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E. J. Thomas

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  • E. J. Thomas

    I have been trying to contact E. J. Thomas for about a month. No response to emails, or phone calls. I noticed the voicemail is full and the website is off line. Any one had contact with them recently? Are they still in business? I have a couple of their items and have some other items on order. I would like to detemine if I need to go to some one else for the Carbine boxes I need. I hate to do it - the folks at Thomas made a great product and were good to deal with.
    Can anyone help?

    Bill McKown

  • #2
    Re: E. J. Thomas

    Bill -
    You're not alone. Something is going on with them and we haven't been able to get to the bottom of it yet. Hopefully they resurface soon and all is well.

    If you were hoping to contact them about making a purchase, I suggest you look to the rest of our Approved Vendors. If it's about a previous purchase, send me a private message about it and if we hear from them, we'll be sure to pass the information along.
    Paul Calloway
    Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
    Proud Member of the GHTI
    Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
    Wayne #25, F&AM


    • #3
      Re: E. J. Thomas

      Originally posted by paulcalloway View Post
      Bill -
      You're not alone. Something is going on with them and we haven't been able to get to the bottom of it yet. Hopefully they resurface soon and all is well.
      All is well guys, I talked to Maryanne's dad and they are just really busy with real life jobs and trying to catch up on orders...much like the rest of us.

      I know from first hand experience how quickly e-mails can build up. I recently took a 3 day trip with my family and came home to a fully loaded voice mail, 164 e-mails and had hit my limits with the PMs on the AC. It took me nearly a day to catch up....a day away from the sewing machine mind you.

      I would ask that the membership be patient when dealing with your approved vendors, we all put in 12+ hour days and do our best running very small businesses to serve you. We welcome your phone calls and e-mails, but understand that while we do answer each one, it may not be faster than a speeding bullet.:tounge_sm
      [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


      • #4
        Re: E. J. Thomas

        Their work is really good so I do not mind waiting. I just wanted to know if there was a reason to wait.

        Bill McKown


        • #5
          Re: E. J. Thomas

          State of the Art. The hobby is fortunate at this point in time to have talented craftsmen like Lomas and Zilley at EJT. The website seems to be a persistent sore point for the enterprise. Catch them at an event. It is worth the effort.
          Craig L Barry
          Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
          Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
          Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
          Member, Company of Military Historians


          • #6
            Re: E. J. Thomas

            I would love to see them at an event, unfortunaley I am in Texas and rarely (much to my regret) have enought time off to hit an eastern event. The problem is compunded by the fact that I have to haul a couple of Horses.
            I had a couple items they were making and last I spoke with them they were just about done. I would love to get the items and I am sure they would like to be paid for the work.
            Bill McKown:)

