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Eight Men or The Lawd's Prayer

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  • Eight Men or The Lawd's Prayer

    Lawd's Prayer

    This was composed by L. D. Griggs, of Company D, 25th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, while his unit was part of the besieging army before Atlanta:

    "Our Father Abraham, who art in Washington, honored be thy name. Thine administration come. Thy will be done in the South, as it is done by the Republicans in the North. Give us this day our daily ration of hard tack, beans and bacon. And forgive us our foraging, as we forgive those who forage upon us. And lead us not into the field of battle, but deliver us from the land of the enemy: for thine is the administration, and the power, so long as thou are in office. Eight men."
    this concludes our service for the day, but before we depart, can I have Eight men, brothers? Eight Men!
    GaryYee o' the Land o' Rice a Roni & Cable Cars
    High Private in The Company of Military Historians

  • #2
    Re: Eight Men or The Lawd's Prayer

    Hey that is first rate I'm going to have to remember that little "prayer", thanks for sharing it.

    Ted Parrott
    from a land south of SF with lots & lots of Otters (thems good eatin')
    Edward Anthony Parrott

