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Campaigning with the Diabetes

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  • Campaigning with the Diabetes

    Okay, hivemind. I have recently caused myself a bit of a sticky wicket. I went and ate/drank my way to a pretty convincing case of the diabetes. So, lifestyle changes have occurred, yadda yadda. What I am presently trying to work out is how to eat in the field. I am going to get plenty of protein, which is fine, and the crackers will be more than enough carbs (which I have to limit) but to keep my chemistry in check, I need non-starchy vegetable matter. What the hell can I put into the haversack to do that? Should I fabricate some sort of desiccated vegetable? I'm worried that those have lots of carbs in the binding agents (corn starch).

    I've considered a couple onions in the haversack. Or a can or two of peas/beans/etc. The labeling and "correcting" of cans might be a pain.

    Surely, I am not the first to campaign with dietary issues. What do you all do in the field to make sure your sugar stays right?
    Jacob "Ned" Nolan
    Mess No. 1

  • #2
    Re: Campaigning with the Diabetes

    As someone in a situation with a new diagnosis as well but from unfortunate genetics, I am curious as to how others with this condition manage in the field. Sorry I could not be of help but I am certainly interested in what experienced folks have to say. Hope you’re doing well with your management now, it’s a big lifestyle change for sure.
    Andrew Bentley


    • #3
      Re: Campaigning with the Diabetes


      It depends on the season in which we are taking the field and you could carry something like snap peas, etc., depending on the area, scenario, and time of year.

      Also, I think it is more of a case of reverse engineering. While I am not a doctor, speaking to yours about specific requirements to regulate your blood sugar is where I would start, and then talk about options for doing so with period foodstuffs, etc.

      There are plenty of items that can assist with this, I am sure, but in the main your safety and health is what is most important.

      Please don't compromise that in the interest of being "hardcore", especially at campaigner events where you may be a good distance from cars and focused medical response if required. Don't jeopardize yourself, your pards, or the event because you don't have what is required to keep you healthy.
      Ivan Ingraham
      AC Moderator


      • #4
        Re: Campaigning with the Diabetes

        Thanks, guys. Ivan, your advice rings true. Honestly, when I wrote this I was several days removed from my diagnosis and was sort of gobsmacked about my new life. I think I have it under control a bit, now. Peas, fresh garden veggies (If the time of year is right) and onions (they keep forever) seem to be the way to go. So would smuggling in whatever else I discretely need to, ya know, stay alive and stuff. I got this. Thanks, again.
        Jacob "Ned" Nolan
        Mess No. 1

