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Rules for using this folder

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  • Rules for using this folder

    Due to the large amount of posts in this folder that have no research value, the following policy will take effect in the coming days.

    All classified ads in the Buy/Sell/Trade folder will be kept public for a period of 30 days, after which time they will be removed. If your item has not sold, or you are still in need of an item, you will need to re-post after 30 days. This policy does not effect the Vendor Announcement section except in the case of limited runs, sales and specials.
    [FONT=Book Antiqua]Justin Runyon[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua]; Pumpkin Patch Mess: [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua]WIG-GHTI[/FONT]
    [FONT=Book Antiqua]Organization of American Historians[/FONT]
    [FONT=Book Antiqua]Company of Military Historians[/FONT]
    [FONT=Book Antiqua]CWPT, W.M., Terre Haute #19[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] F&AM[/FONT]
    [FONT=Book Antiqua]Terre Haute Chapter 11 RAM[/FONT]

  • #2
    No linking to Ebay auctions or other off-site sale listings

    Please do not link to your personal ebay auctions here or other off-site sales listings. We cannot control the content on other sites and in our experience, off-site linking leads to moderating nightmares.

    The only time we will allow linking to ebay is if it has some educational value in the Authenticity Folder, etc.

    Thanks for your cooperation and may the WTS folder be with you.
    Paul Calloway
    Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
    Proud Member of the GHTI
    Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
    Wayne #25, F&AM


    • #3
      Makers names required

      These are not new rules, they original sticky with the rules was lost in the recent crash.

      Makers names are required for all items listed for sale.

      Items by makers who do not meet the AC standard are not allowed to be sold on this forum.
      Jim Kindred


      • #4
        Authentic Reproductions Only!

        For our newer members, the AC only allows the sale of authentic reproductions. There are other forums for the sale of so-called "mainstream gear" - this is not that forum.

        By "authentic reproductions", we refer to items who have been reproduced using painstaking attention to the details of (1) period-correct construction techniques, (2) period-correct materials and made using (3) period-correct patterns.

        We also ask that you list the makers name where-ever possible.

        If you're not sure if your items will make the cut, ask one of the moderators on the forums before you post. We will pull or edit your posts if we feel the items are inappropriate.

        It's not that the moderators want to be mean - we have well-publicized standards here and our userbase expects us to uphold them.
        Paul Calloway
        Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
        Proud Member of the GHTI
        Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
        Wayne #25, F&AM


        • #5
          Re: Authentic Reproductions Only!

          Dear Sir,

          I would like to sell some of my Confederate uniforms on your forum, and would like to find out what your rules are regarding this. Although I am not a regular vendor, I do have seven uniforms that are surplus to my needs that may be of interests to AC subscribers. Most of them I have not worn, but have outgrown.

          All my work is done to authentic standards, employing hand top-stitching and authentic patterns. I have been trained as a tailor by a master German tailor (my mother-in-law), and have sold numerous uniforms to progressive reenactors over the past fifteen years. They have all expressed satisfaction with my work.

          I do not want to violate the spirit of your rules by arbitrarily placing my uniforms on the sale page as used uniforms. Therefore, I respectfully request that you advise me in this matter. I am willing to cooperate with you however I can.


          Fred Adolphus


          • #6
            Re: Authentic Reproductions Only!

            If this is the Fred Aldophus that is known for research I would buy stuff with confidence.
            Patrick Landrum
            Independent Rifles


            • #7
              Re: Rules for using this folder

              As has been announced on other areas of the site, in order to post a new sale in this folder - you must be an AC subscriber. (Charter Member or Member Plus) .

              More on this here:
              Paul Calloway
              Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
              Proud Member of the GHTI
              Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
              Wayne #25, F&AM


              • #8
                Re: Rules for using this folder

                Hey boy's
                I'm tryin to start a new thread to sell some ORIGINAL Harpers Weekly papers that I have but, it won't let me make the new thread, any help/can yall approve me? ha ha thanks PM me if ya want
                Kyle (Cuffie) Pretzl
                The Tater Mess


                • #9
                  Re: Rules for using this folder

                  Did you read the post above yours? Are you a AC subscriber (Charter Member or Member Plus)?
                  Jim Kindred


                  • #10
                    Need to sell stuff


                    I haven't been on the forum for a long time. I was quite active a while back. Due to life changes, kids demanding more time, I am deciding to liquidate almost all my gear. Most of this stuff was considered top of the line stuff two years ago.

                    My question is how can I post items for sale on the trade/sell forum? I am consolidating my resources and part of that is moving to a smaller house. I cannot afford the storage space to keep all this gear I am not using. Most of what I will sell will be at bargan prices.

                    So can someone let me know how I can post to that area of the board? Donation?? What ever it takes. Thanks.
                    Rich Saathoff

                    [URL=";&version=9;"]John 14:6[/URL]
                    [URL=]Green's Texas Cavalry Corps[/URL]
                    [URL=]The Arizona Battalion[/URL]

