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A Hearty Thanks!!!!

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  • A Hearty Thanks!!!!

    Just a word about the many friends we gather in this life (hobby) we have taken up. Friday afternoon my wife, Beth, on her way to Ft. Hill Kentucky to help with a Hallows Eve program was involved in an accident. This accident involved our truck and horse trailer (horse inside) and Bill Gay’s (Professor Sable) truck and trailer. All parties, including the horse are fine. The trailer looks to be a total, Bill’s truck not much better. Beverly & Mark Simpson came to Beth & Bill’s rescue. They obtained another trailer to get the horse (Ben) to the site, got our damaged trailer towed to a yard, arranged to have Ben transported back to Ohio on Sunday and got Bill’s trailer hooked up to our truck and transported to the site. I just wanted to give them my heartfelt thanks, and felt their generosity should be recognized. There can be no better friends than people like these!

    Beth Crabb

    John Crabb July 10, 1953 - Nov. 25, 2009

  • #2
    Re: A Hearty Thanks!!!!

    Several years ago I was coming home from an event and my truck died on a rather steep hill. A truckload of reenactors pulled off the side of the road and just started hooking my truck (and trailer) up to theirs and pulled me to the top of the hill and off to the side of the road so I wouldn't be in danger.

    They didn't ask if I needed help, they just did it. They didn't ask if I was a farb, a hardcore, a mainstreamer, a Confederate, a Federal, a civilian or sutler. All they knew is that I was a reenactor and I needed help.

    For all our infighting, I really believe our fellow hobbyists are some of the best people I know.
    [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


    • #3
      Re: A Hearty Thanks!!!!


      I am very glad to hear that Beth is OK, I remember you both fondly from Red River 1 when Beth & some of the other 6th OVI ladies helped look after a bunch of wayward westerners! Glad to hear no one was hurt.

      Ted Parrott
      Laudnum addeld adjutant
      Edward Anthony Parrott


      • #4
        Re: A Hearty Thanks!!!!

        Car wrecks are bad enough but when you are pulling a trailer...that is very scary. I am very glad to hear no one was injured.

        Carrie Craddock.
        Carrie Craddock


        • #5
          Re: A Hearty Thanks!!!!

          How is ben doing ? did he get sore or anything after the wreck?i was worried about him after i saw the condition of the trailer when i picked him up .he is a awesome horse i was amazed by his coolness though all the noice from the interstate.hope to see everyone again, under better terms.

          Russell Huffman
          Russell Huffman
          1st kentucky cavalry & horse artillery
          Co.B (Postillion & outrider )


          • #6
            Re: A Hearty Thanks!!!!


            He is doing fine, he is just bomb proof!!

            Thanks for the help - we couldn't have done it without you.

            Originally posted by Russell Huffman View Post
            How is ben doing ? did he get sore or anything after the wreck?i was worried about him after i saw the condition of the trailer when i picked him up .he is a awesome horse i was amazed by his coolness though all the noice from the interstate.hope to see everyone again, under better terms.

            Russell Huffman
            Beth Crabb

            John Crabb July 10, 1953 - Nov. 25, 2009

