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Info on the 34th Ohio?

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  • Info on the 34th Ohio?

    Greetings to all,

    At an event this past weekend in Georgetown, Ohio I was discussing certain units that came from Clermont County with a gentleman. One of the units that came up in the discussion was the 34th Ohio, which at times was referred to as the 1st Ohio Zouaves or Piatt Zouaves. The topic came up about their uniforms. Which I have read tid-bits here and there about the unit, and just reference in the beginning of the war they were attired as Zouaves. Does anybody have an exact description of their uniforms as Zouaves?

    I am really curious. I have heard one description from one person, then heard another from some one else; and they are all completely different. Stuff I have read from the Cincinnati Historical Society Library from newspaper clippings, and letters just always refer to them as "Zouaves", or "their splendid Zouave attire".

    I ran across this thread with a link to an image of a supposed member of the 34th Ohio. However the image looks more like a member of the 54th Ohio. Or were the 34th and 54th Ohio uniformed alike as Zouaves?

    Any help would be appreciated in my little quest of curiosity
    Christopher D. Edwards

    "The fight we had the other day has taught me one thing, and that is never carry anything more with me than I absolutley need and can carry on my back in case of necessity. It will not do to try to play soldier and gentleman at the same time....You must take it rough."
    The Gibson House Mess

  • #2
    Re: Info on the 34th Ohio?

    There is a little bit of information in Mike MacAfee's book "Zouaves." Seems that the 34th had the distinction of being one of the few Zouave regiments that was mounted, at least for one particular period in 1861.

    Even more information can be found in Don Troiani's "Regiments and Uniforms of the Civil War," including a nice painting of the uniform along with good descriptive text.

    Hope this helps.

    John Tobey


    • #3
      Re: Info on the 34th Ohio?

      Hi Chris,

      Hope you are well.

      It's pretty much accepted that the two regiments were uniformed independently. However it seems that there is probably a little more to the story than what has been assumed and speculated on over the years. One fellow to get a hold of is Richard Warren in the UK. Richard is a member of the Company of Military Historians and has done several plates for the "Military Uniforms in America" series published in "Military Collector and Historian".

      He recently has focused on Ohio's procurement effort and his plate on the first regiments to have been raised at Dennison was published within the last year or so in MC&H. I corresponded with him during the preperation of that plate and he told me of his intent to publish a second plate which would focus on the two zouave regiments. Seems he had found primary source that points to a "second" common uniform furnished both regiments before leaving Ohio.

      Another would be Larry Strayer, of course.

      It's something too which I have had an interest in of late as a couple of the locals have expressed interest in puting together a Piatt's impression for local living histories.

      At least two dozen images are extant, a couple being quite impressive with regard to content and detail. A uniform with solid provenance (it appears to be an actual uniform from the 34th and not a veteran's piece or something of sort) survives that was offered on the open collecting market a few years ago and which eventually ended up in a public institution. Am in the process of tracking that down as well several other objects that are believed or known to be in either private hands or tucked away in local historical societies. One of which is in your neck of the woods btw, if you are interested in perhaps doing a bit of foot/detective work with us ("us" being primarily Joe Hill and myself, that is). Don't happen to know any Brown County public officials do you?

      Also, a couple of period illustrations that were featured in either Harper's or Leslie's. A portrait of a teenage musician of the 34th and two others of the 34th in action in West Virginia.

      So, lots of stuff to check out. I'll be at the show this weekend somewhere around the Blue Acorn Press booth, or at Jerry Raisor's table, so if you happen to come up we can discuss a bit further if you are interested.

      Anyway, again, hope all is well.:)



      Last edited by Agate; 05-02-2007, 09:46 AM.
      John Sarver


      • #4
        Re: Info on the 34th Ohio?

        Mr. Tobey thank you for your reply, and especailly thank you Mr. Sarver.

        I have always had some type of interest in the 34th Ohio, since I got into the hobby back in 1991. Especailly since I have always lived with in a mile or two of the Camp Lucas site (Olive Branch Fairgrounds), where they were organized before preceding to Camp Dennison in 1861. I just really have not put much thought into doing any serious or indepth research into the unit until as of late.

        I do know a few people involved in the Goverment of Georgetown, Ohio & Brown County. Pretty much everyone that is involved with Goverment out there gets involved with U.S. Grant Days event every April. I wouldn't might helping you and Joe do work and research on the 34th. I need to send you a PM on another subject any ways Mr. Sarver. So thank you for your input. I wouldn't mind doing a 34th Ohio impression for local living histories.

        Any ways thanks to all for their input thus far.
        Christopher D. Edwards

        "The fight we had the other day has taught me one thing, and that is never carry anything more with me than I absolutley need and can carry on my back in case of necessity. It will not do to try to play soldier and gentleman at the same time....You must take it rough."
        The Gibson House Mess


        • #5
          Re: Info on the 34th Ohio?

          Being a native Ohioan, I too am interested in putting together a 34th O.V.I. impression for future living histories. I don't know how helpful I can be up here in Michigan but I will get in touch with some collectors and researchers I know to find out what I can. Tracking down an original 34th uniform would be very interesting.

          Brian White
          Wambaugh, White, & Co.
          Brian White
          [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


          • #6
            Re: Info on the 34th Ohio?


            Did you see the dispaly of "OHIO" Zoauve images in the Cafeteria Building at Mansfield? I glimpses at them over so briefly, while in search of housewifes. If you saw the dispaly and know the vendor that may be a good place to start. If not I will see if I can find out what vendors were in that building. The gentleman had about 10 Zouave images. In addition, none of them were 76th OVI "veteran" jacket images.
            Todd Morris

            Proprietor, Morris & Company Historical Clothiers


            Canton Lodge #60 F&AM Canton, Ohio

            In Memorium: Pvt. Simon Morris, Co. G, 78th OVI Died: April 14, 1863 Jefferson Barracks, Missouri
            Joseph Rezin Thompson, 1st W.Va. Light Artillery
            Azville W. Lindsey, Co. G, 12th W.Va. Volunteer Infantry


            • #7
              Re: Info on the 34th Ohio?

              Has anyone ever checked out the museum/home of Abram S. Mac-A-Cheek Castle near West Liberty Ohio? The impressive home was built right after the war and features a large library (which may or may not be Piatts own). Might have some source material that could help with research/ history of the 34th OVI and its connection to the 54th OVI. Worth a shot I would think.

              Kent Dorr
              "Devils Own Mess"

