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A Civil War Video Series Like The Great War?

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  • A Civil War Video Series Like The Great War?

    Hello I am wondering if there is a video series on the Civil War like the YouTube channel The Great War, covering day by day and week by week actions and movements during the war, along with anecdotes, information on governments, units, people and daily lives.
    All I know of is the Civil War digital digest, of which I am a huge fan of and have been a subscriber for a couple of years.
    Sean Dahl

  • #2
    Re: A Civil War video series like The Great War?

    Check out The Ultimate Civil War Series. Its a two disk seven part series and can be purchased from Amazon or ebay. (I was lucky and found mine in the bargin bin at Walmart!) No matter what route you take to purchase, its not expensive, usually under ten dollars, and has really great information covering the years before the war, all four war years and reconstruction.
    Roger Marsh
    10th Michigan V.I.


    • #3
      Re: A Civil War video series like The Great War?

      Not a video series, and not exactly a day by day account.... but Emerging Civil War might provide some of the content that you seek. If you are not yet familiar, I would recommend it.

      John Trotta

