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War of Northern Agression....

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  • War of Northern Agression....

    I have heard of many names for the Civil War such as the war between the states the war of seccesion and the such...

    But the one that still dosent make that much sence to me is this...
    the War of Northern Agression

    I know that tensions where high between North and South and on the ideas of Industry, farming, textiles, slavery and many other causes to make that rift between americans.
    But still...why call it the war of northern agression it makes no sence to me...

    You can say it was the norths influence on every thing and there modern industry and the such but that dosent explain it to me....

    than there is this fact of evidence...who started the war! who fired on ft. Sumpter...I see it more as the war of Southern Agression from that....

    but if any one can sheed some insight to this please do!

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    Last edited by ; 09-05-2004, 10:22 PM. Reason: bolded Elizabeth's warning - for emphasis

  • #2
    Re: War of Northern Agression....

    Ok, I’ll bite.

    But maybe the inhabitants of these houses could give a better explanation.
    How do you think they felt about Union Troops in their city, state and country?
    Do you think their feelings diminished over time? Did the army of occupation treat them squarely (in their opinion)?

    Maybe the boys that died defending these works do.

    I don't have an answer to your question. I do live in an area extensivly damaged during the war and politically and socially oppressed after the war. Feelings here still run deep.

    Maybe the fact the you and I will never agree on why people should or should not feel this way is your answer.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Vuhginyuh; 07-27-2004, 12:12 PM. Reason: images
    B. G. Beall (Long Gone)


    • #3
      Re: War of Northern Agression....

      if i where them i would be mad just as much but they brought it on them selves... now one can say not all southerners where pro-secssision... but chances are they rooted for the loosing team and than wanted to play the oh poor me kinda act... im not the one to say that crimes or "inhumane treatment". such as every union regement had its share of rapest who pillaged the local women for fun. (that how almost every movie portrays to an extent).

      but the conquences on what there states did to them affected them more than the union army. there wouldnt have been such bloodshed/ Dammage if the southern states didnt leave the union. thus i wouldnt solely blame the "yankey invader"..try blaming the state senator for his vote to leave the union and than the Govenors decision to ratify it....
      Last edited by ; 07-27-2004, 12:02 PM.


      • #4
        Re: War of Northern Agression....

        I was editing when he replied, sorry for the time discrepancy.
        B. G. Beall (Long Gone)


        • #5
          Re: War of Northern Agression....


          It seems you have to do a little reading on the subject of the causes of the war.

          A very general explanation for the name in your question is that the Union armies spent the majority of time during the war in Southern territory, hence them being referred to as the aggressors by Southerns.

          This topic really has no place here on this forum as this is about authentic campaigning. I am going to close the thread.
          Mike "Dusty" Chapman

          Member: CWT, CVBT, NTHP, MOC, KBA, Stonewall Jackson House, Mosby Heritage Foundation

          "I would have posted this on the preservation folder, but nobody reads that!" - Christopher Daley

          The AC was not started with the beginner in mind. - Jim Kindred

