I'm trying to organize a living history in Patrick County Va, where I live and I would like to post this to ask if any one could give some advice. This is my first time organizing an event so I could really use the help. The basic impression I'm looking to do is based on Stonemans raid in to S.W. Va. and N.W. N.C. I'm plannig on hosting it at the Reynolds Homestead(Homplace of Hardin Reynolds,grandfather of R.J.R.) the main house,kitchen, and two outbuilding's are original and where there at the time of the raid and where indeed raided. The plan is to get a unit of Federal Infantry there to portray the Infantry that went along with Stoneman(it was small but it was there)as there is no good Fed. Cavarly in my area(that I no about) I'm also debating on bringing in a Confederate unit in the County that portrays a unit that came out of the area. But, they are mainstream and very in your face about it. So, my question is, is there any good Fed. Cav. Units that would be intrestead in coming. And, should (if the numbers allow)a recreation of the raid be done. I've got a lot of good idea's but I could use the help of those who have done it before. If any of you have some ideas or are intrested in the event, I would be very grateful. Thanks!
I'm trying to organize a living history in Patrick County Va, where I live and I would like to post this to ask if any one could give some advice. This is my first time organizing an event so I could really use the help. The basic impression I'm looking to do is based on Stonemans raid in to S.W. Va. and N.W. N.C. I'm plannig on hosting it at the Reynolds Homestead(Homplace of Hardin Reynolds,grandfather of R.J.R.) the main house,kitchen, and two outbuilding's are original and where there at the time of the raid and where indeed raided. The plan is to get a unit of Federal Infantry there to portray the Infantry that went along with Stoneman(it was small but it was there)as there is no good Fed. Cavarly in my area(that I no about) I'm also debating on bringing in a Confederate unit in the County that portrays a unit that came out of the area. But, they are mainstream and very in your face about it. So, my question is, is there any good Fed. Cav. Units that would be intrestead in coming. And, should (if the numbers allow)a recreation of the raid be done. I've got a lot of good idea's but I could use the help of those who have done it before. If any of you have some ideas or are intrested in the event, I would be very grateful. Thanks!