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Pre-Civil War bass drum, music instruments, uniforms are stolen

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  • Pre-Civil War bass drum, music instruments, uniforms are stolen

    Pre-Civil War bass drum, music instruments, uniforms are stolen

    A trailer’s theft has put the 8th Regiment Band in a tight spot and left re-enactors heart-broken.

    07/30/04By Matt Tuck, Rome News-Tribune Staff Writer

    When the 8th Regiment Band’s trailer was stolen, thieves ran off with more than just equipment, they took a museum. “Most of the instruments are authentic,” said Herb Barnum, treasurer and business manager of the Civil War re-enactment band. “They’re antiques. It had just whatever we need to put on a concert.” John Carruth, chief musician of the band, told Rome police the locked trailer was parked behind the Music Room, 406 Second Ave., when it was taken sometime earlier this week. One piece in particular, a pre-Civil War bass drum, was completely authentic. “It’s irreplaceable,” Barnum said. He estimated it is worth nearly $5,000 by itself. The trailer and other missing equipment — including some brass instruments, music stands and Confederate War uniforms — are valued at about $10,000. While the group is offering a $500 reward for the return of the items, Barnum said the instruments are the most important. “We just hope they’re not going to dump it in the woods somewhere,” he said. Meanwhile, for the band, the show must go on. The band will play Saturday in Dalton at the Sons of Confederate Veterans National Convention. As luck would have it, not all of their instruments were in the trailer; some band members took their pieces home, while other instruments will be loaned to them. “We might not look quite as spiffy,” Barnum said. “Some may have to wear Union uniforms, and some may wear a sports shirt and a pair of dress pants.” Rome police Capt. Denise Downer-McKinney said that police are posting lookouts for the trailer.
    Marlin Teat
    [I]“The initial or easy tendency in looking at history is to see it through hindsight. In doing that, we remove the fact that living historical actors at that time…didn’t yet know what was going to happen. We cannot understand the decisions they made unless we understand how they perceived the world they were living in and the choices they were facing.”[/I]-Christopher Browning

  • #2
    Re: Pre-Civil War bass drum, music instruments, uniforms are stolen

    Original instruments! ARRRRRRRRRRRRR! Abysmal! Abhorrent!

    May the thieves be flogged mercilessly with a cat o' nine snares and undergo a prolonged session of psychological torture by being forced to listen to dissonant fifes!

    Here's to hoping the band gets them back.
    Jason R. Wickersty

    Received. “How now about the fifth and sixth guns?”
    Sent. “The sixth gun is the bully boy.”
    Received. “Can you give it any directions to make it more bully?”
    Sent. “Last shot was little to the right.”
    Received. “Fearfully hot here. Several men sunstruck. Bullets whiz like fun. Have ceased firing for awhile, the guns are so hot."

    - O.R.s, Series 1, Volume 26, Part 1, pg 86.

