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"New" Civil War Ambulance

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  • #16
    Re: "New" Civil War Ambulance

    Originally posted by verg View Post
    That image is the basis of our website banner - take a look in my sig line below. NA says it is from Spring of '64 (Marye's Heights). Miller's Photographic history say it was Spring of '63. Both agree it was taken at Fredericksburg. In any event, It shows numerous m1859 (2 wheel) and a couple of M1859 (4 wheel) ambulances as well a m1859 Hospital Supply Cart. By the time that picture was taken, The AoP had undergone Letterman's reorganization with the institution of the Ambulance Corps.

    I would descibe the image as: "Elements of 2nd Corps, 1st Division's Ambulance Corp. "
    After my post, I went back and really looked at that picture. That was something else. After looking at the picture, I believe that they had it mislabeled, and your description is more accurate. You can see an entire regiment of soldiers in the background (at least), as well as all of the support of the Ambulance Corp in the foreground. I suspect after looking at it, that there were actualy no wounded in the image at all. Those that like disecting images on this board should be pressed to look closely at this one. It loks like the goal of the image was to show off all of the great technology that the Ambulance Corp posessed.
    Bill Kane
    Tar Heel Mess


    • #17
      Re: "New" Civil War Ambulance

      I love it. It looks great, truly. I hope I get to come out and see it ^_^
      Elizabeth Martin

      [I][COLOR="Navy"]"I had never met a man who didn't yell as he charged. It was what made him human, the shout either being a rally of brothers to do what you're ordered or a rally of the soul to do what you must."[/COLOR][/I]


      • #18
        Re: "New" Civil War Ambulance

        Let me just say i am not only IMPRESSED by this little apature but i am honorned that someone had the dedication to do the work to build it. That is totaly Kicken. Great Job

        Pvt. Benjamin N. Jenkins
        Muddy Water Mess

        <b>Do NOT buy from this User</b>


        • #19
          Re: "New" Civil War Ambulance

          There was a two-wheeled cart on, I believe, one of Rob Hodge's preservation march in Virginia a few years ago, as a water wagon. One of the huge advantages over a four-wheel model is the maneuverability through not just narrow woods roads, but woods.
          Bill Watson


          • #20
            Re: "New" Civil War Ambulance


            That'll be interesting to see. the ambulance, as well as a field dressing station and detailed men with litters will be put to use at September Storm. John is setting up the CS Medical portion to actually function as their real-life counterparts in removing casualties, doing intial evaluation and stabilization, and forwarding the most serious to the division hospitals. It sounds like a lot of work, but I suspect it will be quite rewarding for those of us in that portion of the hobby.

            Tim Kindred
            Medical Mess
            Solar Star Lodge #14
            Bath, Maine


            • #21
              Re: "New" Civil War Ambulance

              Truly impressive work.
              GaryYee o' the Land o' Rice a Roni & Cable Cars
              High Private in The Company of Military Historians


              • #22
                Re: "New" Civil War Ambulance

                To all,

                Thank you all for your kind words of praise. Please remember that it was not my project alone - but the combined contributions of many people who offered information, encouragement, advice and labor.

                Last edited by verg; 07-16-2007, 11:40 PM. Reason: typo . . .

                John Novicki
                Co. C, 2nd U.S.S.S.


                • #23
                  Re: "New" Civil War Ambulance

                  Truly a labor of love. What a fantastic replica.

                  Pete McCarthy and several other denizens of this board have been working on the rehab of a light duty spring wagon for a civilian impression. We have been at it for six months (off and on, mostly off), but, I have a true undying respect for Wheel-rights. Hats off to Emmit Burkholder (Amish buggy maker extraordinaire), who has guided us through the process. We make him laugh out loud.

                  Again, beautiful work. Simply beautiful.
                  Ley Watson
                  POC'R Boys Mess of the Columbia Rifles

                  [B][I]"The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it."[/I][/B]

                  [I]Coach Lou Holtz[/I]

