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reenacting resume

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  • #16
    Re: reenacting resume

    "How would you suggest determining when a "hobby" is or is not relevant? Would you consider the type of reenacting and career field as factors that may create an exception? Within the reenacting/living history hobby there are those who organize events, facilitate seminars and educate the public. If done frequently enough and for an extended period of time, these people could develop and display skills useful in fields such as education, program development, recreation, museum administration or public relations. This has long been my perspective. If you disagree as an employee, could you share more of your reasoning?"

    I'm gonna chip in.

    First, I think Mr. Braun and I are talking about when you apply for a specific job, not when you simply sit back and come up with a generic resume.

    You need to know enough about that specific job to determine what relevant experience is. Usually the advertisement pretty much tells you the basics of what they are looking for.

    So your cover letter stresses that you have what they are looking for, and those things are front and center on your resume, which they then pick up after reading your cover letter. End of Chapter One. Hopefully what you put down will get you in the door. You only get through the door if you "fit," if you match the job requirements. So your first mission is simply to demonstrate that you are among those qualified for the job -- you include what make you fit through their screening system. So it is all qualification-related stuff. Pile it up as high as you want, just so it fits exactly what they said they wanted in their advertisement.

    Once you have the interview, your mission changes, Chapter Two. You now need to demonstrate that you are superiorly qualified for the position over everyone else who got through the initial screening process, and you need to play it by ear, although that includes thinking through, ahead of time, what you might be asked and what experiences you might trot out in front of the interviewer as a result.

    What got me one interview was a serious wheelbarrowload of relevant experience. What got me the managerial job, however, was pointing out that several years as president of a volunteer fire company led me to understand how to get people to do things based around the reasons we were all there, rather than by giving orders because I was boss. That hadn't been on my resume. That just seemed to be a good thing to say during the interview, based on the questions I was getting about how to motivate people. Had there been questions about speaking to the public, I very well might have mentioned living history stuff. Had the man hiring me been sitting in front of a .36 Navy colt mounted on the wall with 'Terry's Texas Rangers' carved in the plaque, well ... you get the picture.

    Sitting on the other end of the seesaw, when I hire people, I can't begin to tell you how tiresome it gets when people list inappropriate experience and qualifications. This is going to sound quite harsh, but darn it, if you can't figure out how to avoid wasting my time sifting through all your burger flipping and perfume sales experience for a job as a reporter or copy editor, why should I think you can figure out how to be a reporter or copy editor? You haven't even figured out how to apply for a job, and that's easy compared to some of the stuff we expect a reporter to do.

    So one point of what we're trying to get across here is that you (the generic you) need to think in terms of how to effectively market yourself, not in terms of trying to come up with the one-time, that's it, perfect resume.

    Y'all are getting about 50 years, combined, of experience in this stuff. If Mr. Braun and I were to package this in a two-day seminar, we'd be able to charge a nice fee. :-)

    Bill Watson
    Ad hoc career counselor
    Bill Watson


    • #17
      Re: reenacting resume

      What Bill said!

      Not much to add, but sometimes it's in the way you package it. For example, I served as Lt. Col. for a group with about 500 members for several years. When I needed some letters of reference, I asked the gentleman who had been the Colonel to write one. Realizing the non-PC nature of the modern world, he wrote that I had served as the vice-president of a statewide service organization while he had been president of the organization, etc. etc. Completely true, and it allowed him to describe what he saw as my strengths in the position, without clouding the issue with questions of appropriate hobbies.
      Bruce Hoover
      Palmetto Living History Assoc.


      • #18
        Re: reenacting resume

        I am all for the seminar. This discussion and the two of you really have my attention.

        Equating the cover letter and resume with marketing yourself makes sense.
        I sent you an additional question - never mind, I guess I can't.

        Anna Worden
        [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Book Antiqua]Anna Worden Bauersmith[/FONT][/COLOR]


        • #19
          Re: reenacting resume

          I can only underscore Mr. Watson's excellent summary.

          Contrary to popular belief, employers do not hire people. They hire skill sets that will solve problems or fill customer needs. People are hired into employment situations when they present as the best "fit" for the needs of the position and the company. The resume and the cover letter are only the means to the end.

          To answer Ms. Worden's question... it is my opinion that reenacting and endeavors that support reenacting are, with very few exceptions, not career paths. Despite all our wishful thinking, these experiences are, by and large, irrelevant to most job seeking situations.

          HOWEVER, if such endeavors involved original research, special event organization, publication, etc., etc. AND these activities fulfill the particular stated needs or skill sets required by a particular employer, then and only then would I counsel that one's reenacting experience might be relevant to the discussion.

          Again, as a rule, I would strongly advise leaving off one's resume hobbies, family, church, and related social endeavors.

          Also... you can save more space by deleting the "References Available on Request" line. Every employer worth his/her salt already knows that, and will generally ask for your references either on the application or at the time of interview.

          Good hunting!

          [B]Robert Braun[/B]

          << Il nous faus de l'audace, encore l'audace, toujours l'audace! >>


          • #20
            Re: reenacting resume

            I was asked to provide a "reenacting resume" when I was approached about serving in a certain field/staff role at an event in 2002. It was kind of interesting to summarize my reenacting experience on a page of paper.

            That said, if you're applying for a real job, I'd seriously reconsider whether you want to emphasize reenacting experience. Most historians regard reenactors as bozos--rightly so. The ability to buy and wear a repro uniform does not necessarily make one a good historical interpreter, let alone researcher.

            In that vein, my "reenacting resume" makes just as much of the articles I've published and research I've done as the portrayals I have, rank I've held, and events I've helped to organize. What would an employer want: a reenactor, or a researcher/interpreter? Tailor the resume' to fit the needs of the position you're after.


            • #21
              Re: reenacting resume

              As an employer and someone who has to constantly go over resumes, I would say that it depends on the position you are applying for. If you are applying for a position that such as historic interpreter/park guide/docent,etc.. I would definitely list it. To be honest with you, it is not very often that I get anyone with actual living history experience and it really does stand out. I almost always interview someone if they have a little experience. Given that experience isn't necessary to become a good interpreter. But, I would basically cater your resume to the position you are applying for. If reenacting has no bearing on what you are applying for then I would streamline your resume and leave it off. And as stated earlier, you could always bring it up in the interview if you wanted to. It is almost guaranteed that you will get a "why are you qualified for this position?" type of question.

              Rick Musselman
              Buckeye Mess
              [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Rick Musselman[/FONT]
              Director of Education, Carriage Hill Farm, Dayton, Ohio
              President, Midwest Open-Air Museums Coordinating Council (MOMCC)
              Palestine #158, F. & A.M.

