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A conundrum

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  • A conundrum

    Here is a supposedly period conundrum that came out of a grammar book according to the person who presented it. I have thought and thought and am wit's end trying to solve it and turn to the fine members of this forum in an effort to save my sanity.

    "A man without eyes saw plums on a tree. He neither took plums or left plums, now how can this be?"

    I have searched for the answer and cannot come up with anything. My antagonist will not reveal the answer so I am forced to stoop to relying on others having mercy and coming to my assistance.
    Michael Comer
    one of the moderator guys

  • #2
    Re: A conundrum

    A clue: it has to do with the use of plurals.

    I shall say no more.
    Marc A. Hermann
    Liberty Rifles.
    MOLLUS, New York Commandery.
    Oliver Tilden Camp No 26, SUVCW.

    In honor of Sgt. William H. Forrest, Co. K, 114th PA Vol. Infantry. Pvt. Emanuel Hermann, 45th PA Militia. Lt. George W. Hopkins & Capt. William K. Hopkins, Co. E, 7th PA Reserves. Pvt. Joseph A. Weckerly, 72nd PA Vol. Infantry (WIA June 29, 1862, d. March 23, 1866.) Pvt. Thomas Will, 21st PA Vol. Cavalry (WIA June 18, 1864, d. July 31, 1864.)


    • #3
      Re: A conundrum

      He either has one eye, or he took/left only one plum.
      Elizabeth Clark


      • #4
        Re: A conundrum

        Originally posted by FranklinGuardsNYSM
        A clue: it has to do with the use of plurals.
        Pirates have no need for plums anyway. But wouldn't the plural of plural be..... plural?? ;)

        Rich Croxton
        Rich Croxton

        "I had fun. How about you?" -- In memory of Charles Heath, 1960-2009


        • #5
          Re: A conundrum

          One eye. Two plums on the tree. He took one, he left one.

          Phil Campbell
          Phil Campbell


          • #6
            Re: A conundrum

            Originally posted by Gallinipper
            Pirates have no need for plums anyway. But wouldn't the plural of plural be..... plural?? ;)

            Rich Croxton
            I have been zinged.
            Marc A. Hermann
            Liberty Rifles.
            MOLLUS, New York Commandery.
            Oliver Tilden Camp No 26, SUVCW.

            In honor of Sgt. William H. Forrest, Co. K, 114th PA Vol. Infantry. Pvt. Emanuel Hermann, 45th PA Militia. Lt. George W. Hopkins & Capt. William K. Hopkins, Co. E, 7th PA Reserves. Pvt. Joseph A. Weckerly, 72nd PA Vol. Infantry (WIA June 29, 1862, d. March 23, 1866.) Pvt. Thomas Will, 21st PA Vol. Cavalry (WIA June 18, 1864, d. July 31, 1864.)


            • #7
              Re: A conundrum

              The blind use the sense of touch to see.
              Robert Johnson

              "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

              In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


              • #8
                Re: A conundrum

                Originally posted by FranklinGuardsNYSM
                I have been zinged.
                Hey Marc!
                Don't feed too badly. Heck, I mistakenly thought the Asphalt Mess carried a haversack full of Preparation-H with them into battle.....

                Rich Croxton
                Rich Croxton

                "I had fun. How about you?" -- In memory of Charles Heath, 1960-2009


                • #9
                  Re: A conundrum

                  Originally posted by huntdaw
                  "A man without eyes saw plums on a tree. He neither took plums or left plums, now how can this be?"
                  Oww..... My brain hurts now..... :confused_
                  Matt Adair


                  • #10
                    Re: A conundrum


                    Your clue made the light bulb come on.

                    Michael Comer
                    one of the moderator guys


                    • #11
                      Re: A conundrum

                      Hallo Kameraden und Kameradeninen!

                      I recall the first "question" on the first test of my 11th grade Calc/Trig Class:

                      1. Make a statement from: There is snow on the ground. It is 60 degrees out.

                      Having a cross-dominant brain, but being in a right-brain mode that day, I got it wrong. Having thought about it, and having to move on to the next question, I wrote "It is not snow, it is something else like styrofoam." since it does not snow at this sea level at 60 Degrees.

                      Obviously, the correct "answer" was "The snow is melting."

                      So, I quit Calc/Trig and took up Civil War reenacting where things were so much easier...

                      But I am reminded of a Civil War "tract" a pard used to use for religious talks and prayer. It had two jokes on the back that went:

                      1. 1st Man: My dog got its nose cut off!
                      2nd Man: How did he smell?
                      1st Man: Awful!

                      2. Q: What is the last part of a pig to go over a fence?
                      A. The letter "K." (pork)

                      As I have discovered in other countries, as well as our own, and over Time-
                      humor is truly subjective... ;-) :-)

                      Curt-Heinrich Schmidt
                      Yuks Deluxe Mess
                      Curt Schmidt
                      In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                      -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                      -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                      -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                      -Vastly Ignorant
                      -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                      • #12
                        Re: A conundrum

                        There's a great scene in "Echoes of the Blue and Gray" (Ever notice how many times the word "Echoes" appears in CW titles?) where GAR Vets are telling jokes and stories. One vet tells this "joke."

                        'A comrade was by the fire knitting graybacks and I said, "Joe, Are you licking them?" and he replied, "No, I am taking them as they come."

                        Hilarity ensued. That must have been a screamer in 1863.
                        John Stillwagon


                        • #13
                          Re: A conundrum

                          Here's some liable-to-fall-flat riddles from THE CAMP JESTER, OR, AMUSEMENT FOR THE MESS, published in 1864.

                          "Why is it" asked a Yankee of a Rebel, "that you Rebels are always fighting for Liberty, while we Federals only fight for honor?"
                          "I suppose," said the Rebel, "that each are fighting for what they most lack."

                          Why are siege guns like tailors? Because they make breaches.

                          Why is an occupied chair like an expensive piece of goods? Because it is sat-in.

                          Why is a man who vacates a house and cheats his land-lord, like an officer in the army? Because he is a lefttenant.

                          What sort of drums are the most stirring? Kettle drums.

                          What sort are the most indelicate? Bass drums.

                          What sort are the most borish? Humdrums.

                          What sort are the most amusing? Con-un-drums.
                          Marc A. Hermann
                          Liberty Rifles.
                          MOLLUS, New York Commandery.
                          Oliver Tilden Camp No 26, SUVCW.

                          In honor of Sgt. William H. Forrest, Co. K, 114th PA Vol. Infantry. Pvt. Emanuel Hermann, 45th PA Militia. Lt. George W. Hopkins & Capt. William K. Hopkins, Co. E, 7th PA Reserves. Pvt. Joseph A. Weckerly, 72nd PA Vol. Infantry (WIA June 29, 1862, d. March 23, 1866.) Pvt. Thomas Will, 21st PA Vol. Cavalry (WIA June 18, 1864, d. July 31, 1864.)

