and I cannot seem to remove the front band (the first band with the sight on it). When I try to remove it, it seems to get stuck against both the stock and the barrel. I do not want to force it off for fear of damaging the stock or barrel.

    Has anyone had this problem before? Any suggestions or tips to help?

    Thomas Paone

  • #2
    Re: Problem with First Band of Armisport 1842 Springfield

    When I remove mine, I have to give it an ever-so-slight twist clockwise, and counter-clockwise when I replace it to line up the hole with the knob on the band spring. Its been that way since I bought it new in 2005. As always, just my .02¢, hope it helps.
    Mike Barnes

    Blanket Collector (Hoarder)
    44th VA / 25th OH


    • #3
      Re: Problem with First Band of Armisport 1842 Springfield

      This sounds kind of basic, but I will throw it out there anyway. Be sure the band spring is fully depressed and the "button" is disengaged from the hole where it seats in the side of the top barrel band. If fully disengaged, light tapping from the bottom will get the band moving forward.

      Another related point regarding the 1842 top bands, for some reason they do not quite interchange easily from one Armi Sport 1842 run to another. Todd Watts used to offer this deal as part of defarbing where you could just swap your front band for a different one where he had ground off the steel sight and replaced it with the correct brass front sight. I found on a few occasions that the replacement band I got did not fit and the band I traded in had fit fine.
      Craig L Barry
      Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
      Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
      Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
      Member, Company of Military Historians


      • #4
        Re: Problem with First Band of Armisport 1842 Springfield

        Thanks for the tips! I was finally able to get it off with a bit of a twist and some light tapping on the bottom.
        Thomas Paone


        • #5
          Re: Problem with First Band of Armisport 1842 Springfield

          I have an Armi sport 42 with the same problem. I've had it for several years now, and the front band is just tight. I have to tap it off almost every time with a dowel rod or some other soft surface device.
          Frank Siltman
          24th Mo Vol Inf
          Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
          Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
          Company of Military Historians
          Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

          Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein

