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Camp Chase Gazette and the Watchdog

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  • Re: Ripped Off

    At least Billing's work has passed into public domain. Perhaps his authorship was made perfectly clear in the unprinted citation.
    [FONT=Times New Roman]-steve tyler-[/FONT]


    • Re: Ripped Off

      In 2006 CCG has also printed several "articles" that are little more than an introductory paragraph and then cutting-and-pasting from the '61 Army Regs or a similar reference, which one can usually find online. I guess on one hand that's providing reliable info for readers, but on the other hand it's A) Not interpreting period source(s), just copying it and printing it, and B) It's certainly not new or fresh material, and C) It's, well, copying and most responsible journalistic endeavors avoid that.

      I believe that I'm starting to understand who some of the pseudonyms are. It's easy enough to tell that some of them are pennames, after all it reads like a Civil War participant list, or stuff that's on the bookshelf of many folks. The following guys are writing for CCG these days:

      John Billings
      Marcus Reno (Custer's Major at Little Big Horn)
      ..and others.

      Right here on this forum at least one person's been owning up to using pseudonyms for CCG. Unfortunately, I reckon that all this post will do is make the folks hiding behind pseudonyms adopt better camouflage, rather than abandon this irresponsible practice. After all, we know via posts on this forum that CCG is paying for articles--at least from certain contributors, so there's an easy-to-understand motive for submitting as many articles as possible.

      I hope I'm not being too harsh when I express my view that CCG's content in the past couple years has really been, ahem, substandard. However, there's been some oddly familiar and usually scholarly articles appearing in CCG lately, including the most recent issue. Note that "articles" is plural.


      • Re: Ripped Off

        Kevin, I don't think you are being too harsh. As a subscriber to any magazine, I hope to see that magazine meet a standard that makes me want to continue subscribing to it or recommending it to others. With this trend of what is going on, this standard to me is not being met by CCG and does not warrant extending my subscription.
        Tim Pedersen
        Somewhere on the West Coast


        • Re: Ripped Off

          Hope it all works out. Sorry that your hardwork got stolen.
          Breandan Mackie


          • Re: Ripped Off

            Kevin, I am no longer buying CCG, and I am ordering a subscription to CWH. An act of solidarity, Such blatant plagiarism is inexcusable.
            [B]Derrick Pugh

            Western Independent Grays

            "Yaller-hammer, Alabama, flicker, flicker, flicker,"
            I felt sorry for the yellow-hammer Alabamians,
            they looked so hacked, and answered back
            never a word." ~Sam Watkins


            • Re: Ripped Off


              Thanks for your support, but aside from the ethics of the recent pieces in CCG, I think you'll find CWH to be a quality magazine with some very good articles.


              • Re: Ripped Off

                Originally posted by Kevin O'Beirne View Post

                Thanks for your support, but aside from the ethics of the recent pieces in CCG, I think you'll find CWH to be a quality magazine with some very good articles.
                I'm curious if there has been any resolution on this since November 06.
                Paul Calloway
                Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                Proud Member of the GHTI
                Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                Wayne #25, F&AM


                • Re: Ripped Off

                  Not yet--things seem to be progressing slowly. Having "made a case" out of ti, I'll certainly post when/if there's a resolution of some type. Hopefully it will involve CCG publishing something about it that those of us "injured" will consider to be acceptable.


                  • Our position on plagiarism

                    I've added the following item to our FAQ and I want to post it here so our userbase is aware of it as well.

                    The admin staff considers plagiarism to be detrimental to this hobby and to our website. Copying someone elses work and directly quoting it or paraphrasing it without attribution is considered plagiarism. We urge everyone to do their own research or give credit where credit is due. We have banned users for blatant plagiarism of research articles in the past and will continue to act on plagiarism allegations in the future.
                    We're serious about this issue - the admins and mods were in consensus on this. We feel plagiarism damages our hobby by discouraging authors from continuing to publish and continuing to research. In academia, a plagiarist would be removed from the institution and we take it no less seriously here.

                    While I don't intend to name names, primarily because the person who has been removed can no longer come here in their own defense, I will say that we've just removed a user based upon evidence of plagiarism and we will do so again if the issue comes up again.
                    Paul Calloway
                    Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                    Proud Member of the GHTI
                    Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                    Wayne #25, F&AM


                    • Re: Our position on plagiarism

                      First rate!
                      [FONT="Book Antiqua"]"Grumpy" Dave Towsen
                      Past President Potomac Legion
                      Long time member Columbia Rifles
                      Who will care for Mother now?[/FONT]


                      • Re: Our position on plagiarism

                        Kudos to you sir.

                        Brett "Homer" Keen
                        [I]"Excessively spirited in the pranks and mischief of the soldier"[/I]

                        OEF 03-04 [I]Truth Through Exploitation[/I]


                        • Re: Our position on plagiarism

                          Absolutely it does damage the hobby. Plagiarism is an act of fraud. There are two crimes here since it involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward. There are five generally acknowledged "types" in various degrees from "cut and paste" to "uncredited paraphrasing". See Barnbaum, C. “Plagiarism: A Student's Guide to Recognizing It and Avoiding It.” Valdosta State University. It is also very easy to avoid if you are not both stupid and lazy.

                          Most magazine publishers, including The Watchdog, have received bogus articles submitted for publication which are not wholly original in content and/or improperly cited. In academe, the penalty is explusion of the guilty party. While "stealing" is a criminal offense, and plagiarism is "literary stealing" it is not punished as a criminal offense. Go figure. Therefore, even more than discouraging prospective authors from research and writing, plagiarism also negatively affects the prospective author's ability to get something published. Most publishers do not have the resources and time to check every footnote in every new article submission. The responsibility for correctly quoting, footnoting and citing your work completely rests with the writer, but the publisher often gets blamed "for not catching it." If The Watchdog editors had to fully check and research every footnote in something the scope of Columbia Rifles Research Compendium 2nd Ed it would never get published. But John Tobey, Kevin O'Beirne and the other subject matter experts who contributed to the CRRC spent many hours researching, writing, quoting and footnoting their submissions. We depended on their integrity and they did not go through that exercise so the material could be stolen by those who are intellectually lazy and dishonest.

                          It is greatly encouraging to see that the leaders here are protecting the interests and integrity of those who either use or post material on the Forum.
                          Last edited by Craig L Barry; 08-03-2007, 11:11 PM.
                          Craig L Barry
                          Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
                          Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
                          Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
                          Member, Company of Military Historians


                          • Re: Our position on plagiarism

                            Thank you Paul.

                            I presume this was a blatant example of plaigarism as well and not what I call an unintentional one where it was simply an oversight or something the author knew but didn't recall where he knew it from.

                            My wife edits a magazine and she recently nailed one company which had lifted a graphic from her magazine and also received a flyer from an ad agency that had photoshopped their staff onto photos of Boy Scouts without the permission of the BSA or the individual scouts. Needless to say the local council here, the council where the company was located, and the national office were not amused. And all this from supposedly professionals.
                            Robert Collett
                            8th FL / 13th IN
                            Armory Guards


                            • Re: Our position on plagiarism

                              Paul and I both reviewed the two articles in question along side the original articles published by another. Both Paul and I dealt with plagerism and it's detection through our degree programs. None of the skills we were taught were needed...blatent, obvious, and intentional are words that come close.
                              [FONT=Book Antiqua]Justin Runyon[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua]; Pumpkin Patch Mess: [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua]WIG-GHTI[/FONT]
                              [FONT=Book Antiqua]Organization of American Historians[/FONT]
                              [FONT=Book Antiqua]Company of Military Historians[/FONT]
                              [FONT=Book Antiqua]CWPT, W.M., Terre Haute #19[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] F&AM[/FONT]
                              [FONT=Book Antiqua]Terre Haute Chapter 11 RAM[/FONT]


                              • Re: Our position on plagiarism

                                Excellent job gents and thanks for the integrity to do something to correct the issue right away.
                                Tom Klas
                                Hard Head Mess
                                Citizens Guard

