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BAD BLOOD - Wide Awake Films- "The Border War That Triggered The Civil War" -

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  • BAD BLOOD - Wide Awake Films- "The Border War That Triggered The Civil War" -

    Wide Awake just posted this trailer on their website and it is a 'must see.' Very well done.

    'Bad Blood' is a co-production between Wide Awake Films and KCPT television (PBS). The 90 minute documentary has been in the works for two years, took a year to film and is shot entirely in high definition. This has emmy written all over it. See their site for more information and details.

    The 90 minute documentary explores the events many laymen and even living historians don't realize. For all intents and purposes, the war began in 1854 as the 'North' and 'South' fought the war out on the Border, both directly by sending people and arms, and indirectly through an often exaggerated media campaign. (Some things never change.....) The film represents both sides and viewpoints in the conflict, from Missourians wanting to be left alone/status quo to John Brown's maniacal evolution leading to Harpers Ferry.

    The film will premiere on KCPT in the Kansas City area on March 4th at 7 pm. It will then be made available to PBS affiliates nationally as well as dvd. If you would like it broadcast in your area it is suggested you start contacting your PBS station now and requesting it.

    Best Regards
    Jay Stevens
    Tater Mess
    Independent Volunteers
    Iron Man Mess
    Reenactor Preservation Coalition
    Friends of Historic Lone Jack

    Wyandotte Lodge # 03, AF&AM

    Into The Piney Woods, March 2009
    Lost Tribes, October 2009
    Bummers, November 2009
    Backwaters, March 12-14 2010
    The Fight For Crampton's Gap July 2010
    In the Van, August 2010
    Before The Breakout Sept 2010

    "If You Want To Call Yourself A Campaigner, You Attend True Campaign Events" -B. Johnson

  • #2
    a semi-sorta AAR

    Some hack attempted to detail his experiences as an extra.

    - - -

    A group of dangerous man moved toward a log cabin in
    the middle of the night, intending to right what they
    thought was a wrong. They burst in with guns and
    knives, terrorizing the occupants and taking three men
    out into the night. The captives are taken a short
    distance away and brutally murdered in short order.


    The scene of the crime is a recreation of events from
    the Missouri-Kansas border war during the 1850s. It is
    being filmed for a PBS documentary to air in March.
    And with sword in hand, I was there portraying one of
    abolitionist John Brown's men.

    The production, titled "Bad Blood," is a collaboration
    of Kansas City Public Television and the production
    company Wide Awake Films. The Kansas-City based
    company is run by Ed Leydecker, Shane Seley and Rob
    Hodge. Much of their work consists of historical
    documentaries. All have been involved in Civil War
    reenacting and historic preservation efforts.

    I was fortunate to have been contacted when the call
    went out for reenactors with the right look for 1850s.
    It helps that I've been friends with the trio for
    several years.

    "Bad Blood" required several extras in authentic
    clothing with 19th century firearms, experienced
    horsemen and the use of recreated villages of Civil
    War-era buildings.

    The film shoot was fun as it was a reunion of sorts
    for friends in the Missouri reenacting community. Most
    of the scenes were filmed outside the Kansas City and
    Weston area.

    Extras were urged to bring as many different types of
    clothing changes as possible. You can't be filmed one
    day as a good guy, and then the next as a bad guy. We
    frequently traded hats and coats if needed.

    One day I would portray a Missouri border ruffian
    toting a black powder musket, determined to make the
    Kansas territory a slave state — the next I would be
    part of John Brown's gang. Like the night at the
    cabin, I was picked to be one of the invaders in the
    night. I was armed with a sword. A real sword. It was
    a original French copy of an 1830s short sword. Just
    getting to wield that weapon was practically worth the
    drive itself. That and being paid for three days' work
    and well fed.

    Sure we had to contend with rain, chiggers and poor
    directions to the film site, but it was still a good
    time. When else do I get the chance to break out the
    window on a log cabin, sharpen a sword using a
    grindstone or help roll a pre-Civil War-era cannon?

    I didn't get any speaking parts but that suited me.
    One role required me to listen. That's all, just
    listen. Course, I had to endure my friend Shane, who
    as controversial lawmaker and Kansas jayhawker Jim
    Lane, shouted in my face like a maniac. Good acting.

    Rolling the cannon around required some muscle but
    putting up with the smell of 'smoke bombs' used to
    create the scene of battle was a challenge. With women and children
    running to and fro, my comrades and I pushed that
    cannon to where we could get a good shot at the
    Lawrence Hotel. Well, it wasn't really the hotel. It
    was a large green screen that a computer-generated
    image of the hotel will be projected upon.

    The film shoot featured extras like myself, along with
    professional actors who had to prepare for lengthy speaking
    parts. Black extras portrayed slaves brought into the
    territory. Horse-drawn wagons were brought in for
    scenes of settlers crossing the plains.

    During breaks in the filming the film crew would review the
    script and historical documents. Is it pronounced
    Missourah or Missouree? All the handstiched clothing
    and leather horse tack would have been for nothing if
    we weren't getting the story right. And by right, I
    mean accurate. The unvarnished, dirty warfare that
    erupted along the Missouri-Kansas border from 1854 to

    The two-hour documentary is set to air March 4 on the
    Kansas City Public Television channel. It is hoped
    that other PBS stations will pick up the production.
    It is also being pitched to the "American Experience"
    program which would bring nationwide exposure to the
    border conflict which preceded the Civil War.

    - - - -

    John Pillers
    John Pillers
    Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

    'We're putting the band back together'


    • #3
      So what did ya' think? BAD BLOOD

      For those who had the opportunity to see the film on KCPT......... What did you think about it? (highlights, 'wish this had been part of it..", emmy material?, etc.)
      Jay Stevens
      Tater Mess
      Independent Volunteers
      Iron Man Mess
      Reenactor Preservation Coalition
      Friends of Historic Lone Jack

      Wyandotte Lodge # 03, AF&AM

      Into The Piney Woods, March 2009
      Lost Tribes, October 2009
      Bummers, November 2009
      Backwaters, March 12-14 2010
      The Fight For Crampton's Gap July 2010
      In the Van, August 2010
      Before The Breakout Sept 2010

      "If You Want To Call Yourself A Campaigner, You Attend True Campaign Events" -B. Johnson


      • #4
        Re: So what did ya' think? BAD BLOOD

        Would've given either of my kidneys to catch it, but obviously we don't have television out here, let alone PBS. Is there anywhere I can get my hands on a copy of the show that can ship to APO addresses? Dying to take a look!
        [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Eric Michael Burke[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
        [I][URL=""]Salt River Rifles[/URL][/I]

        [URL=""]Forty Rounds: Fifteenth Army Corps, 1862-1865[/URL], Blog Owner.

        [SIZE="1"][i][U][B][COLOR="DimGray"]In Proud Memorium:[/COLOR][/B][/U]
        [B]Pvt. James Swingler Chandler (3x Great Grandfather)
        [/B]Co. H, 111th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
        [B]Pvt. John D. Linthicum (4x Great Grandfather)
        [/B]Co. F, 118th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
        [B]Pvt. Martin Van Buren Straight (3x Great Grandfather)
        [/B]Co. E, 23rd Missouri Volunteer Infantry
        [B]Cpl. Andreas Schoen (3x Great Grandfather)
        [/B]Co. A, 30th Missouri Volunteer Infantry
        [B]Pvt. Madison Burke (3x Great Grandfather)
        [/B]Battery B, 1st Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery
        [B]Pvt. Eli Bell (4x Great Grandfather)
        [/B]Co. C, 31st Alabama Infantry[/i][/SIZE]


        • #5
          Re: So what did ya' think? BAD BLOOD

          The best thing you can do is call or email your local pbs station and ask them to request it. It will be made available in markets this spring which request it here soon, but of course interest throught the 'squeaky wheel' axiom will get it there sooner.

          It received rave reviews from the Kansas City Star as well, which is very surprising from a nationally known, very far left paper.

          I think my highlights with the film were it actually came out and said, "the winners write the history books", and it captured the feel of the country on a collision course based on the events. It had in some ways a Ken Burn's feel to it as well. It is the first time I have actually seen the cases of both sides (North and South) represented and argued so well.

          Best Regards
          Jay Stevens
          Tater Mess
          Independent Volunteers
          Iron Man Mess
          Reenactor Preservation Coalition
          Friends of Historic Lone Jack

          Wyandotte Lodge # 03, AF&AM

          Into The Piney Woods, March 2009
          Lost Tribes, October 2009
          Bummers, November 2009
          Backwaters, March 12-14 2010
          The Fight For Crampton's Gap July 2010
          In the Van, August 2010
          Before The Breakout Sept 2010

          "If You Want To Call Yourself A Campaigner, You Attend True Campaign Events" -B. Johnson


          • #6
            Re: So what did ya' think? BAD BLOOD

            I thought there were too many of the same original photos in it, over and over. The narration was good, and the music superb! Not enough shots of the STAR though......

            WAKE UP OLE BOY! I give it 4 stars out of a possible 5 , but, I'm a little biassed.


            • #7
              Re: So what did ya' think? BAD BLOOD

              I liked it over all. My face on a silver screen is the largest I have ever seen it. (Now for my plot to take over the world)
              Music was good but was surprised that there wasn't any p.c. minstrel tunes.
              Mr. Bruegger did very well in his parts as did the others.
              Shane Seley has outdone himself and we can only wait with anticipation to see his future work.
              Frank Aufmuth
              Frank Aufmuth
              When you hear my whistle, Hell will be upon you.


              • #8
                Re: So what did ya' think? BAD BLOOD


                One of you boys that has access needs to tape a copy, or CD a copy, or whatever the modern useage is, and send it to Mr. Burke at his APO address. Get up with him and see what sort of equipment they have to play stuff on.

                That constitutes 'fair use' I believe, and its not like they have public TV where he is stationed.
                Terre Hood Biederman
                Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                • #9
                  Re: So what did ya' think? BAD BLOOD

                  Sent you a PM. I think I can fill your wish, you keep yer kidneys. My twin brother's in Iraq right now too. Anything I can do for you guys over there!

                  Best Regards,

                  Marty Rubin
                  Tater Mess


                  • #10
                    Re: So what did ya' think? BAD BLOOD

                    We can get this to Eric and all the boys across the pond soon. It will be released on dvd and vhs shortly. This was just the local premiere.
                    Jay Stevens
                    Tater Mess
                    Independent Volunteers
                    Iron Man Mess
                    Reenactor Preservation Coalition
                    Friends of Historic Lone Jack

                    Wyandotte Lodge # 03, AF&AM

                    Into The Piney Woods, March 2009
                    Lost Tribes, October 2009
                    Bummers, November 2009
                    Backwaters, March 12-14 2010
                    The Fight For Crampton's Gap July 2010
                    In the Van, August 2010
                    Before The Breakout Sept 2010

                    "If You Want To Call Yourself A Campaigner, You Attend True Campaign Events" -B. Johnson

