Dear Fellers ,
Regardless of opinion , at least Virginia has a Lee-Jackson Day . I reside in Illinois which does not have a Lincoln -Grant Day or a Grant -Logan Day or even a Logan- Grierson Day ( or even MeClernand ) , as a state holiday . We do have a Lincoln's Birthday state holiday but it is second tier to Federal Holidays even here in the Land of Lincoln . I suppose even worse is the case of George Washington , who now is President's Day . In the future will we celebrate "Internet Day " or "Cable Day " ? One wonders .
all for the old flag ( until prohibited by legislative mandate ) ,
David Corbett
Regardless of opinion , at least Virginia has a Lee-Jackson Day . I reside in Illinois which does not have a Lincoln -Grant Day or a Grant -Logan Day or even a Logan- Grierson Day ( or even MeClernand ) , as a state holiday . We do have a Lincoln's Birthday state holiday but it is second tier to Federal Holidays even here in the Land of Lincoln . I suppose even worse is the case of George Washington , who now is President's Day . In the future will we celebrate "Internet Day " or "Cable Day " ? One wonders .
all for the old flag ( until prohibited by legislative mandate ) ,
David Corbett