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Things you would like to see at an event

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  • Things you would like to see at an event

    Hi list,
    just wondering what things that you would love to see at an event but never have, or ideas that people might have to involve the public so that they might share in the moment and feel that they are really there..Any ideas would be appreaciated..

    Will Coffey

    Why did not the Southern States wait and see whether A. Lincoln would interfere with slavery before they seceded." A federal Soldier's words left in a court clerk's office in Bennetsville, SC

  • #2
    Re: Things you would like to see at an event

    OK, These are "pie in the sky", but you said...Here goes...

    1)Period Trains with soldiers riding. Flatbeds, open cars, etc,.
    2)Horse drawn artillery coming onto line in batteries.The closest thing I have ever seen was at Franklin in '95.
    3)Ships/Ironclads/amphibious landings.
    4)Real pontoon bridges and soldiers marching across.
    5)Observation balloons.
    6)Lots of Black people in period attire. Slaves, Contraband, Soldiers, etc. I really wish more African Americans would take an interest in our hobby.
    7)Realistic numbers of Privates that support the over-populated staff too often seen at reenactments. I know. You can never have too much supervision, right?
    8)A whole reenactment surrounding the sole actions of North Carolinians. :baring_te
    9)Having a realistic sized regiment carrying Fayettevilles. :D
    10)Having each and every participant happy nd content with an event and not coming on the internet to vent about what they didn't get out of it what they thought they would. :sarcastic

    Well, I realize these are pretty much a wash and we'll never see these things, but you have to admit they would be neat to see. Maybe Bill Gates will become interested in the hobby. Ya never know.

    Mark Berrier
    North State Rifles
    Mark Berrier


    • #3
      Re: Things you would like to see at an event


      Bully for the Fayettevilles! I've often thought the same thing.


      Dan Brennan


      • #4
        Re: Things you would like to see at an event

        I'd like to see...
        - Officers/staff cease using radios except in a (medical) emergency. Use your runners/cavalry like it was done back then.
        - Tacticals that cover larger distances - more of a campaign style. Franklin 04 was pretty good - about a 6 mile march, etc.
        - Contests - load/fire (ram paper), start fires from period tools, "best dressed" (authentic enlisted/officer, etc), command rank/file movements

        -Jay Reid
        Jay Reid


        • #5
          Re: Things you would like to see at an event

          If we're dreaming, I'll dream big:

          A functional entire village, with the industries, shops, lighting, animals, and dwellings needed to support an entire small citizen population of say, 200 people, all available to the citizens to live in and use.

          Like I said, dream big. :)

          Luckily, there are places available on a smaller scale (such as next year's Trial 1864 event at a functional historic in!)... but being able to move in to an entire town without modern distraction would pretty much make me pass out with joy.
          Elizabeth Clark


          • #6
            Re: Things you would like to see at an event

            1/2 mile of correctly made trenches complete with the impediments facing another set of trenches 400 yards away. Confederate troops spaced every six feet and federal trenches well manned. From Friday till Sunday we keep our heads down, serve picket, improve the ditches and live. NO BATTLE.

            A weekend where guys just wear the gear and don't mention who made it.

            Steve Acker


            • #7
              Re: Things you would like to see at an event

              Originally posted by Steve Acker
              1/2 mile of correctly made trenches complete with the impediments facing another set of trenches 400 yards away. Confederate troops spaced every six feet and federal trenches well manned. From Friday till Sunday we keep our heads down, serve picket, improve the ditches and live. NO BATTLE.

              A weekend where guys just wear the gear and don't mention who made it.

              Steve Acker
              Bully to that as well!

              I would like to see more pranks in camp, and more trash/litter in a large camp.
              - Pvt. S. Martin Aksentowitz
              1st California Co. F
              Carleton's Cannibals

              [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Angst kommt; da werden sie Heil suchen, aber es wird nicht zu finden sein.- HESEKIEL 7.25[/COLOR][/CENTER]

              [CENTER]"To day we. . . stopped a few minutes to examine the crumbling ruins the walls were defaced with Texians traitors names and Texican Braggodocia but nary a Texican thare to answer to his name or make good his writing on the wall."
              -Eli W. Hazen, 1st California Vol. Inf.[/CENTER]

              [RIGHT][COLOR="Silver"]"Credo Quio Absurdum" - ECV[/COLOR][/RIGHT]


              • #8
                Re: Things you would like to see at an event

                I agree with Steve about having trenches. That would be the ultimate event.

                Matt Thompson
                Matthew Thompson


                • #9
                  Re: Things you would like to see at an event

                  Originally posted by Enfilade
                  8)A whole reenactment surrounding the sole actions of North Carolinians. :baring_te

                  A dream come true. That would be great! :D Especially with everyone wearing the much overlooked NC depot jackets. :(
                  Derek Carpenter
                  Starr's Battery

                  "First at Bethel, farthest at Gettysburg and Chickamauga, last at Appomattox"


                  • #10
                    Re: Things you would like to see at an event

                    Originally posted by Lone Guard
                    Bully to that as well!

                    I would like to see more pranks in camp, and more trash/litter in a large camp.
                    Heck, I'd like to see a large authentic military camp sometime. Nothing big, just a regiment of a thousand men or so in a well organized military camp going through the daily routine of drill and duty for say about two weeks.

                    ...With Sean policing the grounds, of course. ;-)

                    As for pranks, I'll remain ever vigilant for the opportunity to oblige.
                    Troy Groves "AZReenactor"
                    1st California Infantry Volunteers, Co. C

                    So, you think that scrap in the East is rough, do you?
                    Ever consider what it means to be captured by Apaches?


                    • #11
                      Re: Things you would like to see at an event

                      New topics would be at the top of my list. This horse is beat! ;)

                      :cry_smile I've seen just about everything 'cept two or three things listed on this thread at events I've attended over the last two years. (Insert "The question" here)
                      Last edited by GrumpyDave; 09-11-2006, 05:41 PM.
                      [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
                      Past President Potomac Legion
                      Long time member Columbia Rifles
                      Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


                      • #12
                        Re: Things you would like to see at an event

                        the idea of the thread is to find some new ideas which could be implemented into an event so as to make a spectator or others more involved in it..Such as somehow involving the public and making them play a part not merely as spectators. but part of the action...Sort of like a play, just a quick thought, a first manassas event could have had some spectators act the part of the citizens caught in the retreat, and could have had some soldiers retreat thru them..It would draw the audience in, make them feel a greater part then just standing there time after time watching men fire powder at each other..Or in an event set the setting as there being a thin truce going on between the camps of opposing armies, then all day you could have small unit or pickets going at each other, rather then your run of the mill musket or artillary demos..Then as the day went on , these small actions would draw in the bigger units..You could have messengers go thru the crowd yelling about a break thru or whether help was needed..This would make the event seem like a drawn out play where the battle was the climax of the day..Just some random thoughts I've had on how to make events more enjoyable, for everyone....

                        Will Coffey

                        Why did not the Southern States wait and see whether A. Lincoln would interfere with slavery before they seceded." A federal Soldier's words left in a court clerk's office in Bennetsville, SC


                        • #13
                          Re: Things you would like to see at an event


                          You are going to love your very first living history. :)

                          Charles Heath
                          [B]Charles Heath[/B]

                          [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

                          [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

                          [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

                          [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

                          [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

                          [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


                          • #14
                            Re: Things you would like to see at an event

                            Originally posted by wilber6150
                            the to find some new ideas which could be implemented into an event so as to make a spectator or others more involved in it..Such as somehow involving the public and making them play a part not merely as spectators.
                            Sure, right after we teach them how to stand and show respect for our/their country when our National Anthem is played...Thats what I want to see more of at events. I was thoroughly disgusted with what I saw over the past weekend.

                            Ken Zimmer
                            17th Mo. Co. G
                            The Western Blues Mess


                            • #15
                              More singing would be a good thing...

                              Originally posted by Western Blue Belly
                              Sure, right after we teach them how to stand and show respect for our/their country when our National Anthem is played...Thats what I want to see more of at events. I was thoroughly disgusted with what I saw over the past weekend.
                              It would indeed be cool to hear Hail Columbia or perhaps Yankee Doodle, My Country, 'Tis of Thee, or To Anacreon in Heaven at events more often. I wonder though, was it customary to require people to stand for these songs when they were still being sung as the unofficial national anthem or is that something that just came about after patriotism became merely a perfunctory formality indulged in at ball games or placed as a sticker on one's car by a populace who has little true knowledge of this nations history or heritage? ;)
                              Troy Groves "AZReenactor"
                              1st California Infantry Volunteers, Co. C

                              So, you think that scrap in the East is rough, do you?
                              Ever consider what it means to be captured by Apaches?

