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How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

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  • #91
    Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

    Along with the tremendous sense of pleasure I take away from this event, I also take with me a certain bit of pride in making it. Mostly though, I feel incrediby grateful to be the recipient of the work that you and others put in to making Glendale such a success. Thank you.
    Peter Julius
    North State Rifles

    "North Carolina - a vale of humility between two mountains of conceit." Unknown author


    • #92
      Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

      Here's mine:

      Gaines Mill
      Mill Spring
      Cold Harbor
      Lookout Mountain
      Allatoon Past
      Picketts Mill

      Aaron Schwieterman


      • #93
        Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

        Hmmm, not counting some of the fed and state locales, some others come to mind....

        - Sap approach of the 37th Ill. Vol. Regt. at Fort Blakely, AL

        - Shaifer (sp?) House outside of Port Gibson, MS

        - Belmont, MO

        - Near the visitor center bathroom at Kennesaw Mountain, GA :(

        - Briefly, at the marker where 81st Ill. Vol. Regt. colonel got pegged during the assault on the La. Redan at Vicksburg, MS (there was a thunderstorm approaching)

        More to come?
        John Pillers
        John Pillers
        Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

        'We're putting the band back together'


        • #94
          Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

          Chickamauga, Geo.
          Antietma, Md.
          Funkstown, Md.
          Monocacy, Md.
          South Mountain, Md.
          Bentonville, N.C.
          Gettysburg, Penn.
          Spring Hill, Tenn.
          Appomattox, Va.
          Brandy Station, Va.
          Cedar Creek, Va.
          Cedar Mountain, Va.
          Cold Harbor, Va.
          Cross Keys, Va.
          Fort Harrison, Va.
          Fredericksburg, Va.
          Gaines' Mill, Va.
          Kernstown, Va.
          McDowell, Va.
          Malvern Hill, Va.
          Manassas, Va.
          New Market, Va.
          Payne's Farm, Va.
          Port Republic, Va.
          Sayler's Creek, Va.
          Harpers Ferry, W.Va.
          Rich Mountain, W.Va.

          Eric J. Mink
          Co. A, 4th Va Inf
          Stonewall Brigade

          Help Preserve the Slaughter Pen Farm - Fredericksburg, Va.


          • #95
            Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

            It is not funny however poor French I am...:cry_smile
            But if we want to speak about the number of events, I indeed want to play :D
            William Miconnet
            French Mess
            BGR & IPW Survivor
            Never ever give up!
            In memory of Steve Boulton, live the little story, lost in the history...
            I believe!


            • #96
              Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

              Peter, Thanks for this thread. It makes me think more about the men that walked there.

              1. Gettysburg, PA
              2. South Mountain, MD
              3. Sharpsberg, MD
              4. Rich Mountain, WVA
              5. Droop Mountain, WVA
              6. Dry Creek, WVA
              7. Manassass, VA
              8. Kernstown, VA
              9. Cedar Creek, VA
              10. Winchester, VA
              11. New Market, VA
              12. Gordonsville, VA (Exchange Hotel, both inside and outside)
              13. Orange, VA (Charles you will get a kick out of this 'cause everything goes through Orange)
              14. Wilderness, VA (Ellwood)
              15. Wilderness, VA (Paynes Farm)
              16. Chancellorsville, VA
              17. Fredericksburg, VA
              18. Trevillians Stations, VA
              19. Brandy Station, VA
              20. Kelly's Ford, VA
              21. Malvern Hill, VA
              22. Glendale, VA
              23. Petersburg, VA
              24. Appomattox, VA
              25. Sayler's Creek, VA
              26. Bristoe Station, VA
              27. McDowell, VA
              28. Bethel Church, VA
              29. Bentonville, NC
              30. Fort Pulaski, SC
              31. Chickamauga, GA
              32. Madison, VA
              33. Mounmouth, NJ (I like Kevin don't understand this one either)
              34. Atlanta, GA
              35. Richmond, VA
              36. Spring Hill, TN
              37. White Oak Road, VA

              I have to many other places as a civilian but not as a reenactor.

              Peter J. McCarthy
              POC'R Boys Mess/Columbia Rifles
              Peter J. "Pete" McCarthy
              POC'R Boy's Mess/Columbia Rifles

              "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10


              • #97
                Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

                Dangit! I still haven't slept at Glendale.
                [B]Charles Heath[/B]

                [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

                [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

                [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

                [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

                [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

                [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


                • #98
                  Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

                  He is my short list,

                  1. Appomattox Courthouse
                  2. Cedar Creek
                  3. Cold Harbor
                  4. Fisher's Hill
                  5. New Market
                  6. Sailor's Creek
                  7. Chattanooga
                  8. Shiloh
                  9. Stones River
                  10. Gettysburg
                  11. Bentonville
                  12. Carthage
                  13. Athens
                  14. Antietam
                  15. South Mountain
                  16. Perryville
                  17. Pickett's Mill

                  Now I have visited many many others
                  Wm Green :D
                  Illegitimi non carborundum
                  (Don’t let the bastards grind you down!)

                  Dreaming of the following and other events

                  Picket Post

                  The like to do a winter camp.....hint hint...


                  • #99
                    Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

                    Here's my list as far as I can remember:

                    Civil War

                    -Olustee, FL
                    -Fredericksburg, VA
                    -Bentonville, NC
                    -Ft. Fisher, NC
                    -Ft. Macon, NC
                    -Ft. Branch, NC
                    -Fort Anderson, NC
                    -Bennett Place, NC (surrender site)
                    -Petersburg, VA (breakthrough site and City Point)
                    -Yorktown, VA
                    -Williamsburg, VA
                    -Brandy Station, VA
                    -McDowell, VA
                    -Gettysburg, PA
                    -Sharpsburg, MD
                    -South Mills, NC
                    -Norfolk, VA
                    -Roanoke Island, NC

                    Non C.W.

                    -Trenton, NJ
                    -Guilford Courthouse, NC
                    -Fort Dobbs, NC
                    -Moore's Creek, NC
                    -House in the Horseshoe, NC
                    -Brattonsville, SC
                    -Camden, SC
                    -Charleston, SC
                    -King's Mountain, SC
                    -Cowpens, SC

                    Probably a couple I'm forgetting!
                    Scott Douglas


                    • Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

                      Near as I can recall I have slept on the folowing battlefields:

                      Pleasant Hill, LA
                      Mansfield, LA
                      Port Hudson, LA
                      Fort DeRussy, LA
                      Vicksburg, MS
                      Port Gibson, MS
                      Grand Gulf, MS
                      Raymond, MS
                      Spring Hill, TN

                      There may be more but CRS* has set in.

                      *can't remember stuff
                      [I]Melvin Scott Faris[/I]


                      • Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

                        Only Cedar Creek
                        Gettysburg this summer.
                        Tyler McHone
                        Liberty Rifles


                        • Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

                          1. Shiloh
                          2. Stones River
                          3. Franklin (Slaves Cabin & Back Porch Carter House)
                          4. Cedar Creek
                          5. Gettysburg
                          6. Pickets Mill
                          7. Bibbs Furnace, AL.
                          8. Tunnel Hill
                          9. Resaca
                          10. Chickamauga
                          11. Ft. Donaldson
                          12. Lookout Mountain
                          13. Kennesaw Mountain
                          14. Lee & Gordon's Mill
                          15. Chattanooga
                          16. Athens, AL.
                          17. Decatur, AL.
                          18. Spring Hill
                          19. Florence, AL. (Hood's Crossing the Tennessee River)
                          Last edited by maineman; 04-24-2008, 08:39 PM. Reason: CRS in remission
                          Pvt. S.D. Henry
                          Co. A 3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry
                          "Bath City Greys"


                          • Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

                            Hmmh-- Over my life--
                            1) Sayler's Creek (also used to go parking there as a teenager)
                            2)Five Forks
                            3) Fort Harrison
                            4)Malvern Hill
                            5)Southerland Station
                            6) Sixth Corps Break at Petersburg (used to work there)
                            7) Chancellorsville / Wilderness
                            8) Fredericksburg
                            9) Balls Bluff
                            10) Brandy Station
                            11) New Market
                            12) Newmarket Heights near Richmond
                            13) Fishers Hill
                            14) Cedar Mountain
                            15) South Mountain
                            16) Cedar Creek
                            17) Winchester
                            18) Appomattox
                            19) various spots on MacClellan's Peninsula Campaign
                            20) Spottsylvania C.H.
                            21) Durham Station
                            22) Bentonville
                            23) Avrasboro
                            24) Perryville
                            25) Sharpsburg
                            26) Gettysburg
                            27) Burkes Station/ Nottoway Court House / Blacks and Whites (does growing up there count?)
                            28) Fort Jackson
                            29) Fort Pulaski
                            30) Fort Delaware

                            There are probably some more but my mind isn't as sharp as it was...

                            D Harrelson


                            • Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

                              As of last weekend, I can now add Malvern Hill and Glendale to my list. :)


                              • Re: How Many Battlefields Have You Slept On?

                                Add from this past weekend:
                                15.) Fox's Gap, MD
                                Peter Julius
                                North State Rifles

                                "North Carolina - a vale of humility between two mountains of conceit." Unknown author

