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What ever happened to...

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  • #16
    Re: What ever happened the babies their bottles

    After viewing the site for awhile and seeing what the reward for laziness is around here, I was struck by how many member asking questions were so thin-skinned about being told to use the search function or the AV section. Seemed like a bunch of cry babies. Then again, there are those who figure that asking a question to the forums is just part of their ongoing research and so have no compunction about asking about 'who makes the best xyz?'

    But that experience has taught me to search for a looooong time before asking a question for fear of appearing lazy or uninspired. Even when I do post a question I am in nervous anticipation of someone finding what I could not find and throwing it in my face.

    But there's no ill will on my part if that happens. That's what the learning process entails sometimes so you just learn from it and try not to repeat it. I'm surprised and slightly saddened by people who can't take criticism. Walk it off, people!

    Joe Marti

    ...and yes, I did use the search function...


    • #17
      Re: What ever happened to...


      I can't thank you enough for posting your question. Bravo!

      I think the problem is indicative of our times. I work as the archivist for a city museum. Part of my job is being the "History Answer Man" and I recieve between 500-600 information requests per year. You would be amazed at some of the questions I get! Mothers calling me for information on local history, because Junior or Little Susie is writing a paper (who's writing it?), someone wants to know the entire history of the state, a community, or a historical event in a ten minute phone conversation or a one page e-mail! I'm a civil servant, I work for and with people, but my time is valuable. I send them to their local public library to check out a book or two (very nicely). When Junior gets into college and learns what "Primary Sources" are, send him back to me and I will be happy to provide the original documents and photographs.

      The same thing applies to reenactors. Grow up and do some homework. Most of the answers are already out there. :baring_te

      Sorry for the rant.
      Scott Cross
      "Old and in the Way"


      • #18
        Re: What ever happened to...

        Originally posted by ScottCross
        Sorry for the rant.
        That's ok, it's a good rant.

        Aaron Schwieterman


        • #19
          Re: What ever happened to...

          Originally posted by ScottCross
          I send them to their local public library to check out a book or two (very nicely). .
          Ah, so THAT'S who sends the customers to our branch...and even to "my" special collection (I manage the Maryland Room)....because when they come in to the library, they want you to do it for them as well....and yes, frequently the child is not even WITH the parent!

          “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”....good idea....personally, I like “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you will not have to listen to his incessant whining about how hungry he is.”

          [FONT=FranklinGothicMedium][color=darkslategray][size=1]Colleen Formby
          [URL][/URL] [/font][/color][/size][SIZE="2"][/SIZE][SIZE="3"][/SIZE]


          • #20
            Re: What ever happened to...

            Hi gang,

            Excellent posts Scott and Emmanuel. I also like Jim's post about the AC being for those able to do some simple research in their skill set. I see a lot of novice posts on the AC that are more prevalent now than in the past. Nothing wrong with asking questions, but my ambitions (and messmates) have always been to seek first with your own skills and you will find your way to the answer. Heck this is the way most of us learned how to research topics in the first place. Another good tool on the AC board is Curt Schmidt's Research 101-105 articles. However as stated in this fine thread, I doubt how often this is looked at.

            Another disturbing trend that several of my comrades have discussed is how often threads on "whom makes what" or a "campaigner adjunct/mainstream event" has plenty of views and replies but one on actual correspondence from the Civil War get almost no looks. That is pretty sad as we are trying to portray these fine men and women but do not take the time to read there first hand accounts. A real shame.

            Yours in old fashion reading is fundamental,
            Last edited by TKlas; 10-19-2006, 02:45 PM. Reason: omitted words
            Tom Klas
            Hard Head Mess
            Citizens Guard


            • #21
              Re: What ever happened to...

              HOW TO ASK QUESTIONS

              Everyone should feel free to copy & paste this helpful template.

              Greetings! I'm looking for discussion and/or more leads on Topic X.

              I've found Fact One and Fact Two in Book A, and am currently reading Book B. I've requested Book C through inter-library loan, but it's not in yet.

              So far, these have explained These Aspects. I'm still looking for leads on These Aspects. Could anyone share their notes, or point me in a better direction?


              Tongue mostly in cheek--but I'd like to encourage those who may be new to posting on the AC to take a moment and really consider the question before posting it. See if the search function has something good hidden away (and try several possible key works.) Do a Google search or two. Hit the library. Then, post.

              When you take the time to share where you've already looked, and some of the things you've learned, you may just be sharing something others haven't already seen. You'll also help others pinpoint resource suggestions, rather than duplicating what you've already looked at.

              And, standing offer:

              If anyone is nervous about posting on a topic, I will be very glad to take a look at it through email ( )or private message, and make suggestions to focus the inquiry for the best possible responses. Sometimes it just takes a slight rephrase, and the doors open up for nifty resource sharing.
              Elizabeth Clark


              • #22
                Re: What ever happened to...

                While I understand that no one wants to answer the same question repeatedly, I believe there is some value in raising familiar subjects from time to time. As the hobby progresses and more people are doing research, information may come to light that was previously unknown or unnoticed. When new information becomes available, or new products come onto the market, it is inevitable that questions will be raised . While there is a Camp of Instruction forum, perhaps there needs to be a Basics for Beginners forum where simple questions can be asked without fear. Those who choose to answer on that forum could do it kindly, while those who have no patience for redundant questions could avoid it. Some people may just be thinking about getting started in the hobby and have no one to turn to for answers. They may have a local unit whose commanders are not interested in authenticity or improving their impression. If they cannot come here to ask, where are they to go?

                Lauren Kaye


                • #23
                  Re: What ever happened to...

                  Unfortunately for the beginner when this forum was started one of the concepts was to give those who had advanced well beyond the beginner stage a place to go without having to deal with all the basic or beginner topics. This forum was invisioned for the advanced reenactor and there are plenty of other forums for the beginning reenactor but there was only one for the true campaigner types. Those of us who were on here from the beginning came here to escape the mainstream and the repeated basic questions that go along with it.

                  Now with that said, let me point out that we do welcome beginners but they have to understand the level of the world they have come to when posting on the AC. They came to our world of reenacting, not the other way around.
                  Jim Kindred


                  • #24
                    Re: What ever happened to...

                    Lauren, I'll ditto Jim. I'll also add that in the past few years, we've had dozens of brand new citizen reenactors join the AC, start asking their well-considered questions, and move right along... there's no ban on being new around here! I've had the pleasure of meeting and corresponding with people in their very first season of dressing out who were doing astonishing things on the research level, and applying them very successfully.

                    On the fear: I don't really get that. I've asked loads of potentially foolish questions in my lifetime, and have learned tremendously because of it. Using good question etiquette makes all the difference. There's no point letting a little anxiety over fitting into a different social circle stop your progress. I'll guarantee you, you'll find some of the "big names" are the very most approachable people, when you come to the forums with well-considered questions and a willingness to do the footwork to track down recommended resources and actually use them.

                    Repeating the standing offer: if ANYONE is nervous about posting, email or PM me the question. I'll be happy to give suggestions for potentially improving the response. I don't bite. I never beat people with wet rayon snoods. Really. :)
                    Elizabeth Clark


                    • #25
                      Re: What ever happened to...

                      While I can understand the frustration most of you are feeling, in my humble opinion... I think the answering of what are/seems like redundant questions can sometimes be a good thing. Sure you should do your own research... I do for the most part but a lot of the topics discussed here are ones that I would probably not be doing research on or reading about in the first place and it's kind of nice to be able to scroll through the lists and see what interests me. I usually further my knowlege at least a little bit every time I visit this place. I do like to read... I sometimes just don't know what I want to read. Often there are topics I'd likely read and learn more about if a concise explaination or two were posted in the thread instead of a link I've got to follow or worse a direction to the search function to read information I'll probably never have cause to research in the first place. I can certainly understand those of you getting bent out of shape when someone asks how to roll cartridges but not every question referred to a link or the search function is unworthy of discussion or explaination just because it has been discussed previously.

                      [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black]Greg Sites[/COLOR][/FONT]
                      Co. H 33rd Va Inf
                      Stonewall Brigade

                      "Whenever you see anything blue, shoot at it and do all you can to keep up the scare."
                      Nathan Bedford Forrest


                      • #26
                        Re: What ever happened to...

                        Originally posted by JimKindred
                        Unfortunately for the beginner when this forum was started one of the concepts was to give those who had advanced well beyond the beginner stage a place to go without having to deal with all the basic or beginner topics. This forum was invisioned for the advanced reenactor and there are plenty of other forums for the beginning reenactor but there was only one for the true campaigner types. Those of us who were on here from the beginning came here to escape the mainstream and the repeated basic questions that go along with it.
                        I remember that dream...

                        Aaron Schwieterman


                        • #27
                          Re: What ever happened to...

                          What would you consider a good forum for a beginner interested in doing things correctly? I would not refer someone to a mainstream forum where anything goes and while I have found sites where one can read and learn, I haven't yet found one that provides a military forum.

                          Your Sewing Academy site is lovely and I do refer ladies with questions to ask there as your replies are always most gracious. As for the fear, I personally am not fearful to ask questions, but I have seen many replies in my years of reading the AC which are anything but gracious.

                          Lauren Kaye


                          • #28
                            Re: What ever happened to...


                            "I remember that dream..."

                            I resemble that dream.... :)
                            Fought that War and lost.

                            While the benefit to Newcomers and Newbies is undeniably great, and a great instant convenience... there is a price to pay for that choice.
                            IMHO that price is that it can shift the membership/posting base downwards (a direction, not a commentary on quality, etc. Alright, to the "left" of the so-called F/M/C/P/H/A Paradigm) toward the Newcomer and away from the knowledgeable, experienced Veterans.
                            Part of the Dream was not to always be answering "Who makes the best haversack?" in favor of "Why so-and-so's haversack is the best?" Or, "How do repro Enfields and Springfields compare to originals?" instead of "Which should I buy, a Mississippi or a Zouave?"

                            Not that ANY question is bad or not worth asking!
                            It is just, IMHO, that the nature of the question(s) and where they can be asked and answered, eventually determines the nature or compexion of the board or fora.
                            The Dream of Vision, among some lads, was that the AC Forum would be "just another" place to ask the same questions as could be asked and answered on otehr boards and fora.

                            "The dreams of youth are the regrets of maturity."

                            Of course, others' mileage, and visions of the boards, will vary...

                            Curt Schmidt
                            In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                            -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                            -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                            -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                            -Vastly Ignorant
                            -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                            • #29
                              Re: What ever happened to...


                              I would recommend this forum to the beginner with the caveat that they take the time to read and comprehend what the forum is about. Where problems have arisen with newcomers of the mainstream sort is that they think this forum is just like all others and post away without a second thought until someone jumps their case about it. They should spend time on the forum getting a feel of it and how it works before jumping in with both feet. I also strongly recommend that the newcomer become familiar with the search feature on the forum.

                              The best place for a beginner to learn is not the internet; it is finding a good authentic unit or willing authentic reenactor and learning first hand about the hobby. Nothing beats learning on a one to one basis.

                              And as Charles would probably say, you also have to go to the right events. :wink_smil

                              Originally posted by 58th C
                              What would you consider a good forum for a beginner interested in doing things correctly? I would not refer someone to a mainstream forum where anything goes and while I have found sites where one can read and learn, I haven't yet found one that provides a military forum.

                              Your Sewing Academy site is lovely and I do refer ladies with questions to ask there as your replies are always most gracious. As for the fear, I personally am not fearful to ask questions, but I have seen many replies in my years of reading the AC which are anything but gracious.

                              Lauren Kaye
                              Jim Kindred


                              • #30
                                Re: What ever happened to...

                                One day back before the crash I got bored with a lot of the new threads. So I started reading threads from the oldest to newest. You would be amazed at what you find that way. I would suggest that many newbies look at the forum that way. You will often find what you are lookig for, and many things you weren't. Most of the very basic newcomer questions have been answered before. The people answering them get tired of repeating themselves, and it takes away from time spent on new research. Try using a Yahoo or Google search. They come up with all sorts of wonderful information.
                                Derek Carpenter
                                Starr's Battery

                                "First at Bethel, farthest at Gettysburg and Chickamauga, last at Appomattox"

