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  • Suvcw?

    Are there any members of the forum who are members of the Sons of Union Veterans? I have been thinking about joining my local camp and I am curious about what the memberships opinion of the group is. I have heard the opinion of two people that I respect and they were both on the opposite sides of the coin. Any further comment on the matter is welcome.
    I am, etc.
    Thomas Gingras
    Awkward Squad Mess
    Columbia Rifles
    Honorary SRR "Yankee"

  • #2
    Re: Suvcw?

    Originally posted by MassVOL
    Are there any members of the forum who are members of the Sons of Union Veterans? I have been thinking about joining my local camp and I am curious about what the memberships opinion of the group is. I have heard the opinion of two people that I respect and they were both on the opposite sides of the coin. Any further comment on the matter is welcome.
    MassVOL, Don't let the name fool ya. I AM a Confederate re-enactor, but I also belong to the SUVCW. Cadot-Blessing Camp, Gallipolis, Ohio. I feel the SUVCW does some wonderful work. We keep the heritage of the Civil War alive in remembering and paying tribute to fallen soldiers (of both sides, when nessessary). And educating the general public, which most know very little about the Civil War. I recomend highly joining the SUVCW in your area. I think you'll find it rewarding. Rebel Yell 36thMr. Caldwell, Welcome to the AC forums. When your application was approved you affirmed that you had read and understood the rules by which we govern the AC. The first rule is that we do not allow unsigned posts. Consider this to be your second warning, a third will result in a change of your account status. You may find it helpful to activate the auto- signature feature located in your User CP. Justin Runyon, AC Moderator
    Last edited by Justin Runyon; 09-08-2004, 12:46 AM.
    Roger Caldwell :)


    • #3
      Re: Suvcw?

      I'm a member of both the SUVCW and the SCV. Both organizations utilize living historians for various programs, but both organizations' goals don't always mesh well with what we in this "thing" of ours attempt to do.

      Whereas WE in the c/p/h movement attempt to understand how it was for the folks "back in the day," your donning the wool or jean for either the SUVCW or SCV is often as a side-display of a bigger program that has other goals. Nothing wrong with that I guess, just remember that it "ain't reenactin'." When in Rome...

      Honoring your ancestors and the notoriety of documenting your lineage are about the biggest perks to membership in these organizations.

      On a slightly related topic...if you are eligible for dual membership, bear in mind that (from my experiences...)

      -In the SUVCW, you can often publicly acknowledge your being a member of the SCV also without any sort of condescending attitude from SUVCW brothers

      -In the SCV, don’t even put the letters S-U-V-C-W and your membership therein in certain company (though admittedly not all SCVers feel that way, the majority I've seen don't like any blue association)

      Different strokes for different folks. C'est la vie.


      -Mike Montgomery
      Last edited by msmjr; 09-08-2004, 04:30 AM. Reason: Spelling at 4:30 a.m. is an odd thing
      [FONT=Arial][B]Mike Montgomery[/B][FONT=Arial]


      • #4
        Re: Suvcw?

        I'll agree w/ Mr Montgomery; I'm a member of Camp 114 and am impressed w/ the goals and efforts of the SUVCW in general. That said, my experiances w/ the SCV have been quite negative. I know some great guys w/ the SCV but having met a couple of the upper echelon of that organization... I worry.

        Being a re-enactor of the C/P/H community & a member of the SUVCW would be a good thing, I believe, simply because you share the field w/ individuals who might well become c/p/h if positive influence is given

        Just a couple thoughts...
        Johan Steele aka Shane Christen C Co, 3rd MN VI
        SUVCW Camp 48
        American Legion Post 352


        • #5
          Re: Suvcw?

          I too am a member of the SUVCW and for me it brings a closer kinship with my forebears who served. I am a member of the Lincoln-Cushing Camp. One event that we do is hold a ceremony in Arlington Nat'l Cem on Decoration Day to honor the fallen of the ACW. Not many reenactors get to fire salutes in Arlington.



          Dan McLean


          Failed Battery Mess

          Bty F, 1st PA Lt Arty
          (AKA LtCol USMC)



          • #6
            Re: Suvcw?

            Let me please add, so that I don't get nasty-grams...

            Both organizations are not primarilly geared for reenacting. Each has its own mindset and goals. We as living historians supplement and compliment their program. Eye candy, if you will.

            If one joins the SUVCW, rock on. There are some neat things about the organization. Same is true of the other side, with the SCV. The majority of the membership within both organizations is dedicated to good principles.

            Just watch out for those in both groups that forgot the war ended a loooong time ago.

            There, that's better.
            [FONT=Arial][B]Mike Montgomery[/B][FONT=Arial]


            • #7
              Re: Suvcw?

              My opinion may differ with some others', but appears to echo the current responses. I have found my membership in the SUVCW to be very rewarding and have been impressed with the goals and activities of the SUVCW. My camp has well attended monthly meetings during which the officers try to have a meaningful presentation (still have to do the general business stuff's what's needed to have an active camp). The camp has also increased Civil War awareness by working with several other community groups (Boy and Girl Scouts, esp.), actively searching for and marking local civil war veteran's graves and participating in a twice-a-year Gettysburg cleanup and parades. The camp has a uniformed SVR company for ceremonial purposes - they are not reenactors (just so there is no confusion :) ).

              The above being said, I think the camp makes the difference - I would humbly suggest that you contact the camp's officers to let them know of your interest and ask if you can attend a meeting as a guest. This really allows you to figure out the activity level and involvement of the group. As I said before, I have enjoyed being a member and would recommend membership to anyone. I have felt that membership was also the best way to honor and acknowledge my Great-great...(etc.)-Grandfather's service.

              Your Ob't Servant,
              Davis L. Wright
              Davis L. Wright
              CWPT, CMH


              • #8
                Re: Suvcw?

                Davis hit the nail on the head. The camp makes the difference. Visit several camps before chosing which one to join. As an SCV member I can attest to the vast differences between camps in that organization. I suspect it will be the same in the SUVCW.
                Jim Mayo
                Portsmouth Rifles, Company G, 9th Va. Inf.

                CW Show and Tell Site


                • #9
                  Re: Suvcw?

                  I just joined last week, and I have not yet been to meeting or been initiated in yet. So I can't really say a whole lot yet. I joined as a charter member of a brand new camp being formed here locally, James Tanner Camp #134. What got me prompted to join was the fact that I am eligible, (my GGG grandfather served in the 153rd NYSV, and what I read on the hand out I received from their recruiting table last weekend. "The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War was established by the Grand Army of the Republic to perpetuate the memory of the sacrifices of Union soldiers and sailors during the war. If you are a decendant of a Union soldier or sailor, it is your heritage and your duty to your ancestor to join the SUVCW."
                  Daniel A. Houde - Proprietor
                  Orchard Hill Cutlery
                  On Facebook:

                  149th NYSV Co. B

                  PM Cobleskill Lodge #394 F.& A.M.
                  A.A.S.R. Valley of Schenectady
                  Oneonta Chapter #277 R.A.M.

                  "Uncal Sam has about as much care for his nefews as he has for his horses and mules" (Unidentified Union Soldier)


                  • #10
                    Re: Suvcw?

                    My advise is seek out a Camp and go from there. I have been a Member at Large in the Department of Ohio for several years, and can honestly say I haven't gotten much out of it to date. However, I havent had the time to be overly active. Friends of mine who are both MOLLUS & SUVCW members have been very active members, and they have all belonged to an Active Camp. You will find a different satisfaction from the SUV than in reenacting, it is very similar to what I get out of my memberships in the American Legion & VFW.
                    Todd Morris

                    Proprietor, Morris & Company Historical Clothiers


                    Canton Lodge #60 F&AM Canton, Ohio

                    In Memorium: Pvt. Simon Morris, Co. G, 78th OVI Died: April 14, 1863 Jefferson Barracks, Missouri
                    Joseph Rezin Thompson, 1st W.Va. Light Artillery
                    Azville W. Lindsey, Co. G, 12th W.Va. Volunteer Infantry


                    • #11
                      Re: Suvcw?

                      I am planning on joining my local SUVCW camp for the simple reason...I just moved to a new community, and I am trying to meet people with similar interests.
                      Robert Johnson

                      "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

                      In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


                      • #12
                        Re: Suvcw?

                        Originally posted by MassVOL
                        Are there any members of the forum who are members of the Sons of Union Veterans? I have been thinking about joining my local camp and I am curious about what the memberships opinion of the group is. I have heard the opinion of two people that I respect and they were both on the opposite sides of the coin. Any further comment on the matter is welcome.
                        The son's is an excellent organization to belong too and it is a very active way of honoring the men who served in the federal service during the war
                        And looking after their graves and replacing them if need be.
                        Last edited by private 3rd R I battery; 09-08-2004, 06:08 PM.
                        [COLOR=Indigo]Thomas J Rousseau
                        a proud member of the
                        [COLOR=Indigo]The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
                        Camp 12 col. Zenas R Bliss[/COLOR][/COLOR] &
                        [COLOR=Red]Browns Battery B 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery [/COLOR]


                        • #13
                          Re: Suvcw?

                          (MOD: I know this really isnt an AC discussion my apologies for starting it.I thought it could slip by in the Sinks as a formal organization loosly affiliated with the hobby)

                          All very good reasons but what makes a good camp? I imagine joining one is like joining a unit with its own ways of doing things and personality, but what are some indicators that the group is living up to thier mission statement?
                          I am, etc.
                          Thomas Gingras
                          Awkward Squad Mess
                          Columbia Rifles
                          Honorary SRR "Yankee"


                          • #14
                            Re: Suvcw?

                            What makes a good Camp?

                            My opinion is that each Camp typically has their own agenda (activities).
                            For example: The General Banning Camp, Mt. Vernon Ohio has dedicated their activities to the Preservation of the 4th Ohio Monument at East Cemetary Hill.

                            I would look into prospective camps and ask questions. See what they do and if it meets your interests. Then you can go from there and select a camp.

                            Remember, if you dont find a camp that meets your needs or desires, search out some like minded brothers and form a camp.

                            One of my plans, that has been on and off the burner, is to "Reconstitute" our own local Camp.

                            It's just a thought.
                            Todd Morris

                            Proprietor, Morris & Company Historical Clothiers


                            Canton Lodge #60 F&AM Canton, Ohio

                            In Memorium: Pvt. Simon Morris, Co. G, 78th OVI Died: April 14, 1863 Jefferson Barracks, Missouri
                            Joseph Rezin Thompson, 1st W.Va. Light Artillery
                            Azville W. Lindsey, Co. G, 12th W.Va. Volunteer Infantry


                            • #15
                              Re: Suvcw?

                              I agree with what has been previously said. A lot will depend on how you fit into with a local camp (ie personality match). Also as previously mentioned, look at t the camp's agenda/activities.

                              One area a camp might focus on is grave registration and preservation of monuments and headstones. Each camp has its own unique focus.

                              Right now, my camp is doing a lot with our Sons of Veteran Reserve (SVR) unit doing rededications of graves/monuments, flag folding ceremonies, and memorial day, flag day, and veterans day programs. We've also worked with our local Legion and VFW posts in honoring all veterans and not just Civil War veterans.

                              The SVR acts as a uniformed honor guard for the SUVCW.

                              I think that this is an appropriate topic for the forum as the SUVCW complements reenacting by honoring the Civil War (and all other American) veterans in the principles of the GAR-- Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty.

                              By the way, men that don't have an ancestor that served in the Civil War are eligible to join the SUVCW as associate members.

                              Jim Wolf
                              Charles H. Huntley Camp
                              Jim Wolf
                              Scotts Tennessee Battery CSA
                              20th Iowa Infantry (SVR-SUVCW)

