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Yes, Having Farb Radar is Period.

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  • Yes, Having Farb Radar is Period.

    The 14th Connecticut celebrated St. Patrick's Day, 1864 while in winter encampment near Stony Mountain, V.A. with a day off from drill and fatigue duties. They descended upon the "spacious lecture room, which sometimes [was] used as a music hall for our splendid band to practice in, and still less often for the holding of divine service" to host a day filled with musicals and tableaux vivants.

    On the program was a tableaux called "The Hebrew Children; or, Isaac and Levi" which was performed to the band playing the Chorus: "Where, oh! where are the Hebrew Children?"

    Of this particular tableaux, E.B., the correspondent from the 14th for the Connecticut War Record noted:

    "This tableaux was exceedingly well received, and the only fault which I noticed was the anachronism of Levi wearing a pair of spectacles, the invention of which, if my memory serves me, is of a later date than the time of Levi."

    Wonder if he snapped back, "If he had them, he would have used them!"

    [From The Connecticut War Record, New Haven, C.T., Volume 1, pg 196.]
    Last edited by ThehosGendar; 09-05-2007, 12:05 PM. Reason: Stupid 's' not being where it should. I hate you, 's'! Harumph!
    Jason R. Wickersty

    Received. “How now about the fifth and sixth guns?”
    Sent. “The sixth gun is the bully boy.”
    Received. “Can you give it any directions to make it more bully?”
    Sent. “Last shot was little to the right.”
    Received. “Fearfully hot here. Several men sunstruck. Bullets whiz like fun. Have ceased firing for awhile, the guns are so hot."

    - O.R.s, Series 1, Volume 26, Part 1, pg 86.

  • #2
    Re: Yes, Having Farb Radar is Period.


    - Jay Reid
    9th Texas, ya'll
    Jay Reid


    • #3
      Re: Yes, Having Farb Radar is Period.

      Mr. Wickersty,

      Many thanks for your post - and not just because of Levi's spectacles. It seems obvious that "Where oh where are the Hebrew children" had to have been sung to the tune of "Where oh where has my little dog gone" (which was published in 1864 and based on an older German tune about lost socks - really).

      The idea of those fellows from Connecticut singing this on a cold March evening in Virginia just made me smile. You have proven once again that reading somewhat obscure historical texts is much more entertaining than - well - work for example,

      Your obedient servant,
      Michael Shea


      • #4
        Did someone say "socks?"

        I would be delighted if you've got the reference or any information on the song about "lost socks."

        Am completely fascinated with all things "sock-related."

        Karin Timour
        Period Knitting -- Socks, Sleeping Hats, Balaclavas
        Atlantic Guard Soldiers' Aid Society


        • #5
          Re: Yes, Having Farb Radar is Period.

          Well, I couldn't find that ole thread with the big guy from the "Chickahominy River, Va. Grapevine bridge" photograph (LC-DIG-cwpb-03792) so I guess I add some period "farbism" reference here. Sorry to throw off your literary example, Jason!

          Found a CDV of Scott J. Winfield (aptly named) of the 5th Company, Washington Artillery. Mr. Winfield seemed to be doing well for himself!

          Happy Friday,
          Attached Files
          Jason C. Spellman
          Skillygalee Mess

          "Those fine fellows in Virginia are pouring out their heart's blood like water. Virginia will be heroic dust--the army of glorious youth that has been buried there."--Mary Chesnut


          • #6
            Re: Yes, Having Farb Radar is Period.

            Maybe there is something to this "glandular problem" we hear so much about today...

            ~Matt Wood

