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Adding straight razor to impression

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  • Adding straight razor to impression

    Something to consider-adding a straight razor to your impression and actually using it to shave in the field.

    I finally decided to invest money,time, and a little blood to purchase and learn to use a straight razor. Having heard all sorts of horror stories about learning to use one, I approached this task with much caution and found it not to be quite as difficult as imagined.

    There is a certain nostalgia to shaving the old fashion method, and as living historians, it is a skill we should know.
    Michael A. Kupsch, 32°
    Grand Junior Warden, Grand Lodge of Kansas AF & AM
    Past Master Wyandotte Lodge #03

    The Tater Mess
    The Widow's Son Mess

  • #2
    Re: Adding straight razor to impression

    I have one in my haversack, but have not wanted to use it. I do not have a strop, although I could use my boot. My son has wanted to use it. I also have a string tied around it so when I reach into my poke sack I don't amputate my fingers.


    Dan McLean


    Failed Battery Mess

    Bty F, 1st PA Lt Arty
    (AKA LtCol USMC)



    • #3
      Re: Adding straight razor to impression

      I saw Keith Bartsch of the Palmetto Living History Association draw quite a little crowd while shaving at Fort Moultrie a few weeks ago. Its a fine feature to add to one's impression--

      :tounge_sm ---though I do think the fascination with watching is somehow related to why we like NASCAR races---just waiting for the wreck......
      Terre Hood Biederman
      Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

      Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

      ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


      • #4
        Re: Adding straight razor to impression

        I would love to learn to use a straight-razor safely, both to improve my impression and because I sort of enjoy some old-fashoned methods of performing my daily activities (as another shaving example, I generally use a mug and brush). I guess I have always been intimidated by the idea of using one :confused_ , but reading these posts may just give me the impetus to try! I carry a straight-razor that belonged to by great-grandfather, but I too have thus far used it for strictly ornamental purposes. Perhaps I can secure another to actually put to use...wish me luck! :wink_smil

        Best regards,
        Tom Scoufalos
        Tom Scoufalos

        "If you don't play with your toys, someone else will after you die." - Michael Schaffner, Chris Daley, and probably other people too...


        • #5
          Re: Adding straight razor to impression

          Keith has written a great article for my May newsletter concerning the use of a straight razor. Shoot me an email and I will forward all interested a copy!
          Joseph Hofmann


          • #6
            Re: Adding straight razor to impression

            When I was learning to use a straight razor many moons ago we used a balloon to practice on. Started in using a lot of shaving cream and popping quite a few balloons but it works real well and I still can shave without nicking anyone.

            Barbara L Hartman
            Augusta Carr Scarbrough
            Preservation not Profit
            CWPT,Museum of the Confederacy,SWCW and co-ordinator of volunteers for Ft Negley


            • #7
              Re: Adding straight razor to impression

              I usually bring an original straight razor in my knapsack as well.... It really adds to your impression.

              Aaron Schwieterman


              • #8
                Re: Adding straight razor to impression

                As Jersey Joe said, an article is forthcoming on this subject but please, please let me stress this. Use of original razors is potentially dangerous to your face. Allow me to explain. In order to do a safe job, the edge must not only be sharp (duh!) but also perfectly true. If that edge has the least little "ding" in it from being dropped or some other accidental misuse, it can wreak havoc. Think of how a hangnail catches on things. A "dinged" razor edge can drag a very nasty little slash as you try to shave with it. If you are not completely sure your edge is true, don't try to shave with it. One way to check is to very lightly draw your thumbnail along the edge. You should be able to detect any imperfection this way. What to do about a "dinged" edge? There are cutlery companies who can restore the edge and re-hone, but it ain't cheap. Probably better to discard for a better one, unless the razor has intrinsic or sentimental value.


                • #9
                  Re: Adding straight razor to impression


                  Where might we be able to procure an acceptable period razor? Is there anyone out there making ones that would be period correct?
                  Brian Koenig
                  Hedgesville Blues


                  • #10
                    Re: Adding straight razor to impression

                    At this time, no one I'm aware of is manufacturing a razor devoid of markings/stampings on the blade and/or tang which belie its modern manufacture upon close inspection. Presumably, these could be ground and polished away, but, as you can imagine, its a darn sight tougher than polishing out stampings on your musket. On a more positive note, one can buy razors with handles made from organic materials which are authentic in appearance in all other respects. Most any good cutlery store can fix you up. There are also web-based businesses who retail razors.

                    I shave with a straight razor everyday. Give it a try, you might just like it, and it does add another dimension to your impression. Be careful, light touch, and take your time until you get the hang of it.



                    • #11
                      Re: Adding straight razor to impression


                      I just read your article in Joe Hoffman's newsletter. Excellent!

                      You detailed the information needed to understand a very underrepresented part of soldier's life.

                      I still remember the fascination as I watched my father shave...

                      Thank you,


                      • #12
                        Re: Adding straight razor to impression

                        I picked up a period razor on ebay a few years ago for $11. I have wanted to use it for a while just havent gotten around to learning how to shave with it or sharpen it. Its just been in my kit for looks, but I think its time I learned to use it. Check out ebay, I know there were quite a few period razors on there when I was looking for one. Some are a little high, as they are collectors items.
                        Gregory Randazzo

                        Gawdawful Mess
                        John Brizzay Mess
                        SkillyGalee Mess

                        "The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states." Charles Dickens, 1862

                        “These people delight to destroy the weak and those who can make no defense; it suits them.” R.E. Lee referring to the Federal Army.


                        • #13
                          Re: Adding straight razor to impression

                          In my first post to this thread, I stated I usually bring an original straight razor with me to events..... However, I've never used it to shave my face.

                          I actually just bring it with me to add to my impression for personal items.

                          I just wanted to make that clear...

                          Aaron Schwieterman


                          • #14
                            Re: Adding straight razor to impression

                            Originally posted by Jefferson Guards

                            Where might we be able to procure an acceptable period razor? Is there anyone out there making ones that would be period correct?

                            I searched antique shops, the hardest part is finding one that has grips are still attached or shattered. I found that many had a date or some stamping on the blade similar to a sword. You can find lots with bakelite grips so be careful what you buy.


                            Dan McLean


                            Failed Battery Mess

                            Bty F, 1st PA Lt Arty
                            (AKA LtCol USMC)



                            • #15
                              Re: Adding straight razor to impression

                              Excellent article Keith!

                              Originally posted by K Bartsch
                              At this time, no one I'm aware of is manufacturing a razor devoid of markings/stampings on the blade and/or tang which belie its modern manufacture upon close inspection. Presumably, these could be ground and polished away, but, as you can imagine, its a darn sight tougher than polishing out stampings on your musket. On a more positive note, one can buy razors with handles made from organic materials which are authentic in appearance in all other respects. Most any good cutlery store can fix you up. There are also web-based businesses who retail razors.

                              I shave with a straight razor everyday. Give it a try, you might just like it, and it does add another dimension to your impression. Be careful, light touch, and take your time until you get the hang of it.

                              Michael A. Kupsch, 32°
                              Grand Junior Warden, Grand Lodge of Kansas AF & AM
                              Past Master Wyandotte Lodge #03

                              The Tater Mess
                              The Widow's Son Mess

