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Advice on Living History

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  • Advice on Living History

    I'm trying to organize a living history in Patrick County Va, where I live and I would like to post this to ask if any one could give some advice. This is my first time organizing an event so I could really use the help. The basic impression I'm looking to do is based on Stonemans raid in to S.W. Va. and N.W. N.C. I'm plannig on hosting it at the Reynolds Homestead(Homplace of Hardin Reynolds,grandfather of R.J.R.) the main house,kitchen, and two outbuilding's are original and where there at the time of the raid and where indeed raided. The plan is to get a unit of Federal Infantry there to portray the Infantry that went along with Stoneman(it was small but it was there)as there is no good Fed. Cavarly in my area(that I no about) I'm also debating on bringing in a Confederate unit in the County that portrays a unit that came out of the area. But, they are mainstream and very in your face about it. So, my question is, is there any good Fed. Cav. Units that would be intrestead in coming. And, should (if the numbers allow)a recreation of the raid be done. I've got a lot of good idea's but I could use the help of those who have done it before. If any of you have some ideas or are intrested in the event, I would be very grateful. Thanks!
    Chris Owens

    [B][URL="http://"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]CWPT[/URL][/B]

  • #2
    Re: Advice on Living History

    You asked for advice...

    It sounds as though you're basing your event scenario on compromises. "get a unit of Federal Infantry there to portray the Infantry that went along with Stoneman(it was small but it was there)as there is no good Fed. Cavarly in my area(that I no about) I'm also debating on bringing in a Confederate unit in the County that portrays a unit that came out of the area. But, they are mainstream..."

    You're not gonna draw an authentic crowd with that mindset. Rethink your strategies, or accept that you're not gonna do something that can be discussed on this forum.

    What's your lead time? Unless you're doing something within an established unit, and here it sounds like you're not, your event announcement should be no less than one year out. This gives people time to learn about, consider and schedule the event. If you're planning in advance, you don't have to compromise on standards.

    What's your goal for the event? Are you generating publicity or funds for the local historic site you mentioned or some other specific cause. A general "education" goal may be too soft to attract many quality living historians (unless the site/scenario are so cool it becomes a "gotta go to" event)

    You have to ask yourself, "Why would quality LH cavalry want to haul horses to this event?" Have you talked to some cav guys and found out what it takes to get 'em there?

    My two cents....
    Daniel Fodera
    Palmetto Living History Assoc


    • #3
      Re: Advice on Living History


      Good post!!


      I don't want to sound like a party pooper but..... It's hard to get super authentics together for a living history if the event organizers are basically unknown to the community. Maybe you'll get some bites, but who knows.

      At least with me and many other authentics around the country, we are very picky when it comes to events... AND... We are also very hard to please sometimes.

      Shouldn't we all strive for the best of the best??? I know I do!

      Good luck!

      Aaron Schwieterman


      • #4
        Re: Advice on Living History

        I would most definetly put this plan on hold till you have some definte ideas established. Forgive me if I am wrong here, but your post makes it sounds as if this whole thing is being done in a wishy-washy, half-a**ed way. I would recommend you get in contact with some of the people in the know about organizing an event. It sounds like you have a cool location, but you need to establish a few things.

        1. Purpose of the event (fundraising, education, both?)
        2. What makes this location a must for the A/C/H/P element of the community
        3. Historical background for the event (must be documentable sources)

        Get some backing from a well known A/C/H/P group. A group known for being among the best of the best. This should be no problem if the event and site are as top notch as you feel they are. On top of all this, if it was suppose to be mostly horseys, then it should be mostly horseys (no insult intended to the troopers). Why substitute the authenticity for the sake of having an event. Its just not worth it. Besides, if you have an authentic LH with 3 guys on horses, vs. a sort of, kind of, possibly authentic event with 30 guys on foot, the 3 guys on horses will creat a 100% more rewarding event than the 30 sort of, kind of, possibly guys.

        Terence Stevens
        Ted Siljowicz


        • #5
          Re: Advice on Living History

          Thanks for the advice those are some fine points and that is why I posted. I have done several living historys before but never have organized one. I got approched with this idea and have about a year till they want the event done. It may be something I pass off, because of the simple fact that I can't do it right. Just wanted some trusted opinions.
          Thanks again,
          Chris Owens

          [B][URL="http://"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]CWPT[/URL][/B]


          • #6
            Re: Advice on Living History

            I'll send you a private message about this.

            [SIZE=1]Neal W. Sexton[/SIZE]

