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I've been hacked...

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  • #16
    Re: I've been hacked...

    I've heard from various people of who the finger has been pointed at, I'm not gonna name names but all I can say is I know the kid from his early days of reenacting and even before he was reenacting he was hacking into peoples accounts mainly reenactors. Sorry this had to happen to you guys. Geeze I've been gone from these forums for a year and so much has happened!


    • #17
      Re: I've been hacked...


      It looks like Stebby is back and still at it.....

      Last night I received an Instant Message from "Hardee1863" claiming to be Andrew Stebbins... Before he gave me his name, he asked me if I would create a screen name FOR HIS USE on my computer... (I have no idea how one would go about that anyway. I'm guess it would give him access to my password, who knows) I immediately ended the convo and put my IM blocks back up... (getting tired of that one.)

      What I don't understand is how he found my IM screen name? I don't make that public and only a small amount of people know it.

      I guess no legal actions were brought onto him, and he's back for more hacking. Just thinking about this makes me SICK. :sick:

      Any ideas?
      Last edited by HOG.EYE.MAN; 08-26-2004, 01:32 PM.

      Aaron Schwieterman


      • #18
        Re: I've been hacked...

        Wow...Was i reading this post at the right time...I was actually talking to "hardee1863" while reading this post. You can imagine how fast i hit the block button. Thanks for the heads up everyone.

        Ryan McIntyre
        124th New York State Volunteers
        Founder of the Squatting Bullfrog Mess & the "Leave your politics at home" Mess

        "the Doctor says that I have got the Knapsack complaint that is I cant carry a knapsack that is a disease of my own getting up for I can lift as much as eney[sic] of the boys"
        Joseph H. Johnston
        March 16th 1863
        Camp Convalescent

        "It takes twelve men and a corporal up there [brigade headquarters] to take care of a few trees and salute the officers as they pass these are all the orders we have, but it is military I suppose..."
        Henry M Howell
        March 8 1863
        In camp Near Falmouth


        • #19
          Re: I've been hacked...

          This is becoming a huge problem....... doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon.

          I can't believe he's still at it....

          Aaron Schwieterman


          • #20
            Re: I've been hacked...

            I can't believe it either; however I am curious...Aaron, did he ask you to create an account for him on the AC or for instant messaging?

            Sorry to keep bringing up a sore point...
            [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Miss Lisa-Marie Clark[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
            [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][I][FONT=Book Antiqua]Long, long years have passed, and though he comes no more,
            Yet my heart will startling beat with each footfall at my door.
            I gaze o'er the hill where he waved his last adieu,
            But no gallant lad I see in his faded coat of blue.[/FONT][/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]


            • #21
              Re: I've been hacked...


              He wanted me to create an account for AOL use....Probably for AIM. Plus, I'm sure he wanted to bamboozle my password as well.

              General Aaron :shades_sm
              Last edited by HOG.EYE.MAN; 08-26-2004, 10:43 PM.

              Aaron Schwieterman

