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Training Military History Detachments for war

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  • Training Military History Detachments for war

    For those interested:
    The Office of Army Reserve History trains Military History Detachments to record the Army's history in Iraq by giving the Basic Combat Historian Course twice a year at Chickamauga, Georgia. Interestingly enough, the instructors use knowledgeable reenactors and living historians for interview practice. Authentic living historians portray soldiers of the Union army at the battle of Chickamauga and tell their stories to modern day soldier students. The students practice the same interveiwing techniques on the first-person Civil War "actors", that they would use after deployment to Iraq.
    Those who are interested in participating in this program are offered lodging, gas and meals by the Army, for their time and poatriotic contribution to the mission. If AC forum members are interested in this program, they should respond to this message.
    Fred Adolphus
    Staff Curator
    National Museum of the Army Reserve

  • #2
    Re: Training Military History Detachments for war


    What a great job that must be!

    When I was in Baghdad about six months ago during my training pipeline, I had spare time one afternoon to tour the Al Faw palace, and happened to encounter a reserve Marine Lt Col who was the field historian for MNF-West. We had a great conversation. As I was leaving I asked, "Okay, Sir...I've gotta know: How exactly does a fellow go about landing a job like yours?" He laughed and replied, "I couldn't even begin to tell you, LT. I just sort of fell into it, and can hardly believe it myself!" I think he was being modest..His PhD in history probably had something to do with him receiving the position. :)

    The latest issue of the Marine Corps Historical Bulletin, "Fortitudine", has an excellent article on Marine field historians.

    My Dad always says his dream job is to be an ESPN college football cameraman. Mine is to be a military field historian...
    Last edited by Chad Teasley; 07-10-2007, 02:50 AM. Reason: typo
    Chad Teasley

    "Mississippians don't know, and refuse to learn, how to surrender to an enemy."
    Lt Col James Autry, CSA, May 1862


    • #3
      Re: Training Military History Detachments for war

      Chad, it may be time to jump Branches again, the Army Reserve has the largest contingent of military historians.

      Brett "Homer" Keen
      [I]"Excessively spirited in the pranks and mischief of the soldier"[/I]

      OEF 03-04 [I]Truth Through Exploitation[/I]


      • #4
        Re: Training Military History Detachments for war

        I am very intrested in this endeavor. Please email me the information and point of contact.
        [B][FONT="Georgia"][I]P. L. Parault[/I][/FONT][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][/FONT]

        [I][B]"Three score and ten I can remember well, within the volume of which time I have seen hours dreadful and things strange: but this sore night hath trifled former knowings."

        William Shakespeare[/B][/I]


        • #5
          Re: Training Military History Detachments for war

          Mr Adolphus,

          I am also interested in obtaining information regarding this program. I may be contacted through email via

          Tim Kindred
          Medical Mess
          Solar Star Lodge #14
          Bath, Maine


          • #6
            Re: Training Military History Detachments for war

            :)I am also interested in this. I sent you an e-mail on 23 Jul 07, with no reponse yet.

            Fritz Jacobs
            CPT, QM, USAR (Ret)
            Last edited by Fritz; 07-24-2007, 05:03 AM. Reason: Signature
            Fritz Jacobs
            CPT, QM, USAR (Ret)


            • #7
              Re: Training Military History Detachments for war

              I also requested information



              • #8
                Re: Training Military History Detachments for war

                I would be interested in it as well, I am TN National Guardsman, I wonder if that would be considered a confilct of interest? Anyway, I will "de-mob" in October, so please send me the info as well.
                Thanks-ELI GEERY
                -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
                "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
                "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
                "The Bully Boys"
                "The Hard Case Boys"
                "The Independant Mess"
                29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
                3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


                • #9
                  Re: Training Military History Detachments for war

                  I don't want to start any kind of "battle" here, but Mr. Aldolphus posted her 9 Jul 07 & today is 26 Jul (17 days ago) and there have are several posts where folks have expressed an interest on project. I personally posted here, as well as sending him an e-mail, with no response. I was wondering if anyone else has heard from him.

                  My question is, Is he REALLY interested in getting reenactors to participate in his project or is he just fishing (phishing)?
                  Fritz Jacobs
                  CPT, QM, USAR (Ret)


                  • #10
                    Re: Training Military History Detachments for war

                    I have not heard from him either, but maybe there is a valid reason?


                    • #11
                      Re: Training Military History Detachments for war

                      I was on my way back from leave and met the Military Historian for 25th ID, turns out you dont even have to be in the can be a contract historian working for the Center for Military History (CMH) He said he just applied for the job through the CMH and works as a GS level job.

                      He did state that the majoraty of Military History teams are reservists but that civilians are now coming into it because of the lack of resevists to fill all the billets and because of the limits on reservists deploying.
                      Jared Nichols

                      Liberty Rifles
                      - The French Mess

