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"Keagy-Noble" Federal Issue Blanket

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  • "Keagy-Noble" Federal Issue Blanket


    Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the "Keagy-Noble" Federal Issue Blanket that orchard hill sutlery is selling. I'm interested in it's durability as well as its warmth factor, also its authenticity.

    Ryan McIntyre
    124th New York State Volunteers
    Founder of the Squatting Bullfrog Mess & the "Leave your politics at home" Mess

    "the Doctor says that I have got the Knapsack complaint that is I cant carry a knapsack that is a disease of my own getting up for I can lift as much as eney[sic] of the boys"
    Joseph H. Johnston
    March 16th 1863
    Camp Convalescent

    "It takes twelve men and a corporal up there [brigade headquarters] to take care of a few trees and salute the officers as they pass these are all the orders we have, but it is military I suppose..."
    Henry M Howell
    March 8 1863
    In camp Near Falmouth

  • #2
    Re: "Keagy-Noble" Federal Issue Blanket

    If you want a a warm durable, blanket that is a perfect copy of the original, and is suitable for any event from 1850s US Regular in the forests of Humbolt, to One of Roseys boys at Chatanooga, to the Wagonbox fight. Go with the Gaede-Childs Danish exchange blanket. Heck my wife and are using mine tonight while the comforter is at the dry cleaners :wink_smil
    Robert Johnson

    "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

    In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


    • #3
      Re: "Keagy-Noble" Federal Issue Blanket


      I have both blankets mentioned in this thread so I'll pass on my thoughts.

      The Copenhagen Exchange 1851 pattern blanket Charlie Childs produces has a great provenance and Charlie is kind enough to include a copy of the article Fred Gaede wrote for the Company of Military Historians. From an authenticity perspective there you can't really knock anything about this blanket and as Robert mentioned it is very warm. If all ireproducitons available to us were so well researched we would be very lucky indeed.

      As for the Keagy-Noble blanket the manufacturer on their website does not mention if the blanket is based on any on extant blanket. Their main selling point, for lack of a better term, is that their blankets are produced on original looms that were used to produced Union blankets. The link to the website so you can read for yourself is:

      The one feature I personally like about the Keagy-Noble blanket is its weight. I recently had the opportunity to examine two original blankets in a private collection, one ID'd to a specifc Union solider. Both were very light in weight and their quality was as poor as you may have read about in soliders accounts. Weight alone is not a measure of authenticity and I am not advocating that as reason to buy any blanket. It is only an aspect of original blankets that upon examination was very pronouned.

      As for durability, I have had no problems with either blanket in several years of service.



      • #4
        Re: "Keagy-Noble" Federal Issue Blanket

        The Keagy-Noble blanket by Waterside Woolen is one of the most accurately reproduced US issue blankets on the market. The weave is a bit tighter than the Abe Thomas blanket and the various runs of the wool provide different amounts of shoddy materials in the blankets, giving it a great look. They produce the blankets on period machines in a facility that was producing blankets during the Civil War. Even the sheep are descended from the flocks used to make blankets in the 1860s!!

        You can buy them direct from Waterside Woolen or from Orchard Hill. Read Waterside Woolen's very thorough website as they describe how they create each blanket.

        I own two myself!


        • #5
          Re: "Keagy-Noble" Federal Issue Blanket

          Originally posted by orngblsm

          Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the "Keagy-Noble" Federal Issue Blanket that orchard hill sutlery is selling. I'm interested in it's durability as well as its warmth factor, also its authenticity.


          I've had a Keagy-Noble for a little over 10 months now and it has been a good investment. Tight weave, good size, and it's been pretty warm. A good choice.

          Ron Myers
          1st US Infantry Co. D

