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Who is Dom dal Bello?

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  • Who is Dom dal Bello?

    I don't mean any disrespect, but I'm sure to get dozens of hate mail/responses to this question, but who is this Dom dal Bello character and why is he suddenly looked upon as the new messiah? The first time I heard of him and the AoP was at the 2001 Raymond, MS event. I don't get out east that often (stuck in Missouri), so I may not be always up to date on current events, but just how did AoP and Dom get so infamous?
    Robert W. Talbott

  • #2
    Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?

    I don't know Dom, and have only ever interacted with members of the AOP at one event (This years Picketts Mill event).

    But... I understand that the AOP has been around for at least 10 years, and that their participation in events have been considered by many to be very authentic with their impressions, and the manner in which they organise in the field and how they conduct themselves (in other words.. they have earned a good reputation for how they do things). I have no doubt however, that like all groups or individuals... others will have a different opinion on the AOP or on Dom himself.

    I do know that Dom has published a number of items.

    You can see the AOP web site from here:

    Brian Hicks
    Widows' Sons Mess

    Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

    "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

    “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


    • #3
      Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?


      Infamous: Having a reputation of the worst kind (Webster's, 1994:597).
      Infamy: Evil reputation brought about by something grosly criminal, shocking or brutal (Webster's, 1994:597). Lynndie England is infamous, to my knowledge Dom is not.

      You seem to be either misinformed or in need of a dictionary.
      Perhaps you should fall in with the AoP before you go out in public and spout ignorant opinions about groups and people that you have no idea about. And what is giving you the opinion that people are holding Dom up as a Messiah?

      The AoP is a fine organization made up of some of the finest groups in the hobby that come together under the AoP umbrella.

      Still going to the wrong events?

      Steve Parrish


      • #4
        Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?


        The AoP/Dom have been around since about the Red River I Campaign event.

        They are noted for their attention to authenticity. They are one of the first Federal battalion sized organizations (umbrella groups) to go the campaigner route (one of the first, not the first). They issue rations, packaged as were the originals - i.e. barrels of pork or beef packed in salt, properly labeled tins and bags of dry goods.

        The organization is run strictly military, all forms and protocols are enforced. The functions of pickets and guard mounts are performed, as well as all musicians being functional, all calls done by the bugle, etc.

        Is Dom a messiah or demi god? No. Is he looked upon in high esteem? Yes Would you go crashing into the flaming depths of hell for doubting his existance? Gee, I don't know!!! :sarcastic

        I remain always - Crabby
        Beth Crabb

        John Crabb July 10, 1953 - Nov. 25, 2009


        • #5
          Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?

          Attached an image of Dom for your general interest.
          Last edited by Matt Caldwell; 07-09-2009, 08:15 PM.
          [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Matt Caldwell




          • #6
            Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?


            I can't add much more to what has already been said but the odds are good that you have either drilled under command of someone who has read Dom Dal Bello's "PIE" or engaged in guard/picket duty as explicated in Dom's manual covering that topic.

            Officers under which you have served have also likely adopted his "Manual of the Sword," compiled from various period sources:

            Wir bieten: Soundsysteme, Headsets, Mäuse, Mauspads, Tastaturen, Gamepads und Gaming Chairs sowie verschiedene IT-Zubehörteile, für Office oder Gaming.

            Dom is certainly not a "god" but he is nevertheless well-respected due, in large part, to the aforementioned publications. These have been enormously influential since Dom, being the "left-brained" engineer that he is, was, to my knowledge, the first person to conduct systematic, and comprehensive, reviews of period sources addressing drill, guard duty, &c. and publish them. In doing so, he identified errors, contradictions, or "gaps" in period manuals and, in turn, worked out "fixes" based on post-war works (e.g., the 1874 edition of "Upton's Tactics") or other documentary evidence.

            This doesn't mean that Dom's approaches are "be-alls" and "end-alls" since new information continually comes to light (I myself have found new wartime sources that contradict some of his guidance). However, Dom has worked out the best "systems" to date and that's no mean compliment to his knowledge and abilities.

            Having noted all the above, I'm sure Dom will likely be the first person to tell you that his publications do not replace, but rather complement, the original manuals from whence he drew his information. Everyone should read the primary sources so they can drawn their own conclusions.


            Mark Jaeger

            Mark Jaeger


            • #7
              Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?

              Dom Dal Bello is a fine gentleman and since falling in with the AoP for the first time at Raymond 1, events just haven't been the same.
              I fully agree with what a few of the others have said eariler. If you want to be with someone who does it by the book or can pull off a convincing impression of a battalion on campaign he's your man. If you want to attend an event as a campaigner and don't want to listen to people whine about pickett duty and marching he's the man you want to serve under. Which says more of the men who serve under him.

              I have worked closely with him at a couple events as a drummer and Fifer. He uses musicians and makes them a functional part of the battalion structure. So when the field music plays a call it actually means something and people act, which is very cool to be a part of.

              Dom isn't someone who just popped into the scene overnight he has been out there for at least 10 years now. He was the one that stayed with the Federal Army at Red River 1.

              Not to diminish Dom's reputation but Pat Craddock is a fine leader too. thought I'd mention him because both men are working in the same direction. While Dom typically does Federal. Pat does both Federal and Confederate. I have Worked with both men and like what they do.

              Both men do a lot of work in the Western Theater (Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and sometimes Georgia)
              If you go west of the Mississippi there is me but that is still largely a grassroots movement. None of us claim to be a god.
              Frank Aufmuth
              Frank Aufmuth
              When you hear my whistle, Hell will be upon you.


              • #8
                Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?

                I apologize for the use of the word "messiah" and in word "infamous." It was a poor choice of words.
                A better comparison would be to remark that Dom has achieved legendary status-on parallel with Rob Hodge. Over the last three years I cannot pick up a civil war reenactor newsletter or open up a website without Dom or the AoP mentioned with some sort of reverence. Just wanted to see what all the "hub-bub" was about.
                Here in Missouri, with mostly mainstream or "dog and pony show" variety events, it is refreshing to hear of something unique going on in other parts of this nation. The only "campaigning" I can recall doing over the last ten years was when I went to Red River in '94.
                In conclusion, I think "roughing it" out in the woods would be fun as well as educational, but really nothing going on in this area. I applaud and respect those of you that do it out east.
                Robert W. Talbott


                • #9
                  Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?


                  You don't have to go out east to campaign. You will probably have to leave Missouri, but there are plenty of campaign events here in the west. Shaker Village is in Kentucky, and Franklin is not far either, i'm sure the AoP would be happy to have you

                  Steve Parrish
                  Hogg Mess


                  • #10
                    Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?


                    Do you know about the upcoming living history at Wilson's Creek?
                    There might be some scattered folks at Pilot Knob (Ironton) next month.
                    Athens 2005 is supposed to be a big doings.

                    Course, some of those things call for civilian or state/home guard impressions.

                    TAG was fun, just the other side of Fort Donelson.

                    John Pillers

                    Wanna reenact the printing of the first edition of the 'Stars and Stripes' next year? It iook place in SE Missouri in 1861.....
                    John Pillers
                    Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

                    'We're putting the band back together'


                    • #11
                      Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?

                      "who is this Dom dal Bello character and why is he suddenly looked upon as the new messiah?"


                      Respectfully, you'll never use a poorer choice of words to ask a question in your life...

                      The Army of the Pacific is the 1st Brigade of the 1st Federal Division, of the North-South Alliance. What's more, it's also the premier umbrella organization for Federal campaigners in the country, which says alot about the respect given to Dom.

                      Being in the military, I feel a true leader is someone you personally feel bad about letting down. Not only is Dom is that type of leader, but the AoP is arguably the most disciplined Federal battalion-sized unit in the hobby. I truly believe that says a lot.

                      You'd have an opportunity to experience this first hand by falling in with the AoP at Franklin. I know there are at least two companies being raised in the Trans Miss area.

                      Mike Phineas
                      Arlington, TX
                      Mike Phineas
                      Arlington, TX
                      24th Missouri Infantry
                      Independent Volunteer Battalion

                      "Oh, go in anywhere Colonel, go in anywhere. You'll find lovely fighting all along the line."

                      -Philip Kearny


                      • #12
                        Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?

                        Anyone have an email or a website for him? I'd love to get in contact with him.

                        Much thanks.
                        [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"]Matt Reardon[/FONT][/SIZE]
                        [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]"River Rat Mess"[/FONT]
                        8th Connecticut Volunteers

                        [B]Executive Director
                        New England Civil War Museum
                        Rockville, Connecticut


                        • #13
                          Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?

                          Originally posted by riverratmess
                          Anyone have an email or a website for him? I'd love to get in contact with him.

                 for the website

                          email through



                          • #14
                            Re: Who is Dom dal Bello?

                            So who is Dom? An old pard of mine.

                            What is the AoP?

                            Well, the main reasons for the birth of the AoP was the fact that most of us here in the far west CA, AZ, UT, OR, WA, and NM travelling to the East for events like Manassas, and Stones River, were being placed in catch all battalions of dubious quallity when we arrived. After several events here in the far west showed us that there were the numbers of like minded living historians here in the west we decided to create our own battalion when we travelled back east. Since the AoPs creation, we have fielded battalion sized units on the Red River Campaign, Antietam, and Chickamauga. I think what is considered the 1st AoP event was in 1992 at Fort Tejons 2nd CA garrison.
                            Robert Johnson

                            "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

                            In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.

