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Abe Lincoln and Blue Jeans?

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  • #16
    Re: Abe Lincoln and Blue Jeans?

    Found these on Vickie Bett's Newspaper website.....

    SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY [ATLANTA, GA], June 5, 1862, p. 2, c. 5

    Cargo Sale at Auction of 4731 Packages of
    English Goods, direct from London, put up
    expressly for this Market.
    by R. A. Pringle,
    At No. 137 Meeting Street,
    Charleston, S. C.,
    J. H. Taylor, Auctioneer.
    On Wednesday Morning, June 11th,
    1862, commencing at 10 o'clock.


    500 sacks Liverpool Salt
    3000 bags Stoved Salt
    250 boxes Crown Mottled Soap
    250 boxes Crown Soap
    12 boxes Cheshire Cheese
    10 boxes North Welsh Cheese
    1 box Shelton Cheese
    6 chests Congou Tea
    10 1/2 chests Young Hyson Tea
    20 hhds. Claret
    5 hhds. White Claret
    58 casks Ale
    20 casks Porter
    5 boxes Cochin Ginger


    6 casks Lump Alum
    50 barrels Soda Ash
    50 barrels Soda Crystals
    50 kegs Bi-Carbonate Soda
    12 cases Old Brown Windsor Soap


    76 kegs Cut Nails--sizes 1 1/2 to 3 inches
    1 cask Screws
    2 casks Bastard Files
    4 cases assorted Hinges and Butts
    4 cases assorted Tacks
    2 cases Forks, Spoons and Scissors
    1 case Steel Pens and Pencils.


    19 cases Letter, Foolscap and Note assorted Paper
    7 bales Letter, foolscap and Note assorted Paper
    82000 assorted Envelopes

    Boots, Shoes and Hats.

    29 trunks of Ladies' and Gent's fine Boots and Shoes
    17 cases of assorted Magpie Kip and Army Bluchers
    1 case Gent's Tweed Hats and Caps
    1 case Gent's Brazilian Hats
    1 case Gent's Brown, Drab and White Brazilian Felt Hats

    Clothing and Furnishing.

    1 case 445 pair Men's Black Alpaca Pants
    1 case 280 pair Men's Brown Grass Cloth Marine Jackets
    1 case 584 pair Men's Brown Drill Trowsers
    1 case 90 pair Shepherd Plaid Suits
    9 pair Child's Dress Plaid Suits
    7 pair Men's Melton Melbourne Jackets
    1 case assorted Men's and Children's Suits
    1 case Men's Shirts, Linen Fronts
    1 case Boy's Shirts, Lay-over Collars
    1 case assorted Gloves--Drab, French & Lisle
    2 cases Youths Brown Cotton Half Hose, and Men's do.--assorted.
    1 case Women's White Cotton Hose
    2 cases Men's Gauze and Merino Shirts
    2 cases Men's West End Collars and Regatta Shirts
    1 case Drawers and Chemises
    3 cases Men's L. Cloth Shirts

    Dry Goods.

    39 cases Fancy Madder Prints
    10 bales Brown Denims
    8 cases Brown Linen
    1 bale Towels
    3 bales Brown Union Drills
    1 case Granville Mixture
    8 bales Blue Denims
    13 cases Printed Muslin
    1 case Crossover Muslin
    1 case Fancy Printed Muslin
    1 case Twill Checks
    3 cases Printed DeLaines
    5 bales Indigo Blue Twills
    1 case Printed Cotton Handkerchiefs
    3 bales Bordered F Tweeds
    2 bales Fancy Twist Tweeds
    1 bale Angela Check
    1 bale Cambroons
    1 bale Check Tweeds
    1 bale Striped Tweeds
    1 bale Light Twill
    1 case Men's Alpacca Coating
    1 case Black Lustre
    1 case Black Cordroys [sic]
    1 case Nainsook
    2 cases Brown Hollands
    1 case White Linen
    4 bales White Croydons
    4 bales White Stouts
    1 bale Universal shirting
    2 cases Drab Imitation Drills
    3 cases French Denims
    7 bales Grey Domestics
    1 case Cambric Prints
    2 bales Blue Mottles
    2 bales Heather Denims
    2 bales Printed Twills
    2 bales Union Tweeds
    1 bale Coatings, Union Check Drills and Gambroons
    1 bale Grey and Fancy Tweeds
    1 case Colored Cobourgs
    1 case Striped Brilliants
    1 case Tape Checks
    6 bales White Long Cloth
    122 bales South and Fine English Grey Shirting
    40 cases pure English White Shirting
    7 bales Blue Twill Regattas
    4 bales Cotton Ticks
    20 bales India Grey Domestics
    10 cases Fancy Prints
    2 cases Brooks Glace Sewing Cotton
    2 bales White Cotton Quilts
    1 case assorted Needles and Buttons
    1 case Musquito [sic] Netting
    1 bale Stripe Checks
    1 case Mixed Pins
    1 bale Towels, Bleached Dowlas, &c.
    8 cases Clark's assorted Black and White Glazed Spool Cotton--2,200 dozen 100 yards
    3 cases George Mosley's 3 Cord Colored, Black and White Glazed Reels--100 and 200 yards
    2 cases assorted Black, White, Brown, Drab and Machine Flax
    1 case Silver Flax, Imperial, Chinese and Dutch Tape
    1 case Colored Patent Silk Gloves and Gaiters
    2 cases Expansion Skirts
    N.B. Catalogues will be ready for delivery on Friday, June 6th, for any parties desiring to forward to friends in the country. The sale will commence at 10 o'clock, and continue until 2 o'clock each day until finished. The Goods will be sold in order of Catalogue, commencing with the Groceries and concluding with Dry Goods.
    There is no impediment to the transportation of Goods per Railroad.

    SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY [ATLANTA, GA], January 31, 1863, p. 2, c. 6

    Package Sale. The Cargoes of the British Steamers
    Calypso and Douglas
    by R. A. Pringle,
    137 Meeting Street,
    Charleston, South Carolina,
    James H. Taylor, Auctioneer.
    On Wednesday Morning, February 11th, 1863,
    commencing at 10 o'clock, will be sold,

    193 chests Tea
    50 cases Salad Oil

    Medicines, Drugs, &c.

    24 kegs Epsom Salts
    21 gross Brown Windsor Soap
    15 drums Caustic Soda
    1 chest Rhubarb Root
    1 case Asafoetida
    20 cases English Cotton Card

    Shoes and Leather, &c.

    10 cases Men's, Youths', Ladies', Boys' and Girls' Boots and Shoes
    23 trunks Ladies', Girls' and Boys' Shoes
    1 cask Shoe Findings
    86 1/2 dozen Calf Skins

    Dry Goods, &c.

    [illegible] cases Mourning Delaines
    21 cases, Fine White Shirtings
    8 bales Brown Denims
    4 bales Cotton Ticks
    8 bales Regatta Stripes
    1 case Tweed Trowsers
    3 bales Crimean Shirts
    5 bales Tweed and [illegible] Shirts
    13 bales Printed Cotton Handkerchiefs
    1 bale Fancy Colored Denims
    13 cases Linen Thread
    [illegible] cases Clark's Sewing Cotton--White, Black and Colors
    3 bales men's Drill Pants
    22 cases Men's Merino Shirts and Drawers
    6 cases Men's Merino Half Hose
    6 cases Men's Brown Cotton Half Hose
    8 cases Ladies' Imitation Merino Hose
    2 cases Children's Merino Socks
    6 cases Men's Imitation Merino Half Hose
    4 cases Ladies' White Merino Finished Hose
    2 cases Super Merino Socks
    2 cases Grey Merino Socks
    14 bales Sea Island Cotton Bagging
    9 bales Woollen Cassimeres
    4 cases women's and Misses' Hoop Skirts
    2 cases Fancy Scotch Tweeds
    100 M Needles, assorted
    [illegible] cases Madder Prints
    2 cases Pins
    6 cases Shoe Thread
    1 bale Blue Grey Union
    2 bales Kerseys and Plains
    [illegible] cases Printed Challies
    2 cases Cassimere, "Super"
    1 case French Bombazine
    3 cases Colored DeLaines
    1 case Gloves, assorted
    2 bales Blue and Scarlet Twills
    5 bales Damaged Blankets

    CHARLESTON MERCURY, December 2, 1861, p. 1, c. 2
    Manufactories in the South.--They have thirty factories in the State of Georgia engaged in making cotton and woolen goods, besides several smaller factories that only spin yarn. The following is a statement of the works of the factories for one week: 202,000 yards of shirtings; 271,500 yards of osnabergs, stripes, drills and denims; 54,000 yards of kerseys and lindseys [sic], and 22,900 yards of jeans and cassimeres.

    DAILY CHRONICLE & SENTINEL [AUGUSTA, GA], June 25, 1862, p. 3, c. 4

    By W. B. Griffin.
    Catalogue Sale of
    Imported English Goods!

    Monday, 30th inst., in store, No. 274 Broad street, commencing at 10 o'clock, will be sold,
    20 cases Bleached English Shirting, 1000 pieces;
    25 bales Unbleached English Shirting, 1750 pcs;
    1 bale Blue Twills;
    1 bale Blue Denims;
    1 bale Blue Tweed Regattas;
    1 bale Tweeds and Checks;
    2 cases Brown Linens;
    1 case All Wool Stripe Checks;
    1 case Fancy Printed Muslin, 1000 pieces;
    1 case Madder Prints, beautiful;
    1 bale Baden Towels;
    1000 dozen Brooks Spool Cotton, 200 yds, white;
    500 gross Pearl Buttons;
    100 Shepherd Plaid Men's Suits;
    2 cases Women's Buskins;
    3 cases Bootes; [sic]
    1 case Brogans and Hats;
    1 case Sundries, Hoop Skirts, Garters, Clothing, &c.
    1 case of Black and White Flax Thread;
    19 dozen Hinges;
    2 bales Wrapping Paper, 60 reams.
    The above Goods will be sold by catalogue—are of the best description, and direct importation from England. Terms cash.
    Atlanta Commonwealth, Montgomery Advertiser, Columbus Sun; Wilmington Journal, Columbia (S.C.) Guardian, Petersburg (Va.) Express, Richmond (Va.) Examiner, will publish to 27th inst., and send bill to W. B. Griffin.

    SAVANNAH [GA] REPUBLICAN, June 7, 1862, p. 2, c. 5

    Cargo Sale at Auction of
    4,731 Packages
    English Goods,
    Direct from London, and put up expressly for this Market,
    By R. A. Pringle,
    Jas. H. Taylor, Auctioneer.
    On Wednesday morning, June 11, at 187 Meeting Street, commencing at 10 o'clock.


    500 sacks Liverpool Salt
    3000 bags Stoved Salt
    250 boxes Crown Mottled Soap
    250 boxes Crown Soap
    12 boxes Cheshire Cheese
    10 boxes North Welsh Cheese
    1 box Shelton Cheese
    6 chests Congow Tea
    10˝ chests Young Hyson Tea
    20 hhds Claret
    5 hhds White Claret
    58 casks Ale
    20 casks Porter
    5 boxes Cochin Ginger.


    6 casks Lump Alum
    50 barrels Soda Ash
    50 barrels Soda Crystals
    12 cases Old Brown Windsor Soap


    76 kegs Cut Nails—sizes 1 ˝ to 3 inches
    1 cask Screws
    2 casks assorted Bastard Files
    4 cases assorted Hinges and Butts
    4 casks assorted Tacks
    2 cases [or casks] Fords, and Spoons and Scissors
    1 case Steel Pens and Pencils.


    19 cases Letter, Foolscap and Note assorted Paper
    7 bales Letter, foolscap and Note assorted Paper
    82000 assorted Envelopes.

    Boots, Shoes and Hats.

    29 trunks of Ladies' and Gents' fine Boots and Shoes
    17 cases of assorted Magpie, Kip and Army Bluchers
    1 case Gents' Tweed Hats and Caps
    1 case Gents' Brazilian Hats
    1 case Gents' Brown Drab and White Brazilian Felt Hats

    Clothing and Furnishing.

    1 case, 445 pair, Men's Black Alpaca Pants
    1 case, 280 pair, Men's Brown Grass Cloth, Merino Jackets
    1 case, 534 pair, Men's Brown Drill Trowsers
    1 case, 90 pair, Shepherd Plaid Suits
    9 pair, Child's Dress Plaid Suits
    7 pair, Men's Fancy Melton Melbourne Jackets
    1 case assorted Men and Child's Suits
    1 case Men's Shirts, Linen Fronts
    1 case, Boy's Shirts, Layover Collars
    1 case assorted Gloves, Drab, French and Lisle
    2 cases Youths' Brown Cotton ˝ Hose, and Men's do, assorted
    1 case Women's White Cotton Hose
    2 cases Men's Gauze and Merino Shirts

    2 cases Men's West End, Collars and Regatta Shirts

    1 case Drawers and Chemises
    3 cases Men's L. Cloth shirts

    Dry Goods.

    39 cases Fancy and Madder Prints
    10 bales Brown Denims
    8 cases Brown Linen
    1 bale Towels
    8 bales Brown Union Drills
    1 case Granoville Mixture
    8 bales Blue Denims
    13 cases Printed Muslin
    1 case Crossover Muslin
    1 case Fancy Printed Muslin
    1 case Twill Checks
    8 cases Printed DeLaines
    5 bales Indigo Blue Twills
    1 cases Printed Cotton Hdkfs
    3 bales Bordered F. Tweeds
    2 " Fancy Twist do
    1 " Angelo Check
    1 " Cambroons
    1 " Check Tweeds
    1 " Striped do
    1 " Light Twill
    1 case Men's Alpaca Coating
    1 " Black Lustre
    1 " " Cordroys
    1 " Nainsook
    2 " Brown Hollands
    1 " White Linen
    4 bales " Crogdous
    4 " " Stouts
    1 " Universal Shirting
    2 cases Drab Imitation Drills
    3 " French Denims
    7 bales Grey Domestics
    1 case Cambric Prints
    2 bales Blue Mottles
    2 " Heather Denims
    2 " Union Tweeds
    1 " Coatings, Union Check Drills and Gambroons
    1 " Grey and Fancy Tweeds
    1 case colored Dobourgs
    1 " Striped Brilliants
    1 " Tape [?] Checks
    6 bales White Long Cloth
    122 bales Stout and Fine English Grey Shirting
    40 cases pure English White shirting
    7 bales Blue Twill Regattas
    4 bales Cotton Ticks
    20 bales India Grey Domestic
    10 cases Fancy Prints
    2 cases Brown Glace Sewing Cotton
    2 bales White Cotton Quilts
    1 case assorted Needles and Buttons
    1 case Mosquito Netting
    1 bale Stripe Checks
    1 case Mixed Pins
    1 bale Towels, Bleached Dowlas, &c.
    8 cases Clark's assorted Black and White Glazed Spool Cotton—2,200 dozen, 100 yards
    8 cases Geo. Mosley's 3 Cord Colored, Black and White Glaced Reel—100 and 200 yards
    2 cases assorted Black, White, Brown, Drab and Machine Flax
    1 case Silver Flax, Imperial Chinese and Dutch Tape
    1 case Colored Patent Silk Gloves and Gaiters
    2 cases Expansion [or extension] Skirts
    61 pieces White Flannel
    41 pieces Red Flannel
    8 [?] pieces Blue Flannel
    2 pieces Dark Twill Flannel
    8 pieces Osnaburgs
    3 [?] pieces Blue Denims
    3 pieces Brown Kersey
    1 piece Canton Flannel
    46 pair Blankets
    100 Coverlids
    18 pair White Berlin Gloves
    1 lot White and Black Bone Buttons
    57 doz. Damask Military Shirts
    17 doz. Men's Cork Soles
    9 doz. Ladies' Cork Soles
    3 pieces Blue Military Cloth
    8 pieces Brown Cloth
    27 doz. White Tape
    39 doz. Linen White Tape
    10 great gross Agate Buttons
    72 pair Boys' Brogans assorted
    64 pair Men's Brogans, assorted
    18 Ladies' Lace Belgium Mantillas
    50 Ladies' Superior Lace Belgium Hdkfs
    1 piece Fine Silk Elastic for Gaiter Gores
    12 pieces Swiss Muslin
    1 box containing 1 pair Pistols, Flasks &c.
    1 pair India Rubber Overalls
    4 Superior Cloth Lined Overcoats
    1 package Sulphate Quinine
    N.B.—Catalogues will be ready for delivery on Friday, June 6th, for any parties desiring to forward to friends in the country. The sale will commence at 10 o'clock, and continue until 2 o'clock each day until finished. The Goods will be sold in order of Catalogue, commencing with the Groceries and concluding with Dry Goods.
    There is no impediment to the transportation of Goods per Railroad.

    Ok, that should be enough for now. At least this shows that denim is a period material, but as to how PEC it is, that is not for me to decide. I'll see if I can find some more in the millions of files I have on my computer, but no guarantees I have anything saved.

    Adam Cripps
    [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Book Antiqua]Adam Cripps[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]


    • #17
      Re: Abe Lincoln and Blue Jeans?

      Although the above store was located in VA, I have also researched northern stores. A store owner from IN, in 1852-1854) made 27 wholesale purchases of Kentucky jeans, Rhode Island jeans, Eagle jeans, and jean in blue, brown, buff, gray and green and striped. There was only one purchase of denim. The total fabric purchases were 525.

      Here is a question to you. Why would jean wool be sold in a northern store or purchased by any white, or free man.

      Jean wool is a slave fabric cheap to make and purachase and holds up very well. But no respecting person north or south would lower themselves to ware the cloth of a slave.

      The working mans fabrics of the day were corduroy and heavy cotton jean.



      • #18
        Re: Abe Lincoln and Blue Jeans?

        The USCT jacket Chris Daley mentioned is awsome. Its on display at Fort Ward and well worth the trip to anyone who has never been. I thought they had put a biker jacket on display when I first saw it. I might be mistaken though, it is the origional isnt it? Beutiful complex with a nice museum, and one of the coolest smoking caps ever.

