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Dandy clothing question

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  • Dandy clothing question


    I have a question. I know that Brooks Brothers manufactured a run of New York jackets and my question is this... did Confederate officers wear Burberry of London? Is there any reference to such an occurance. Burberry was founded in 1856 and since it has always been a fine clothier, I was wondering if anyone has ever come across such an instance.

    Last edited by Guy Gane III; 09-18-2007, 12:40 PM.
    Guy W. Gane III
    Casting Director/Owner
    Old Timey Casting, LLC.

    Member of:
    49th NYVI Co. B
    The Filthy Mess

    Historian since 1982 - Reenactor since birth - Proud Member of the 'A.C.' since September 2004.sigpic

  • #2
    Re: Dandy clothing question

    A minute's research revealed the following:

    Burberry was founded in 1856 when 21-year-old Thomas Burberry, a former draper's apprentice, opened his own store in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England.

    By 1870 the business had established itself by focusing on the development of outdoors attire.

    In 1880 Thomas Burberry invented gabardine, a hardwearing, water-resistant, yet breathable fabric, in which the yarn is waterproofed before weaving. Gabardine was patented in 1888.

    Do you think a small English store would have been selling uniforms to Confederates between 1861 and 1865?
    Robert Carter
    69th NYSV, Co. A


    • #3
      Re: Dandy clothing question

      Nope. Didn't know how they started. Thanks.
      Guy W. Gane III
      Casting Director/Owner
      Old Timey Casting, LLC.

      Member of:
      49th NYVI Co. B
      The Filthy Mess

      Historian since 1982 - Reenactor since birth - Proud Member of the 'A.C.' since September 2004.sigpic


      • #4
        Re: Dandy clothing question

        While I would generally agree with where this discussion is going...the following isn't a fair question:

        "Do you think a small English store would have been selling uniforms to Confederates between 1861 and 1865?"

        The bottom line is not that I don't think this coud/could not have's that in most cases we don't know. Like many things, I think if you looked hard enough, you'd find plenty of examples of small companies from a variety of places providing uniforms, accoutrements...etc. to the Confederacy between 1861-1865.

        Don't forget in almost every war throughout history, when a government is forced to rely upon contract goods, you will see a companies "pop-up" to fulfill the need...sometimes these companies don't just limp-on or disappear, they actually prosper for many generations.
        Paul B. Boulden Jr.

        RAH VA MIL '04
        (Loblolly Mess)
        [URL=""]23rd VA Vol. Regt.[/URL]
        [URL=""]Waggoner's Company of the Virginia Regiment [/URL]

        [URL=""]Company of Military Historians[/URL]
        [URL=""]Museum of the Confederacy[/URL]
        [URL=""]Historic Sandusky [/URL]

        Inscription Capt. Archibold Willet headstone:

        "A span is all that we can boast, An inch or two of time, Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flower and prime."

