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  • Pikes


    Has anyone ever tried making pikes before?

    I've been to the national Civil War Museum in Harrisburg PA, and saw one of the pikes used during John Brown's raid.
    From what I gather, the pike heads were usually forged by a blacksmith. And the Pike shaft just a length of pole.

    Anyone with any imput on anything pike related?
    Randy Allen

    [I] I want to fight some small man, and lick him.[/I]
    Henry Adams 1863

  • #3
    Re: Pikes

    I have made a couple of 1816 boarding pikes and the thing I noted on the original that I viewed is that there was a reinforcing band near the bottom of the pole made of brass. That keeps the pole from splitting.
    Ross L. Lamoreaux

    "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


    • #4
      Re: Pikes

      Interesting guys, thanks.

      Ross, did you make your own pikeheads?
      Randy Allen

      [I] I want to fight some small man, and lick him.[/I]
      Henry Adams 1863


      • #5
        Re: Pikes

        They look like they would be fairly easy to make, I made something similar for a cavalry unit.
        Jay Cantieri
        2nd Tennessee infantry Co.C
        Dirty Mucket Mess


        • #6
          Re: Pikes

          I think there are some on display at Old Fort Jackson in Savannah GA. Maybe some of the guys from that area can remember some better details.
          Derek Carpenter
          Starr's Battery

          "First at Bethel, farthest at Gettysburg and Chickamauga, last at Appomattox"


          • #7
            Re: Pikes

            I believe there was one at the Museum of the Confederacy or the Richmond Battlefield Park. I'll have to check again because I can't really remember.
            Jay, what Company are you with? Ohio or Jersey?
            Has anyone tried to see if anyone from Rush's Lancers made some pikes? If they're a reenacting company than they surely must have made their signature piece of weaponry.
            Jason C. Spellman
            Skillygalee Mess

            "Those fine fellows in Virginia are pouring out their heart's blood like water. Virginia will be heroic dust--the army of glorious youth that has been buried there."--Mary Chesnut


            • #8
              Re: Pikes

              I believe there was one at the Museum of the Confederacy or the Richmond Battlefield Park. I'll have to check again because I can't really remember.
              Jay, what Company are you with? Ohio or Jersey?
              Has anyone tried to see if anyone from Rush's Lancers made some pikes? If they're a reenacting company than they surely must have made their signature piece of weaponry.
              Jason C. Spellman
              Skillygalee Mess

              "Those fine fellows in Virginia are pouring out their heart's blood like water. Virginia will be heroic dust--the army of glorious youth that has been buried there."--Mary Chesnut


              • #9
                Re: Pikes

                Pamplin Park in Petersburg has an original lance from Rush's Lancers on display. It's on loan from the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.
                Scott Cross
                "Old and in the Way"


                • #10
                  Re: Pikes

                  Well, here I am, a recruit again. And after all I've done for you...
                  I see the reputation feature is back! Now's my chance to get Chaws good!

                  Back to the matter at hand. Here's a place to get pike heads - you're on your own for the pole:

                  Both navies used pikes throughout the war. Nearly every ship and boat had some aboard.
                  [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4][FONT=Verdana]Bob Dispenza[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
                  [COLOR=Navy]US Naval Landing Party ([url][/url][/COLOR]
                  [COLOR=SeaGreen]Navy and Marine Living History Association ([url][/url][/COLOR]

                  "The publick give credit for feat of arms, but the courage which is required for them, cannot compare with that which is needed to bear patiently, not only the thousand annoyances but the total absence of everything that makes life pleasant and even worth living." - Lt. Percival Drayton, on naval blockade duty.

                  "We have drawn the Spencer Repeating Rifle. It is a 7 shooter, & a beautiful little gun. They are charged to us at $30.00. 15 of which we have to pay."
                  William Clark Allen, Company K, 72nd Indiana Volunteers, May 17, 1863


                  • #11
                    Re: Pikes

                    The actual pike heads for John Brown's pikes were manufactured at the Collinsville Iron Works in Collinsville, CT. They later went on to make sabres during the war. The buildings are still there and it is a neat industrial complex that now houses an historical society, some antique stores and a cafe.

                    Tom Craig
                    Tom Craig


                    • #12
                      Re: Pikes

                      I have a "Georgia Pike" in my collection and could supply you pictures and exact measurements if you are interested in reproducing one. I think one could be easy to reproduce if you have basic knowledge of blacksmithing. Shoot me an email if your interested.
                      Dana Meredith Jr.


                      • #13
                        Re: Pikes

                        The Baltimore Civil War Museum has one of the pikes made by Ross Winan's factory for the defense of Baltimore. It's very similar to the John Brown pikes at Harper's Ferry. I can get pics and measurements if anyone is interested.
                        Yr Most Ob't Serv't,

                        Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance


                        • #14
                          Re: Pikes


                          I blacksmith on the side and I work in a blacksmith shop in logan Ohio but, I live in Lancaster Ohio.
                          Jay Cantieri
                          2nd Tennessee infantry Co.C
                          Dirty Mucket Mess


                          • #15
                            Re: Pikes

                            Here are a few pics of the confederate "Richmond Style" pike in my collection. Has anyone ever reproduced this style of pike?
                            Attached Files
                            Dana Meredith Jr.

