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Union cheer

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  • Union cheer

    I've been searching with no success on the topic of union cheers, from what the books seem to imply is that there were two types, the hurrah or huzza and the tiger roar, anyone have any info or sources on what the tiger sounded like, I know there are recordings of the rebel yell by grizzled confed vets but any of the union cheers...

    Will Coffey

    Why did not the Southern States wait and see whether A. Lincoln would interfere with slavery before they seceded." A federal Soldier's words left in a court clerk's office in Bennetsville, SC

  • #2
    Re: Union cheer

    I've always wondered if they really yelled "Huzzah" since today we say "Hurray". It always seemed un-natural to pronounce to me and in fact I remember reading somewhere that "Huzzah" was really just the written form of the shout in the language of the day, not the actual sound that was made. Does anyone know?
    Jeff Lawson
    2nd Vermont, Co. E


    • #3
      Re: Union cheer

      From the 33rd Wisconsin's reasearch articles page. Robert Braun's "...and a Tiger."

      Eric J. Mink
      Co. A, 4th Va Inf
      Stonewall Brigade

      Help Preserve the Slaughter Pen Farm - Fredericksburg, Va.


      • #4
        Re: Union cheer

        Thanks Eric for the link, although I have to admit the tiger from that research is a bit differnt then I would have thought. :) Doesn't really instill terror in the hearts of the enemy does it :(

        Will Coffey

        Why did not the Southern States wait and see whether A. Lincoln would interfere with slavery before they seceded." A federal Soldier's words left in a court clerk's office in Bennetsville, SC


        • #5
          Re: Union cheer

          I like a good HOOAH! anyday....maybe it evolved from huzzah..
          Breandan Mackie


          • #6
            Re: Union cheer

            I like the good ole' rebel yell, simply because it is as wild and untamed as the rebel spirit.
            John Spain
            4th Tennessee / 25th Indiana

            "If you surrender, you will be treated as prisoners of war, but if I have to storm your works, you may expect no quarter." Forrest

