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Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

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  • Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

    I need someone with much more knowledge than myself to look at this. The reason for my interest is that I am familiar with this particular "i-sold it" franchise and know them to be honest and legit. My concern is that they may be getting "taken in" with the owner of this relic. This just looks to be much more modern that the real owner is portraying in my opinion. To my untrained eye, The double stitching looks to be of modern design. If someone can shine a light on this I will contact the proprietor to see if I can offer some help.

    Let me also add that there is a reputable dealer in authentic relics in town and would likely give a much better price on an authentic flag than could be had on e-bay which also begs the question.
    Last edited by toptimlrd; 09-25-2006, 03:01 PM.
    Robert Collett
    8th FL / 13th IN
    Armory Guards

  • #2
    Re: Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

    Based on the size and material my guess would be post war (UCV). The material does not look like bunting and the flag is too big to be an infantry battle flag.

    As a side note, documented CS battle flags do not have to be advertised on e-bay to be sold for top dollar. As with most high end CW items, the owner knows what it is and what it is worth. If the item is genuine there are always other collectors waiting for the item to come up for sale. Most really good stuff changes hands and you never know it until it goes on display or someone talks about it.

    Try posting on this site for some expert opinions.

    Jim Mayo
    Portsmouth Rifles, Company G, 9th Va. Inf.

    CW Show and Tell Site


    • #3
      Re: Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

      Originally posted by Jimmayo
      Based on the size and material my guess would be post war (UCV). The material does not look like bunting and the flag is too big to be an infantry battle flag.

      As a side note, documented CS battle flags do not have to be advertised on e-bay to be sold for top dollar. As with most high end CW items, the owner knows what it is and what it is worth. If the item is genuine there are always other collectors waiting for the item to come up for sale. Most really good stuff changes hands and you never know it until it goes on display or someone talks about it.

      Try posting on this site for some expert opinions.
      Thanks Jim, my thoughts exactly: why put this on e-bay if it is what it is claimed to be. To be honest I am trying to give the i-sold it guys the heads up but am not versed well enough to do so on my own. I will check out the link.
      Robert Collett
      8th FL / 13th IN
      Armory Guards


      • #4
        Re: Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

        IMHO it doesn't seem quite right to me.

        It would help to know what unit, army or theater the fellow being associated with the flag was in. If it is supposed to be an ANV flag there are a couple of things that make me suspicious but I am only going by general guidelines for these flags and there might have been some variations I suppose.

        1) By 1864 these flags were supposed to have a white cotton border on them. There is no such thing on this flag.

        2) By 1864, ANV flags were being made of wool bunting. The one in the photo appears to be cotton and there is no description of the material to know for sure.

        3) There is no way to secure the flag to a staff. If the ties were gone, it seems like one would be at least able to see where they had been sewn on.

        4) The 5th bunting issue of ANV flags was a bit rectangular and not square as earlier ones were but the sizes were 48-49 inches on the staff and 50-51 inches on the fly. That does not match up with what is shown.

        5) AoT battle flags based on the ANV patteren were rectangular and were being issued by 1864, but the measurement on the staff was much smaller than what this one is.

        It would take someone with expertise to look at the flag in person to really make any authentication but I, personally, would be wary about putting any money toward this flag.
        Michael Comer
        one of the moderator guys


        • #5
          Re: Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

          Hi you all ! It looks like it was hangin off the back of someones pickup truck!!!
          Art Stone
          13th N.J.V.
          " Rally, Boys Rally"
          Last order from Cpt. H.C. Irish at Antietam


          • #6
            Re: Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

            Unfortunately there is a HUGE fake flag business on Ebay, a group that I am part of that studies Confederate flags has documented over 100 fakes over the past few years. Most of those being sold out of East TN and North Carolina. Sad but true.

            Lee White
            Researcher and Historian
            "Delenda Est Carthago"
            "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"



            • #7
              Re: Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

              I notified the company hosting the sale but unfortunately the auction ended earlier today. The flag got one bid for $999.
              Robert Collett
              8th FL / 13th IN
              Armory Guards


              • #8
                Re: Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

                That flag looks very much to me like those supplied by the United Confederate Veterans for graveside services prior to and up until the 1920's. Nelson Winbush, the grandson of a black confederate who was a member of the UCV, frequently displays the flag that was on the coffin of his grandfather, and it is pretty close to the size listed on the site, and well as shape and material.
                Ross L. Lamoreaux

                "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


                • #9
                  Re: Authentic Confed. Flag on e-bay???

                  You might want to poke around here, too. Even if you don't learn a whole lot (but you should) it's worth a few giggles.

                    Fred Schneider's Civil War Room Jim Stanley & AssociatesPerry Adams AntiquesThe Civil War RelicmanShiloh's Civil War Relics OnlineMiddle Tennessee Civil War RelicsStones River Trading CompanyArmy of TennesseeSgt Riker Case Company & Relic Shop American Civil War RelicsCS RelicsArizona SwordsCampsite ArtifactsNorth Mississippi Civil War RelicsArsenal Artifacts, IncGreybird Relics Civil War AntiquitiesFranklin Civil War

                  Ron Myzie

