I was in a small museum near my home today and saw an interesting sack coat with no description. This museum is attached to a gun shop and the person could not answer anything about the coat in question. It appeared to be a fairly regular union sack coat with a few exceptions. First, the buttons did not appear to actually close the front. Second, there was some form of black trim down the front on the button side. Third, there were (going to insert something since I don't know the correct term) clips that held the coat closed. Fourth, (something I have seen before) the collar had a clip to hold it closed, possibly standing up. This coat was in every other appearance similar to most sack coats. The mannequin it was on was setup as infantry with knapsack and accouterments worn. I looked through EOC and found nothing similar. Any possibles? Private purchase? Field or tailor mod?
I was in a small museum near my home today and saw an interesting sack coat with no description. This museum is attached to a gun shop and the person could not answer anything about the coat in question. It appeared to be a fairly regular union sack coat with a few exceptions. First, the buttons did not appear to actually close the front. Second, there was some form of black trim down the front on the button side. Third, there were (going to insert something since I don't know the correct term) clips that held the coat closed. Fourth, (something I have seen before) the collar had a clip to hold it closed, possibly standing up. This coat was in every other appearance similar to most sack coats. The mannequin it was on was setup as infantry with knapsack and accouterments worn. I looked through EOC and found nothing similar. Any possibles? Private purchase? Field or tailor mod?