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Pre-Campaign Ritual

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  • Pre-Campaign Ritual

    I realize it may be too late in the season to ask this, but I was wondering what do you do to get ready for a campaign season. I have read many fine articles on getting food and clothing ready,yet nothing on how you get yourself ready physically. Whether it be on a preservation march or sitting in the woods, how do you prepare your bodies?
    Do you take a stroll in the neighborhood or in the backwoods with your knapsack/blanket roll/accoutrements-to get a feel of what to expect?
    Do you jog, walk, or do other calistenics to prepare for the rigors of a long march?
    Personally speaking, I will walk the backwoods (with knapsack, etc. except rifle), covering an area of 3.2 miles for several days prior to an event in which I know hard marching is planned.
    Do you fast or modify your diet in any way prior to a campaign so you are less prone to stomach ailments?
    I'd guess that most of us in this funny hobby are beyond the average age and weight of the common Civil War soldier, so the stress of a weekend in wool and under the sun might affect us differently as say a lad of 19 years and 130 pounds.
    I am asking these questions with due respect to all campaigners.
    Just wishing to satisfy a curiousity on how each person prepares his body for a weekend in wool.
    Robert W. Talbott

  • #2
    Re: Pre-Campaign Ritual

    Drink lots of water BEFORE getting to the field; IOW, be well hydrated even before the event starts. It's one place you don't want to be playing catch-up during strenuous activity. My son is very heat-sensitive, and if he gets dehydrated, it's a real problem for the rest of the weekend.
    Bernard Biederman
    30th OVI
    Co. B
    Member of Ewing's Foot Cavalry
    Outpost III


    • #3
      Re: Pre-Campaign Ritual

      Walk when you have to go somewhere close and time isn't a factor. (for example there's a store less than half a mile from my house, even Food Lion is only 2 miles). A knapsack borne beer run comes to mind.

      Drink water. I was told that one ounce per pound of body weight per day is a good minimum if you do nothing strenuous during the day. If you work and sweat you need more but probably shouldnt go over 12 quarts per day. If you get close to that, supplement with a sports drink.


      • #4
        Re: Pre-Campaign Ritual

        I will wear my brogans around the house, just to get used to the feeling again. I put on my issue shirt so it's not a huge shock when I put it on and it feels like sandpaper, and I'll wear it around the house too. Keep in mind this is at the beginning of a season. Over the winter school keeps me in pretty good shape, I usually play basketball, or something else. Sometimes I lift weights to help my body get back in the swing of things.

        Best Regards,
        Court Micker

